Big Bang Theory: If There's No Center, How Is Universe Infinite?

In summary, the conversation is about the "big bang" theory and its suggestion that everything came from a single point. However, the theory is not accurately represented by the name and the concept of a single point is a popular interpretation, not a scientific one. The rest of the conversation discusses the implications of this misconception.
  • #1
The "big bang" suggests that everything came from a single point. If this is true that how can there be no center? And if everywhere is the center, then the universe by definition has to be infinite. And if the universe in infinite, then how did it become that way?
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  • #2
RandyD123 said:
The "big bang" suggests that everything came from a single point.
No, it most emphatically does NOT suggest that to a physicist. The name "big bang" is a derisory term coined by Fred Hoyle to describe a theory of the universe that he disagreed with, but which was (and is) correct anyway. The "point" interpretation is strictly pop-sci, not science.
  • #3
RandyD123 said:
The "big bang" suggests that everything came from a single point

No, it doesn't.
  • #4
The OP question is based on a misconception. Thread closed.

FAQ: Big Bang Theory: If There's No Center, How Is Universe Infinite?

1. How is the universe infinite if there is no center?

The concept of the universe having no center is based on the idea that the Big Bang occurred everywhere at once, rather than at a specific point in space. This means that the universe has been expanding and evolving uniformly in all directions, without a central point of origin. Therefore, the universe does not have a physical center, but rather extends infinitely in all directions.

2. What evidence supports the idea of an infinite universe?

One of the main pieces of evidence for an infinite universe is the observed cosmic microwave background radiation, which is a remnant of the Big Bang. This radiation is evenly distributed throughout the universe, suggesting that the universe is uniform and infinite in all directions. Additionally, the ongoing expansion of the universe also supports the idea of an infinite universe.

3. Does an infinite universe mean there are an infinite number of galaxies?

While the concept of an infinite universe suggests that there could be an infinite number of galaxies, we are currently unable to confirm this. Our observable universe is limited by the speed of light and our technological capabilities, so we are only able to observe a portion of the universe. It is possible that there are more galaxies beyond our observable universe, but we cannot definitively say if they are infinite or not.

4. How does the concept of an infinite universe impact our understanding of time and space?

An infinite universe means that the universe has always existed and will continue to exist indefinitely. This challenges our understanding of time and space, as the concept of a beginning or end becomes irrelevant in an infinite universe. Additionally, the idea of an infinite universe also suggests that there could be other universes beyond our own, further complicating our understanding of time and space.

5. Are there any alternative theories to an infinite universe?

Yes, there are alternative theories to an infinite universe, such as the idea of a finite and bounded universe. Some scientists propose that the universe could be shaped like a three-dimensional sphere, with no edges or boundaries, but still limited in size. However, this theory is still being debated and there is currently no conclusive evidence to support it.

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