If Two Spaceships close at a speed of 1.4c ?

  • Thread starter Lightheavyw8t
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In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of closing speeds and whether two objects can appear to be moving faster than the speed of light relative to each other. The conversation includes examples such as particles in a particle accelerator and two spaceships approaching a target. While some argue that these objects can move faster than the speed of light, others argue that this does not violate special relativity because no mass is actually moving at the speed of light. The conversation also raises questions about information exchange and the possibility of objects still existing in their own space-time continua after being observed to collide.
  • #1
Although I have not as yet determined if time passes more slowly or more quickly after retirement, it has allowed me to explore subjects heretofore archived, such as Relativity. If the speed of light in a vacuum (c), is the same for every observer, does it follow that no information may be exchanged among observers at a speed greater than c? Quantum tunneling experiments appear to have succeeded in this regard. But how about space travelers?

First, consider a deaf observer and a blind "observer", and two high-powered rifles fired at them in unison from a distance. If the blind "observer" wishes to survive, he would do well to put his hand on the deaf observer's shoulder and duck when the deaf observer does, since the muzzle flashes will be seen before the bullets arrive, but the muzzle blasts will be heard just a little too late. Next, consider the Wikipedia entry for particle "closing speeds" below:

(From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-than-light#Closing_speeds) -
"Closing speeds

An observer may conclude that two objects are moving faster than the speed of light relative to each other, by adding their velocities according to the principle of Galilean relativity.

For example, two fast-moving particles approaching each other from opposite sides of a particle accelerator will appear to be moving at slightly less than twice the speed of light, relative to each other, from the point of view of an observer standing at rest relative to the accelerator. This correctly reflects the rate at which the distance between the two particles is decreasing, from the observer's point of view and is called the closing speed. However, it is not the same as the velocity of one of the particles as would be measured by a hypothetical fast-moving observer traveling alongside the other particle. To obtain this, the calculation must be done according to the principle of special relativity. If the two particles are moving at velocities v and −v, or expressed in units of c, β and −β, where

\beta \equiv v/c \,\!

then this relative velocity (again in units of the speed of light c) is

\beta_{rel} = { \beta - (-\beta) \over 1 + \beta ^2 } = { 2\beta \over 1 + \beta^2 },

which will always turn out to be less than the speed of light, regardless of the velocities of the two particles."

It seems that the particles collide and annihilate each other when an observer at rest relative to the accelerator thinks they will, and he thinks they are approaching each other at just under 2c- the poor "hypothetical fast-moving observer traveling alongside the other particle" never knew what hit him/them! Or, is he still merrily brewing tea in his own space-time continuum, somehow oblivious to the fact that we observed him/them to be annihilated?

Now, let's scale this up a bit. Draw the shortest possible straight line x-y between the Earth and Moon, and place a target at the midpoint. Have two opposing spaceships approach this target on a collision course a-b which is perpendicular to x-y, each one closing on the target at a speed, relative to the target, of .7c. Shine two laser beams from Earth so they intersect a-b at the minimum distance from the target to allow the travelers in each spaceship time to eject at their closing speed of 1.4c as seen by Earth observers, provided they notice when they pass by the beams. If they don't notice, there is a backup system. When Spaceship A crosses the beam, it illuminates its own laser beam aimed at a (broad spectrum) light detector alarm in Spaceship B, and Spaceship B instead fires a proton accelerator at .99c, (relative to Spaceship B) toward the approaching Spaceship A, which just happens to have a proton detector alarm on board. It seems to me that if the travelers fail to notice when they pass by the beams, the poor ("blind") traveler in Spaceship B will never know what hit him because he cannot receive light information from A at a speed greater than c, while the traveler in Spaceship A will be alerted just in time to yell "OH, SH_T!". Now, the important questions - Who conveyed information to whom, and when? Did they not collide at 1.4c (according to Earth observers), imparting "information" to both parties? Did not traveler A receive "information" about the impending collision even faster, at 2.39c? Do travelers A and/or B still merrily exist in their own space-time continua even AFTER observers on Earth see them annihilated?
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  • #2
Light signal will always outrun the approaching particle/ship. Two ships cannot be moving relative to each other at 1.4c. If they are going towards a target at .7c each, they are still moving towards each other at less than 1c and the light signal between them still travels at 1c. That means they'll always see each other before they collide.
  • #3
The two ships WILL move apart faster than light, relative to an observer in a third frame of reference, but this does not violate Special Relativity, since no mass is actually moving at C.
  • #4
K^2 said:
Light signal will always outrun the approaching particle/ship. Two ships cannot be moving relative to each other at 1.4c. If they are going towards a target at .7c each, they are still moving towards each other at less than 1c and the light signal between them still travels at 1c. That means they'll always see each other before they collide.

Your answer appears to contradict the wikipedia entry on "closing speed" from my original post, repeated here:
(From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faster-...Closing_speeds ) -
"Closing speeds

An observer may conclude that two objects are moving faster than the speed of light relative to each other, by adding their velocities according to the principle of Galilean relativity.

For example, two fast-moving particles approaching each other from opposite sides of a particle accelerator will appear to be moving at slightly less than twice the speed of light, relative to each other, from the point of view of an observer standing at rest relative to the accelerator. This correctly reflects the rate at which the distance between the two particles is decreasing, from the observer's point of view and is called the closing speed. However, it is not the same as the velocity of one of the particles as would be measured by a hypothetical fast-moving observer traveling alongside the other particle. To obtain this, the calculation must be done according to the principle of special relativity.

If protons can be made to collide at 1.99c, that means the collision happens before an observer riding alongside one of the protons will be aware of it, providing he relies upon light for the information. Or so it seems to me, anyway...
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  • #5
LBrandt said:
The two ships WILL move apart faster than light, relative to an observer in a third frame of reference, but this does not violate Special Relativity, since no mass is actually moving at C.

Umm, there are two spaceships, each with a mass > 0, and they are closing, i.e., APPROACHING each other...
  • #7
darkhorror said:
It's only in a third frame that they see them approaching each other at greater than c. In ether ships frame of reference the other ship will be approaching it at less than c.


That is correct, and it is what I stated above. Special Relativity does not prohibit two moving objects from having a relative speed > C as long as they are viewed from a third frame of reference.
  • #8
Lightheavyw8t said:
If protons can be made to collide at 1.99c, that means the collision happens before an observer riding alongside one of the protons will be aware of it, providing he relies upon light for the information. Or so it seems to me, anyway...
In relativity, unlike in Newtonian mechanics, the relative speed of two objects as seen in a third frame (the 'closing speed') is not the same as the speed of one of the objects in the rest frame of the other object. Remember that each frame uses its own rulers and clocks to measure speed as distance/time, and in relativity each frame sees the other frame's rulers as shrunk due to length contraction and their clocks slowed down and out-of-sync due to time dilation and the relativity of simultaneity, so it shouldn't be too surprising that the Newtonian rule doesn't work here. To find the velocity of one proton in the other proton's rest frame you have to use the relativistic velocity addition formula (which can be derived from the Lorentz transformation), in this case if each proton is approaching the observer 0.995c in the observer's frame (so he sees a closing speed of 0.995c + 0.995c = 1.99c), then in each proton's frame the other proton is approaching at (0.995c + 0.995c)/(1 + 0.995*0.995) = 0.99998744c.
  • #9
darkhorror said:
It's only in a third frame that they see them approaching each other at greater than c. In ether ships frame of reference the other ship will be approaching it at less than c.


My point is that observers in either ship will observe that the other ship approaches at less than c, but they will be annihilated, and surprised, by the collision at 1.4c, as seen from a frame such as the Earth. This follows from the wiki entry on "closing speed".
  • #10
Lightheavyw8t said:
My point is that observers in either ship will observe that the other ship approaches at less than c, but they will be annihilated by the collision at 1.4c, as seen from a frame such as the Earth. This follows from the wiki entry on "closing speed".
The speed at which they collide is certainly different in different frames, but all frames will make the same predictions about local facts like whether a particular light (or proton) signal from one ship will reach the other ship before they collide. In the Earth's frame, if you want to know whether a particular signal catches up with a ship before a certain moment, once the signal has been emitted the "closing speed" between the two ships becomes irrelevant and all that matters is the motion of the individual ship the signal is aimed at (and the motion of the signal itself), both of which are at c or slower in the Earth's frame. If you think there is some kind of contradiction between the Earth's perspective and the ship's perspective, it would help if you'd provide some kind of numerical example.
  • #11
JesseM said:
The speed at which they collide is certainly different in different frames, but all frames will make the same predictions about local facts like whether a particular light (or proton) signal from one ship will reach the other ship before they collide. In the Earth's frame, if you want to know whether a particular signal catches up with a ship before a certain moment, once the signal has been emitted the "closing speed" between the two ships becomes irrelevant and all that matters is the motion of the individual ship the signal is aimed at (and the motion of the signal itself), both of which are at c or slower in the Earth's frame. If you think there is some kind of contradiction between the Earth's perspective and the ship's perspective, it would help if you'd provide some kind of numerical example.

I have not seen any responses that refute my original post. If Spaceship B relies on light from Spaceship A, he will be surprised by his annihilation, but if Spaceship A relies upon a .99c proton stream generated by Spaceship B, or even a proton stream from a stationary source initiated when B crosses the critical laser beam, he will NOT be surprised by his annihilation. This conclusion follows logically from the wiki "closing speed" entry about the behavior of particle colliders.
  • #12
Lightheavyw8t said:
I have not seen any responses that refute my original post. If Spaceship B relies on light from Spaceship A, he will be surprised by his annihilation
Why do you think that? Any light signal sent by spaceship A will obviously reach spaceship B before spaceship A reaches spaceship B, since the light travels towards spaceship B faster than spaceship A does. (do you understand that a light signal travels at a speed of c in all frames, not just one particular frame?)
  • #13
LBrandt said:
That is correct, and it is what I stated above. Special Relativity does not prohibit two moving objects from having a relative speed > C as long as they are viewed from a third frame of reference.
Nobody sees the relative speed of two objects as greater than the speed of light. Let us say that:

Rocket A has a velocity of +0.7c relative to the Earth.
Rocket B has a velocity of -0.7c relative to the Earth.


Rocket A has a velocity of +0.9396c relative rocket B.
Rocket B has a velocity of -0.9396c relative to rocket A.
Earth has a velocity of -0.7c relative to rocket A.
Earth has a velocity of +0.7c relative to rocket B.

So absolutely nothing has a velocity greater than c relative to anything else in this scenario.

You cannot meaningfully say the combined velocity of rockets A and B relative to the Earth is greater than c. You can say the closing velocity of rockets A and B measured in the Earth rest frame is greater than c, but closing speed has a different meaning to relative speed.
  • #14
JesseM said:
Why do you think that? Any light signal sent by spaceship A will obviously reach spaceship B before spaceship A reaches spaceship B, since the light travels towards spaceship B faster than spaceship A does. (do you understand that a light signal travels at a speed of c in all frames, not just one particular frame?)

Please re-read the last part of the wiki "closing speed" entry (in italics) in my original post - you have just now refuted Einstein...
  • #15
yuiop said:
Nobody sees the relative speed of two objects as greater than the speed of light. Let us say that:

Rocket A has a velocity of +0.7c relative to the Earth.
Rocket B has a velocity of -0.7c relative to the Earth.


Rocket A has a velocity of +0.9396c relative rocket B.
Rocket B has a velocity of -0.9396c relative to rocket A.
Earth has a velocity of -0.7c relative to rocket A.
Earth has a velocity of +0.7c relative to rocket B.

So absolutely nothing has a velocity greater than c relative to anything else in this scenario.

You cannot meaningfully say the combined velocity of rockets A and B relative to the Earth is greater than c. You can say the closing velocity of rockets A and B measured in the Earth rest frame is greater than c, but closing speed has a different meaning to relative speed.

The bottom line is - when will they be annihilated, and who will be surprised? I place my bet on using "closing speed", and B will be surprised.
  • #16
Lightheavyw8t said:
My point is that observers in either ship will observe that the other ship approaches at less than c, but they will be annihilated, and surprised, by the collision at 1.4c, as seen from a frame such as the Earth. This follows from the wiki entry on "closing speed".

In ether of the ships frames of reference they will collide at a speed less that c.

In the Earth's frame of reference they will collide at 1.4c.

What does the collision have to do anything?

Why are they surprised?
  • #17
Lightheavyw8t said:
Please re-read the last part of the wiki "closing speed" entry (in italics) in my original post - you have just now refuted Einstein...
Yes, I've read it, you are obviously misunderstanding something because it is totally compatible with what I said, can you actually explain your argument as to why you think the light signal from A would take longer to reach B than A itself would? I suspect maybe you are confused because you are making an apples-and-oranges comparison of the closing speed of A with B in the Earth's frame (1.4c) and the coordinate speed of the light beam in the Earth's frame (1c). If you compare the closing speed of A with B (1.4c) and the closing speed of the light beam with B (1.7c), you can see that the light will get to B first; likewise, if you compare the coordinate speed of A (0.7c) and the coordinate speed of the light beam (1c), you can also see the light will get to B first.
  • #18
darkhorror said:
In ether of the ships frames of reference they will collide at a speed less that c.

In the Earth's frame of reference they will collide at 1.4c.
Thank you!

What does the collision have to do anything?
It imparts a sense of terminal finality to my thought experiment, don't you think?

Why are they surprised?
B is surprised if he relies on light from A, since he cannot receive light any faster than c, regardless of their closing speed. Since protons can close at > c, A will not be surprised. All I did was scale up behavior observed in particle colliders. My intent was to create a situation where information is transferred at > c. I gather you believe I succeeded...
  • #19
JesseM said:
Yes, I've read it, you are obviously misunderstanding something because it is totally compatible with what I said, can you actually explain your argument as to why you think the light signal from A would take longer to reach B than A itself would? I suspect maybe you are confused because you are making an apples-and-oranges comparison of the closing speed of A with B in the Earth's frame (1.4c) and the coordinate speed of the light beam in the Earth's frame (1c). If you compare the closing speed of A with B (1.4c) and the closing speed of the light beam with B (1.7c), you can see that the light will get to B first; likewise, if you compare the coordinate speed of A (0.7c) and the coordinate speed of the light beam (1c), you can also see the light will get to B first.

Seeing light is for wusses - I want my info at > c...
  • #20
Lightheavyw8t said:
Seeing light is for wusses - I want my info at > c...
Are you going to explain your argument, or did my comment that the closing speed between light and B is 1.7c clear things up for you?
  • #21
Lightheavyw8t said:
Thank you!

It imparts a sense of terminal finality to my thought experiment, don't you think?

B is surprised if he relies on light from A, since he cannot receive light any faster than c, regardless of their closing speed. Since protons can close at > c, A will not be surprised. All I did was scale up behavior observed in particle colliders. My intent was to create a situation where information is transferred at > c. I gather you believe I succeeded...

That makes no sense. first off they will close at > c in the Earth's frame of reference. Since light always moves at c in every frame of reference. Light going in one direction will move at +c, light in other direction -c. So they will close at 2c. But no information can be transferred since you are looking from the outside.

How exactly are you going to transfer information from A to B at > c when in ether frame of reference they are moving slower than c?

I will ignore the frame jumping. Also in each of there frames of reference it isn't like they would hit the other one and not see it coming.
  • #22
JesseM said:
Are you going to explain your argument, or did my comment that the closing speed between light and B is 1.7c clear things up for you?

There you go, refuting Einstein again - light CANNOT go from A to B faster than c.
  • #23
Lightheavyw8t said:
There you go, refuting Einstein again - light CANNOT go from A to B faster than c.
The idea that the speed of light is always c refers only to the coordinate speed of light in any given inertial frame. The closing speed between light and some other object can be greater than c, naturally. Neither Einstein nor any other physicist ever said differently.
  • #24
Lightheavyw8t said:
My point is that observers in either ship will observe that the other ship approaches at less than c, but they will be annihilated, and surprised, by the collision at 1.4c, as seen from a frame such as the Earth. This follows from the wiki entry on "closing speed".

No, it doesn't, because you are neglecting the closing speed between the light and the ships.

The Earth observer sees ship A travel to the left at 0.7c
The Earth observer sees ship B travel to the right at 0.7c
The Earth observer determines that the closing speed between A and B is 1.4c


The Earth observer sees the light from ship A travel to the left at c.
The Earth observer sees the light from ship B travel to the right at c.

Thus the closing speed between ship B and the light from ship A is 1.7c.
The closing speed between ship A and the light from ship B is 1.7c.

Since the closing speed between either ship and the light from the other ship is greater than the closing speed between ships, the light from each ship reaches the other before they collide.

This is true from the frame of either ship also. According to each ship, the light coming from the other ship approaches at c, while the other ship approaches at 0.9396c. The light, traveling faster, arrives first.
  • #25
darkhorror said:
That makes no sense. first off they will close at > c in the Earth's frame of reference. Since light always moves at c in every frame of reference. Light going in one direction will move at +c, light in other direction -c. So they will close at 2c. But no information can be transferred since you are looking from the outside.

How exactly are you going to transfer information from A to B at > c when in ether frame of reference they are moving slower than c?

I will ignore the frame jumping. Also in each of there frames of reference it isn't like they would hit the other one and not see it coming.

You know, I really tried to construct my original post as concisely as possible, but alas - the obfuscation has begun... no, wait - that must mean I'm right - THANK YOU!
  • #26
JesseM said:
The idea that the speed of light is always c refers only to the coordinate speed of light in any given inertial frame. The closing speed between light and some other object can be greater than c, naturally. Neither Einstein nor any other physicist ever said differently.

This is terrible news for the Cosmological Red Shifters - but maybe GOOD news for Halton Arp...
  • #27
Janus said:
No, it doesn't, because you are neglecting the closing speed between the light and the ships.

The Earth observer sees ship A travel to the left at 0.7c
The Earth observer sees ship B travel to the right at 0.7c
The Earth observer determines that the closing speed between A and B is 1.4c


The Earth observer sees the light from ship A travel to the left at c.
The Earth observer sees the light from ship B travel to the right at c.

Thus the closing speed between ship B and the light from ship A is 1.7c.
The closing speed between ship A and the light from ship B is 1.7c.

Since the closing speed between either ship and the light from the other ship is greater than the closing speed between ships, the light from each ship reaches the other before they collide.

This is true from the frame of either ship also. According to each ship, the light coming from the other ship approaches at c, while the other ship approaches at 0.9396c. The light, traveling faster, arrives first.

Sigh - another Einstein refuter, apparently...
  • #28
Lightheavyw8t said:
The bottom line is - when will they be annihilated, and who will be surprised? I place my bet on using "closing speed", and B will be surprised.

The bottom line is the maths. If ships A and B are a distance L apart in the Earth frame when they turn their headlights on then they will see each other after a time [tex]t_{see} = L/(v+c) [/tex] and they collide after a time [tex]t_{collide} = L/(2v)[/tex]. For any v<c, (v+c) will always be greater than (2v) so it will always be true that [tex]t_{see} < t_{collide}[/tex] and they will always see the other ship before the collision. Neither ship is "surprised".
  • #29
Lightheavyw8t said:
You know, I really tried to construct my original post as concisely as possible, but alas - the obfuscation has begun... no, wait - that must mean I'm right - THANK YOU!
You have no reference, either in the wiki article or anywhere else, for your notion that the closing speed between light and some other object must be c. So if you aren't willing to even explain your reasoning for this notion, and are just going to make insulting comments about anyone who points out the flaw in your reasoning, then the rest of us are probably going to conclude you're trolling and the I suspect the moderators will lock the thread.

It's easy to see that if the coordinate speed of light is c in a given inertial frame, then by the very definition of "closing speed", this must imply the closing speed of light with other objects can be different from c. For example, suppose a light flash is emitted in the +x direction of some frame from position x=0 light-years at time t=0 years in the coordinates of that frame. If its coordinate speed is c, then its position as a function of time must be given by x(t) = 1c*t. Meanwhile if a ship is at position x=17 light-years at time t=0 years, and it is moving with a coordinate speed of 0.7c in the -x direction in this frame, its coordinate position as a function of time must be given by x(t)=17 - 0.7c*t. If you set both these equations equal to one another and solve for t, you can see that at t=10 both the light and the ship will have reached position x=10, so that's when they will meet. Since the initial distance between them at t=0 was 17 light-years, and then they met 10 years later at t=10, by definition the closing speed between them must have been 17 light-years/10 years = 1.7c.

And if you don't trust my own argument that the closing speed between light and some other object can be different than c, I also found a published reference: this paper from the journal Physics Education, the full text of which is available http://www.btinternet.com/~jolinton/OtherItems/The_Twins_Paradox/Text.html on the author's own website. Look at the following paragraph, underneath the first graph:
Now what does Isaac's graph look like? The situation is a little more complicated here because Isaac can make one of two assumptions. The first is to accept that it is he who is moving through space and that when he is traveling away from Earth, messages take longer to reach him because the radio waves have to catch him up as he speeds away from the transmitter. (Once again, I must remind you, we are not talking Relativity here!), On the outward journey, Isaac is receding from Earth at 80% of the speed of light. One year out (when Christian sends his first message) he is 0.8 light years away. The radio waves are chasing him at the speed of light but the closing speed is only 0.2 light years per year. The radio waves will therefore take 0.8 / 0.2 = 4 years to catch him up and will therefore reach him at the precise instant that he reaches his destination. On the return leg, the closing speed between Isaac and the incoming messages is 1.8 times the speed of light. At this closing speed the time taken for a radio wave to meet the homecoming Isaac will be 1/1.8 = 0.55 years so Isaac will receive the remaining 9 messages in 9 * 0.55 = 5 years.
  • #30
Lightheavyw8t said:
Sigh - another Einstein refuter, apparently...

Nothing I posted refutes Einstein, you apparently just don't understand what he says.
  • #31
Lightheavyw8t said:
This is terrible news for the Cosmological Red Shifters - but maybe GOOD news for Halton Arp...
Again it seems like you're trolling. If you don't explain your basis for the claim that the closing speed must be c (or find a single example of a reference which says this), or explain why you think this is in conflict with the idea of cosmological redshift, then I suspect this thread will soon be closed, this forum is supposed to be for substantive discussion rather than taunts and one-liners (also see the IMPORTANT! Read before posting thread, which points out that people aren't supposed to use this forum as a soapbox for arguing that mainstream conclusions in relativity are flawed).
  • #32
yuiop said:
The bottom line is the maths. If ships A and B are a distance L apart in the Earth frame when they turn their headlights on then they will see each other after a time [tex]t_{see} = L/(v+c) [/tex] and they collide after a time [tex]t_{collide} = L/(2v)[/tex]. For any v<c, (v+c) will always be greater than (2v) so it will always be true that [tex]t_{see} < t_{collide}[/tex] and they will always see the other ship before the collision. Neither ship is "surprised".

Thank you for the math, it's really flattering. But no matter how you slice it, light is NOT going to go from A to B faster than c - unless you, too, wish to refute Einstein...
  • #33
yuiop said:
The bottom line is the maths. If ships A and B are a distance L apart in the Earth frame when they turn their headlights on then they will see each other after a time [tex]t_{see} = L/(v+c) [/tex] and they collide after a time [tex]t_{collide} = L/(2v)[/tex]. For any v<c, (v+c) will always be greater than (2v) so it will always be true that [tex]t_{see} < t_{collide}[/tex] and they will always see the other ship before the collision. Neither ship is "surprised".

Just for fun I thought I would add that if only one ship turns their headlights on, so that they are relying on the radar reflection to warn them of imminent collision, then the equation for the radar return time is [itex]2Lc/(v+c)^2[/itex] and this is always less than the collision time [itex]L/(2v)[/itex] so they will still always have a warning period before the collision even if they have to wait for a radar reflection.
  • #34
Lightheavyw8t said:
Sigh - another Einstein refuter, apparently...
You would do well to check your attitude at the door. Janus and JesseM are well qualified and understand relativity very well. The fact is that you do not understand the terminology being used.

Specifically, a "closing speed" is not the velocity of either information or any object, so it is not limited to c. Here is a brief glossary:

velocity - the derivative of the coordinate position wrt time
speed - magnitude of the velocity
displacement - the difference in the coordinate positions of two objects
distance - the magnitude of the displacement
closing speed - the derivative of the displacement wrt time
relative velocity - the velocity of an object in a coordinate system where the reference object is stationary

From these definitions all of what the other posters have been trying to teach you follows.
  • #35
Lightheavyw8t said:
Thank you for the math, it's really flattering. But no matter how you slice it, light is NOT going to go from A to B faster than c - unless you, too, wish to refute Einstein...
You've given us a good chuckle, but enough's enough. Thread closed.

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