If you back in time and shooting yourself, do you die?

  • Thread starter Edward Teller
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In summary: The codes would be the same as they are now - they would just be "hidden" or "encrypted" in a way that only someone who was from that time and knew how to read them would be able to understand them.
  • #1
Edward Teller
If you go back in time and shooting yourself, do you die?

NO - I believe that you do not die.
But to which YOU are we referring ?

Let's say, that from the year 2012 you come back and shoot 'yourself' dead in 2004.
We first need to understand that the 8 year older you is an 'external intruder' to the 2004 time line AND has LEFT the 2012 time line.
So anything that happens to the 8 year older 'you' now in 2004 will not effect the future you (2004-2012) from the original time line, but of course, if the 8 year older you dies in 2004 or later while here, then this 'intruder you' to the 2004 time line is dead.
On the original 2012 time line (from whence you came), you would have 'left the building' so to speak - you would not be there any more - because you are back in 2004.

But back to the original 2004 'you'.
If you (the one from 2012) shoots the 2004 'you', that 2004 'you' is dead - but the 2012 'you' is still there - but 8 years older.
Now, if you do exactly the same things as the previous 2004 'you' did, then everything will be the same - except you are 8 years older.
But if you change things (probably the reason for going back) then the future from that point in 2004 will be different. This would CHANGE history from 2004 onwards - but if you do that, this is when the general "paradox" kicks in.

Now, if you go straight back to your point of origin (time and place) one second after originally leaving, then the original 8 year older 'you' is back - but now as an 'external intruder' to the 2012 time line, just as anyone else who would be 'brought forward' to a future time would be.
YOU would still be alive - remembering all your life's history, including the back step event from the original time line 2004 to 2012 - but as the 2004 'you' died in 2004 there would not be any history of 'you' for that period. You would still exist (the 8 year older you), but no one would know who you are (except when your personal records up to 2004 when you were killed are viewed). In this case, you would only be able to return to the future if you had a time machine yourself, taken with you when you first back-stepped in 2012.
If no personal time machine, then as you have changed history substantially, then there may not be anyone in the future that knows you are back in the past (or even time travel may not have been invented yet at that 'new' future 2012 time) - hence you would be stranded in the 'new' 2004 time line. But YOU would still be there (8 years older).

So traveling in time is not the paradox - the older "time traveller" will still exist where ever he is - it is what you do when you are visiting past times that causes the problems.
Changing the past is not the best thing to do, as it will change the future - but there is another option that will alter the future, but not change the past - and derives no paradox if done carefully.

In the 2012 example, if 'you' came back to the 2004 'you' not to kill yourself, but to give a warning, assistance, or to add further 'warnings' to existing texts about past mistakes, then this would not change neither the past, present, or future, as the technology (and decoding key) available to read/view the 'encoded' texts will not be revealed or understood to scholars until they actually happen in the future (as the time traveller knew they would - as they are documented events of his history {from 2012}). In this case you would be able to return to your future start point with or without a personal time machine.

What do you think ?
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  • #2
Edward Teller said:
In the 2012 example, if 'you' came back to the 2004 'you' not to kill yourself, but to give a warning, assistance, or to add further 'warnings' to existing texts about past mistakes, then this would not change neither the past, present, or future, as the technology (and decoding key) available to read/view the 'encoded' texts will not be revealed or understood to scholars until they actually happen in the future (as the time traveller knew they would - as they are documented events of his history {from 2012}). In this case you would be able to return to your future start point with or without a personal time machine.

Where did these codes come from? If you went back in time to give warnings to the people of that time why would you encode the message so it couldn't be read? In any case isn't this just voluntary? You could take actions that would completely change the history between 2008 and 2012 so that your former present, including the time machine itself, will no longer exist.
  • #3
Ronald Mallets experiment keeps coming back to me when I see these kind of questions.

But more then this, if information can be sealled in time, in the form of a mandala or model built from anyone of our past histories, how could we have moved it forward in any future lives.

You notice the separation in 2012 from 2004. You recognize you have altered the timeline by killing the self then.

Inherent models assimilated and born into the new you of 2005, and at 8 years of age, you would have found memories formulating in images deep from your subconsious.

So the timeline is not the physical life and its possibilties in expression of each soul, but the ability of each soul to carry forward the model apprehensions from those past lives?

So where and what is the gap responsible for in the neuron synapse? What is the probabilties of information movingthrough such a point.

Kenneth think of the links as gaps in the neuron snapse. The potnetial for information to move through that point can be quite amazing. Some settle on concretization of the ideals, yet, are they flexible enough, to keep information moving through those points?

Mathematics asks us to speak to the drivative of thoughts, yet along side of these developing perspective mathematically there is a philospohical discussion that goes on (I recognize it yet am learning). It logically requires the supporting statements, ands any model building that goes on needs a foundational structure to support it.

I would have been more then happy, to settle with what consciousness is capable of doing, as there is an realization that such models built in those lifetimes can become energy storage points for further perspective developement( do you think all lifetime struggles should not have been remembered until a time it is sparked into recognition?). That it speaks to the metamorphisis, such model constructing does.

In a kind of revolutionary thinking I would have compared the recognizing of the "heart of things," not only from development perspectives, but from grokking those models in its entirety. If you catch what I mean.

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  • #4
Reply to selfAdjoint

selfAdjoint said "You could take actions that would completely change the history between 2008 and 2012 so that your former present, including the time machine itself, will no longer exist."

Yes, but a responsible Time Travel Agency would NOT do this. They would find another way to correct past mistakes without ERASING the past, present, or future.
  • #5
Responsiible agents are not apt to dominate the scene. See History and current events. Imagine a time traveling Bush, or Pope, or Genghiz Khan.

Related to If you back in time and shooting yourself, do you die?

1. Can you really go back in time and shoot yourself?

The concept of time travel is still a theoretical concept and has not been proven to be possible. Therefore, it is not possible to go back in time and interact with your past self.

2. If you did shoot yourself, wouldn't you create a paradox?

Yes, shooting yourself in the past would create a paradox, as it would change the course of events and alter the future. This is known as the "grandfather paradox" and is a common issue in theories of time travel.

3. Would shooting yourself in the past alter the present or future?

Yes, if time travel were possible and you were able to shoot yourself in the past, it would alter the present and future. This is because any actions in the past can have ripple effects on the future.

4. Would you die if you shot yourself in the past?

It is impossible to say for certain what would happen if you shot yourself in the past, as the concept of time travel is still theoretical. However, it is likely that you would create a paradox or alter the course of events, which could potentially lead to your death in the present or future.

5. Can you change the past by shooting yourself?

If time travel were possible, it is possible that you could change the past by shooting yourself. However, this would create a paradox and alter the future, making it difficult to determine the exact consequences of this action.

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