If we know the inductance of an iron-cored coil to be 200mH, and we

In summary, by removing the iron core from an iron-cored coil with a known inductance of 200mH, the new inductance can be determined by using the formula for inductance, which includes the permeability of the core material. Without knowing the permeability, it is not possible to calculate the new inductance accurately. Suggestions include researching the composition and permeability of the iron core or using a typical value for permeability. It is important to consider outside factors, such as nearby iron, that can affect the accuracy of the calculation.
  • #1
If we know the inductance of an iron-cored coil to be 200mH, and we remove the iron core such that the core is now air, how exactly can we determine what the new inductance is with just this information?
I played around with the equation for inductance, however, I could not seem to get it absent of the permeability for the iron core, which is not provided. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2

Because you can't get away without the [itex]\mu\;[/itex] of the iron core! Look up the composition and look up the [itex]\mu\;[/itex].
  • #3

How do you "look" up the permeability? Permeability isn't a constant, in fact it varies according to that cores specific B-H graph. Also, the question only gives the value I=200mH, however, it is able to be solved (considering the question explicitly points out "you most certainly do have enough information to answer this.)
  • #4

This sounds like homework to me. Are you sure the instructor did not provide a typical number for the permeability of an iron core during lecture? If not, google it and use that.

The question asks for 'how' so as long as you show your technique you should be fine... :)
  • #5

look carefully into "permeability"

and what is inductance...

there's u and u-sub0

one is permeability of free space

other is ratio of permeability of your core material (iron?) to that of free space
(iron's is higher)

you have replaced an iron core with air

so inductance decreased

and it's readily calculable by the formulas

but beware - in real world nearby iron will affect your result.
for example do not attempt to measure inductance of a long solenoid that's lying on a concrete floor, for the rebar in floor affects your readings..

Related to If we know the inductance of an iron-cored coil to be 200mH, and we

1. What is the formula for calculating the inductance of an iron-cored coil?

The formula for calculating the inductance of an iron-cored coil is L = (μ * N^2 * A)/l, where L is the inductance in henries, μ is the permeability of the core material, N is the number of turns, A is the cross-sectional area of the core, and l is the length of the core.

2. How do we measure the inductance of an iron-cored coil?

To measure the inductance of an iron-cored coil, we can use an inductance meter or an LCR meter. These devices apply a known AC voltage to the coil and measure the resulting current, allowing for the calculation of the inductance.

3. What factors affect the inductance of an iron-cored coil?

The inductance of an iron-cored coil is affected by the number of turns, the permeability of the core material, the cross-sectional area of the core, and the length of the core. Changes in any of these factors can result in a change in the inductance of the coil.

4. Can the inductance of an iron-cored coil be changed?

Yes, the inductance of an iron-cored coil can be changed by altering the number of turns, using a different core material, or changing the dimensions of the core. However, the inductance also depends on the frequency of the current passing through the coil, which cannot be changed without altering the circuit.

5. What is the unit of measurement for inductance?

The unit of measurement for inductance is the henry (H), which is equivalent to a volt-second per ampere (Vs/A). Other common units for inductance include millihenry (mH) and microhenry (μH).
