If T unitary show H hermitian (and the reverse)

In summary, the operator T(t+ε,t) describes the change in the wave function from t to t+ε, where ε is real and small enough to neglect ε^2. If T is unitary, it can be shown that H must be hermitian. Conversely, if H is hermitian, T is unitary. However, finding the reverse is more difficult, as it involves differentiating both sides of the equation with respect to a and considering the commutation of H and H^dagger.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An operator T(t+ε,t) describes the change in the wave function from to to t+ε. For ε real and small enough so that ε2 may be neglected, considering the eqtn below:
(a)If T is unitary, show H is hermitian
(b)if H hermitian, show T is unitary.

Homework Equations

$$ T(t+ε,t)= 1-\frac{i}{\hbar} \epsilon H(t) $$

The Attempt at a Solution

I've been making decent progress through a bunch of hermitian/unitary exercises, but this looks nothing them - or anything in the text, which have been all about matrix operation without any functions... I think firstly there might be some ways to work with equations using U and H matrices, if so a link or 2 or a beginners explanation would be great. Then also a hint as to how I might start this? Thanks :-)
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  • #2
What are the definitions of being hermitian? unitary?
  • #3
Thanks for the interest Robphy :-) I tried (a) If T unitary :
$$ T T^{\dagger} = 1 = (1-\frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H)(1-\frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H)^{\dagger} $$
$$ = (1-\frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H)(1+\frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H^{\dagger}) $$
But I've got something wrong? I can't work that so that $$ H=H^\dagger $$
Trying (b), solve for H:
$$ H=-\frac{(T-1)}{\epsilon}\frac{\hbar}{i} = i(T-1)\frac{\hbar}{\epsilon}$$
If H hermitian, then
$$ H^\dagger =- i(T^\dagger-1)\frac{\hbar}{\epsilon}=i(T-1)\frac{\hbar}{\epsilon}$$
$$ \therefore -(T^\dagger-1)=(T-1)$$
which is also wrong. Must be in the way I found the hermitian of expressions, but I split that into conjugate first, then transpose - can't see what I'm doing wrong (after many pages of scrap paper). Please check my working and let me know what I've misunderstood?
  • #4
For (a), carry out the multiplication.
Reread your problem statement.

For (b), I don't think it's a good idea to solve for H since (as you now hopefully saw in (a)) you need to use the approximation.
Assume the condition on H, what does it imply for T? Is the condition needed for T satisfied?
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  • #5
Thanks - good to know my arithmetic was ok, then for (a) I got
$$ 1-\frac{i}{\hbar} \epsilon H + \frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H^\dagger - \frac{-1}{\hbar^2} {\epsilon}^2HH^\dagger $$
Even though the problem says to ignore the ε2 term, it would be multiplied by H2; also h bar is ~ 10-34, so while I could ignore the ε2 term, I can't comfortably see how to justify ignoring the whole of
$$ \frac{1}{\hbar^2} {\epsilon}^2HH^2 $$

I know the limit as ε→0 = 0, but (h bar)2 is pretty small also; I have no feel for how small ε can be in practice... or how large H2 can be?
Similarly for (B), without solving for H - and having worked through all the hermitian properties I know of, the only thing that looked promising was to evaluate TT*, which gave a similar expansion to the above. Then if H*=H when H hermitian (which it doesn't) ... then TT* also =1 if unitary ...
So, sorry if I'm being dense, but another hint at (b) please?
I have finished all the other exercises in this section, except another similar one - so excuse me for referencing 2 in 1, but its probably the same bit of understanding missing in both; so thought it might be useful for any helpers to know that ...
The other eqtn is U=exp(iaH), a real. I easily showed U unitary if H hermitian, but again can't see how to do the reverse (I definitely don't want to solve for H here ;-) ) Thanks again.
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  • #6
ognik said:
Thanks - good to know my arithmetic was ok, then for (a) I got
$$ 1-\frac{i}{\hbar} \epsilon H + \frac{i}{\hbar}\epsilon H^\dagger - \frac{-1}{\hbar^2} {\epsilon}^2HH^\dagger $$
Even though the problem says to ignore the ε2 term, it would be multiplied by H2; also h bar is ~ 10-34, so while I could ignore the ε2 term, I can't comfortably see how to justify ignoring the whole of
$$ \frac{1}{\hbar^2} {\epsilon}^2HH^2 $$

I know the limit as ε→0 = 0, but (h bar)2 is pretty small also; I have no feel for how small ε can be in practice... or how large H2 can be?
Similarly for (B), without solving for H - and having worked through all the hermitian properties I know of, the only thing that looked promising was to evaluate TT*, which gave a similar expansion to the above. Then if H*=H when H hermitian (which it doesn't) ... then TT* also =1 if unitary ...
So, sorry if I'm being dense, but another hint at (b) please?
I have finished all the other exercises in this section, except another similar one - so excuse me for referencing 2 in 1, but its probably the same bit of understanding missing in both; so thought it might be useful for any helpers to know that ...
The other eqtn is U=exp(iaH), a real. I easily showed U unitary if H hermitian, but again can't see how to do the reverse (I definitely don't want to solve for H here ;-) ) Thanks again.

You shouldn't worry about ignoring terms like ##\epsilon^2##, it's an infinitesimal. It's supposed to be much smaller than anything else around regardless of the other values (i.e. it's infinitesimal). Just ignore it. Then you've got, ##TT^\dagger=1-\frac{i}{\hbar} \epsilon (H - H^\dagger)##. If ##T## is unitary then ##TT^\dagger=1##, what does that tell you about ##H-H^\dagger##? If ##H## is Hermitian what does that tell you about ##TT^\dagger## and ##T##?

And it is true that showing ##U=exp(iaH)## is unitary implies ##H## is Hermitian is a bit trickier than the reverse. In particular, you don't know a priori that ##H## and ##H^\dagger## even commute. So be careful. Start from ##UU^\dagger=1## and differentiate both sides with respect to a. See where that leads you.
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  • #7
I don't think "we can ignore the ##\varepsilon^2## term because it's small" is the best argument here. The equality holds for all ##\varepsilon## in some small interval that contains 0. I would say that the statement that gives us the best reason to ignore the ##\varepsilon^2## isn't the "small", it's the "for all".

Consider the statement that a,b,c,r are real numbers such that ##a+bx+cx^2=0## for all real numbers x in the interval (-r,r). It implies that a=b=c=0. Similarly, if ##a+bx+cx^2=d+ex+fx^2## for all x, then the coefficients of each ##x^n## must be the same on both sides, so we have a=d, b=e, c=f.

If we apply this idea to the result that
$$1=1+\frac{i}{\hbar}\varepsilon(H^\dagger-H)+\frac{\varepsilon^2}{\hbar}H^\dagger H$$ for all ##\varepsilon## in some interval that contains 0, then the conclusion is that ##H^\dagger=H##. At first it may seem that we can also conclude that ##H^\dagger H=0##, but this would be wrong. The reason is the calculation has already neglected other terms of order ##\varepsilon^2##, so the right-hand side is already wrong about second and higher order terms.
  • #8
All done, many thanks - was much easier than it first seemed once I stopped being too impressed by the actual equations :-)

Could you also - perhaps & please - have a look at https://www.physicsforums.com/threa...te-systems-scale-factors.806607/#post-5064384 and see if you can shed some light? Its from a previous section of the book, but I prefer to finish everything - its bothering me that I got close but seem to be missing something in terms of index and summation...Thanks again.
  • #9
There's something missing in your problem statement in that thread. You haven't defined the symbols and the notations you use. Am I right to assume that boldface symbols denote elements of ##\mathbb R^3## and that when you put a hat on such a symbol, it denotes the corresponding unit vector (e.g. ##\hat{\mathbf q}=\mathbf q/|\mathbf q|##)? You're mixing your notations in a weird way. Is there a difference between ##\hat{\mathbf q}_i## and ##\hat q_i##? Is the "relevant equation" supposed to involve ##\mathbf r## or ##\hat{\mathbf r}##?

It's very likely that you didn't get a reply because no one understood the question. If you explain the problem statement (in the other thread), I can take another look at it.
  • #10
Second Fredrik here. I had a look at that one too and couldn't make out heads or tails from the postings. A bit more context please.
My respect for your studying by correspondence and kudos for your tenacity. Keep it up and we'll help as best we can.
  • #11
Thanks Frederiks :-) My last post must have crossed with yours, I appreciate the extra on the infinitesimals (and wouldn't have concluded HH =0). I have not really been happy with the way infinitesimals are sometimes used, I will continue to thing about them as I blunder on. Switching to other question now...
  • #12
I think the best way to make sense of the term "infinitesimal" in a physics book is to interpret it as a code that let's the experienced reader know that the next calculation will involve a Taylor series expansion and that only terms up to some specific order will be included.
  • #13
Thats kind of where I was, but it is sometimes unsatisfying ...The proof above doesn't work without it being 'neglected', so what does that say about T (and H) if we didn't have ε?

BTW, thanks for the encouragement BvU :-)
  • #14
No, it does work. It's not about neglecting anything. It's about matching the coefficients of ##\varepsilon^0,\varepsilon^1,\varepsilon^2,\dots## on both sides. The fact that something had already been neglected in the calculation (actually in the definition of T) made it impossible to obtain a correct result from the coefficients of ##\varepsilon^2##, but it had no effect on the coefficients on ##\varepsilon^1## or the coefficients of ##\varepsilon^0##. We could neglect higher order terms because the result we're interested in is the equality of the coefficients of ##\varepsilon##, but doing so had no advantages other than shortening the calculation.
  • #15
that makes good sense thanks - we end up equating the coefficients of all sorts of things.

Any thoughts on the other problem after my latest post? Just let me know if you need anything else ...
  • #16
I took a look at it yesterday. I think I understand all the notations and stuff, but I wasn't able to prove the desired result for ##\frac{\partial\hat{\mathbf q}_i}{\partial q_j}## when ##i\neq j##. I will try again later today.

Related to If T unitary show H hermitian (and the reverse)

1. What is the relationship between T unitary and H hermitian?

The relationship between T unitary and H hermitian is that if T is unitary, then H is hermitian, and vice versa. This means that if T is a unitary operator, then it has a corresponding hermitian operator H, and if H is a hermitian operator, then it has a corresponding unitary operator T.

2. What does it mean for a matrix to be unitary?

A unitary matrix is a square matrix whose conjugate transpose is equal to its inverse. This means that if U is a unitary matrix, then U*U^H = I, where U* is the conjugate transpose of U and I is the identity matrix. In other words, multiplying a unitary matrix by its conjugate transpose results in the identity matrix.

3. What is the significance of a hermitian operator?

A hermitian operator is a linear operator that is equal to its own conjugate transpose. This means that if H is a hermitian operator, then H = H^H, where H^H is the conjugate transpose of H. The significance of a hermitian operator is that it represents a physical observable in quantum mechanics, and its eigenvalues correspond to the possible measurement outcomes.

4. How do you prove that T unitary implies H hermitian?

To prove that T unitary implies H hermitian, we can use the definition of a unitary matrix and a hermitian operator. If T is unitary, then T^H = T^-1. We can then substitute this into the definition of a hermitian operator, which is H = H^H, and we get H = T^-1T = I. This shows that H is equal to the identity operator, which is a special case of a hermitian operator.

5. Can T and H be both unitary and hermitian at the same time?

Yes, it is possible for T and H to be both unitary and hermitian at the same time. This means that T is a unitary operator that has a corresponding hermitian operator H, and H is a hermitian operator that has a corresponding unitary operator T. In other words, T and H are mutually inverse operators, and they both have the properties of both unitary and hermitian operators.

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