If universes are being spawned by a mother universe

  • Thread starter CCWilson
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In summary, this article is discussing the possibility of universes being spawned by another universe and the potential for interaction between them. Scientists are looking for evidence of earlier universes, which is an interesting concept. However, it is unlikely that universes would collide due to their different spacetime dimensions.
  • #1
If universes are being spawned by a mother universe ...

... would the mother universe be aware of its children?

This concerns the idea that our universe could have been spawned by an upper-level universe somehow, and we can't rule out the possibility that daughter universes could be spawned now and then from black holes in our own universe. On and on.

My assumption is that the mother universe would likely be unaware of its daughters, because they would exist in dimensions other than the mother's spatial dimensions. I'd also guess that the daughters would be unaware of their siblings because their dimensions would also be different, and even gravitational effects wouldn't be felt between siblings or between mother and child.

In other words, this is interesting to consider but even if there is a multiverse I doubt that there could be any interaction between universes, so it could never be proved.
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  • #2
My question is what happens to the 'baby' when momma evaporates? It looks suspiciously like 'free' energy to assume a complete causal disconnect.
  • #3
even if there is a multiverse I doubt that there could be any interaction between universes, so it could never be proved.

The course of physics for many years has been along lines of observation and measurement that would have astounded those of earlier generations...telescope...light microscope...electron microscope...CERN...PLANCK satellite...

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.
- Robert Goddard (1882-1945)
  • #4
I heard or read somewhere, I don't remember where or who said it, but they postulated that in the case of a multiverse existing, there is a possibility of collisions. And then universes could become aware of each other.. Just an interesting thought. It all seems kinda of farfetched, but, hey, so did the idea of the Earth revolving around the sun..
  • #5
  • #6
Naty1 said:
See this recent discussion: scientists ARE seeking evidence of earlier universes...


That's all speculative. It would be so cool if there were interaction between universes that we might be letting ourselves be seduced by any theory that suggests the possibility. It just seems to me that if each universe has its own spacetime - its own space and time - then a collision sounds unlikely. Hope I'm wrong. It's almost impossible for me to get my mind around such concepts as separate spacetimes, so I hope there are smarter dudes out there who can.
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FAQ: If universes are being spawned by a mother universe

1. What is the concept of a "mother universe"?

The concept of a "mother universe" suggests that there is a higher-level universe that is responsible for creating or spawning other universes.

2. How is a mother universe able to spawn other universes?

The exact mechanism by which a mother universe may spawn other universes is currently unknown and is a topic of ongoing research and speculation in the scientific community.

3. Are there any observable effects of universes being spawned by a mother universe?

Currently, there is no direct evidence or observation of a mother universe spawning other universes. However, some theories suggest that the presence of other universes may leave imprints or gravitational effects on our own universe.

4. Is it possible for a mother universe to cease spawning other universes?

Again, the answer to this question is currently unknown. Some theories suggest that a mother universe may eventually run out of energy or resources to continue spawning other universes, while others propose that the process may be infinite.

5. How does the concept of a mother universe fit into current theories of the origin of our universe?

The concept of a mother universe is still largely speculative and has not been widely accepted or integrated into current theories of the origin of our universe. However, some theories such as the multiverse theory do incorporate the idea of multiple universes existing simultaneously.

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