If our bodies could run on fusion power

In summary, the question asks how much energy would be available to run your body if you could convert 0.8% of your mass into energy, and for how long could you operate on this fusion power. Using the mass-energy equivalence equation, the energy available would be 4.32x1016 J and you could operate for 3.6x1014 seconds. However, there may be complications with actually converting mass into energy and this simplification ignores those details.
  • #1
So I saw someone post this question on facebook and naturally being an Engineering student I'm curious to know now. I haven't done any Physics in a while so I'm not sure how you would tackle this one. The question was:

"The power needed to operate your body is about 120 watts. Suppose your mass is 60kg and your body could run on fusion power. If you could convert 0.8% of you mass into energy, how much energy would be available to run your body and for how long could you operate on fusion power?"

My first instinct was to just take 0.8% of 60 kg to get .48 kg and plug that into the mass-energy equivalence equation to get

E = (.48 kg)(3x1088 m/s)2
E = 4.32x1016 J

then do 4.32x1016 J/120 Watts to get 3.6x1014 second.

I'm not even sure if the mass-energy equivalence equation can be applied to this situation or not. I don't think there is a way to use the nuclear binding energy equations either, however I'm not a physicist and don't know nuclear physics too too well.

Well thanks for any explanations.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yes that's correct. All the complications as to how the energy would be made are swept under the rug by just saying "convert 0.8% of your mass into energy". All the interesting specifics go away by saying that.
  • #3
I thought so but just wasn't sure. Thanks for the help!

Related to If our bodies could run on fusion power

1. How would fusion power affect our energy consumption?

Fusion power has the potential to greatly reduce our energy consumption as it is a nearly limitless source of energy. This means that we would not have to rely on non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels, which have negative impacts on the environment.

2. Would our bodies be able to handle the high temperatures associated with fusion power?

Our bodies would not be able to handle the extremely high temperatures that are required for fusion reactions to occur. However, if we were able to harness fusion power, the energy could be converted into a form that is safe and usable for our bodies.

3. How would fusion power impact our health?

Fusion power would have no direct impact on our health as it does not produce harmful emissions or waste products. In fact, it could potentially improve our health as it would reduce our reliance on polluting energy sources.

4. What would be the potential risks of using fusion power in our bodies?

The biggest risk would be the manipulation and control of fusion reactions within our bodies. If not properly regulated, it could lead to dangerous levels of energy production, potentially causing harm to our bodies.

5. How close are we to being able to use fusion power in our bodies?

At this time, we are not close to being able to use fusion power in our bodies. Fusion reactions are currently only possible at extremely high temperatures and pressures, which are not suitable for use in the human body. However, scientists continue to research and develop new technologies that could potentially make fusion power a reality for use in our bodies in the future.

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