IIT Qualified but Aiming Higher: Can I Apply to MIT?

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  • Thread starter FedEx
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In summary, the conversation is about a student who has qualified for admission into BITS (Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences), a respected university in India, but is considering applying to top universities like MIT, Caltech, Harvard, and Cambridge. The person is concerned about the low chances of being accepted and wonders if their qualifications from the IIT JEE exam could give them an extra advantage. Other individuals in the conversation mention the cut-throat competition and the importance of extracurricular achievements in the application process. The student remains optimistic and believes that it is worth the effort to apply to these universities.
  • #1
I just got my IIT(Indian Institute of Technology) result. I qualified but i wouldn't be able to get in Mech Engineering. Meanwhile I am taking admission in BITS this coming July(Birla Institute of Technology and Sciences). BITS is a respected university in India.

But i want to apply to a better university. Am i egligible for MIT,Caltech and etc... Cause if i am then i may apply for it. If i get admission in MIT then its the best thing... And if i don't then i am still enrolled in BITS.

And if i am egligible for applying for admission then can i use my IIT JEE exam qualification as an extra mark...(of course i am going to give the SATs)
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  • #2
I don't get it you did not get into mech eng in IIT and youre thinking you could use MIT and Caltech as a backup? Is this right?

You could add Harvard and Cambridge to your backup lists.
  • #3
No no...

I didnt get into mech at IIT. So now i want to start over... So now i can either appear for IIT JEE 2010 or apply at these prestigious colleges. I know that the chances are scare for admissions at MIT and all... But i should atleast give a shot.

And its not that risky, if i don't get in these colleges i do have BITS with me.
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  • #4
I hate to be a downer, but your chances are almost nil. MIT and similar institutes in the States accept VERY few internationals and less than ~15 a year from India (out of literally thousands of applications).

You can submit and hope but I would most definitely not plan on getting in and make alternate arrangements. I've seen a lot of stellar students apply and get rejected so I know that the competition is cut-throat at best.
  • #5
MissSilvy said:
I hate to be a downer, but your chances are almost nil. MIT and similar institutes in the States accept VERY few internationals and less than ~15 a year from India (out of literally thousands of applications).

You can submit and hope but I would most definitely not plan on getting in and make alternate arrangements. I've seen a lot of stellar students apply and get rejected so I know that the competition is cut-throat at best.

Well, that's heart breaking...

But in the current circumstances... isn't it worth the effort? Means like, i am safe with my admission at BITS and if can spend a few hours a day for SATs and get a good score then may be...

I know that SAT scores are not the only important thing but...
  • #6
High SAT scores are necessary to apply (keep in mind that almost every single person you'll be competing against will have 2100+) but the emphasis seems to be on extraordinary extracurricular achievements. Stuff like original research, winning a national science competition, getting articles published and such.

Obviously nothing is impossible and you have nothing to lose by trying, so go for it if you like :)
  • #7
As long as you can afford to totally throw away the cost of applying, sure, go ahead. But I think you'd be wasting your time.

I also have one minor correction to MissSilvy's posts... if you take a look at http://web.mit.edu/registrar/stats/geo/index.html, you'll see that MIT currently has 31 undergraduates from India... which means they admit ~8 per year, not 15.
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  • #8
TMFKAN64 said:
As long as you can afford to totally throw away the cost of applying, sure, go ahead. But I think you'd be wasting your time.

I also have one minor correction to MissSilvy's posts... if you take a look at http://web.mit.edu/registrar/stats/geo/index.html, you'll see that MIT currently has 31 undergraduates from India... which means they admit ~8 per year, not 15.

Wasting? Jeez! Why is everyone being pessimistic? Or are you just realistic? I know that you guys know the real scenario... But i am trying to be a bit optimistic.. Just 8 is real hard...
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  • #9
Funny, I was just looking at those figures, and they have 3 grad students from my country... The funny part is I know 2 of them, hahaha, and only 1 of the 2 is being funded by an assistantship.
  • #10
FedEx said:
Wasting? Jeez! Why is everyone being pessimistic? .. Just 8 is real hard...

Here you have a case where someone posts you the facts - the facts - on how many are accepted by country, and you complain about pessimism.

The MIT "culture" is one that elevates cold hard facts over the things we would prefer to hear. You might want to ask yourself how well you would do in that culture and if it's a good match to you or not.
  • #11
Vanadium 50 said:
Here you have a case where someone posts you the facts - the facts - on how many are accepted by country, and you complain about pessimism.

The MIT "culture" is one that elevates cold hard facts over the things we would prefer to hear. You might want to ask yourself how well you would do in that culture and if it's a good match to you or not.

I am talking about "wasting your time"...

If everyone would think that they are wasting their time then no one would apply for such colleges...

I know that you guys are trying to show me the real picture... All i am trying to say that applying for these colleges is worth the effort if i do work hard for it...

Well i did qualify for the Physics Olympiad for a start... The JEE exam day wasnt just good for me... My friends who were just of my level got admissions... So i have been working hard... And if i could do it better i may be get into this schools...

I have no problem in hearing the facts.. I am saying that 8 is a small number and the competiton is really tough
  • #12
If you had started your original post "I just got my IIT result and I sailed through easily with top marks, but I'm thinking about trying for top universities abroad instead," my response would have been a bit more encouraging.

You live in a nation of over a billion people. You couldn't qualify for IIT's Mech Engineering. Do you really think that you are one of the 8?
  • #13
Your friends who were your level got admissions to where? If it was MIT, then you have a shot. If it's IIT, then your chances are still the same. I know IIT is tough to get into, but only Indian students apply to IIT; MIT takes a slew of applications from every single country on Earth and they are heavily biased towards accepting American students.
  • #14
There was a similar thread claiming that a student had no chance getting into ANY grad school and he ended up getting into a pretty decent one. Just apply and see what happens.
  • #15
MissSilvy said:
Your friends who were your level got admissions to where?

They got admissions in IIT.
  • #16
Tobias Funke said:
There was a similar thread claiming that a student had no chance getting into ANY grad school and he ended up getting into a pretty decent one. Just apply and see what happens.
Huge difference in admissions to ANY program and MIT
  • #17
FedEx said:
I am talking about "wasting your time"...

If everyone would think that they are wasting their time then no one would apply for such colleges...

I know that you guys are trying to show me the real picture... All i am trying to say that applying for these colleges is worth the effort if i do work hard for it...

Well i did qualify for the Physics Olympiad for a start... The JEE exam day wasnt just good for me... My friends who were just of my level got admissions... So i have been working hard... And if i could do it better i may be get into this schools...

I have no problem in hearing the facts.. I am saying that 8 is a small number and the competiton is really tough
Its not realistic, if you realistically had a chance at MIT as an international then you wouldn't have to ask because you would have met an admissions representative at IMO or IPO medal ceremony or some other similar achievement . I know people who have been admitted to MIT and Caltech from countries where single digits are admitted yearly and it always was apparent they already knew they had a good chance at admission because they were successful at an international level(this is what it takes) at an activity that has a history of having students enter MIT and Caltech yearly. You obviously have not achieved the international level of success necessary. In terms of difficulty for admissions -- International >>>>>> Domestic.
  • #18
TMFKAN64 said:
You live in a nation of over a billion people. You couldn't qualify for IIT's Mech Engineering. Do you really think that you are one of the 8?

Furthermore, the fact that one's second choice takes 8 students suggests a misranking on the OP's part of relative degrees of difficulty to get in.

Tobias Funke said:
There was a similar thread claiming that a student had no chance getting into ANY grad school and he ended up getting into a pretty decent one. Just apply and see what happens.

If it's "just apply", I agree - there's nothing lost. But if one is passing up other opportunities on the hope of admission, this is not a wise strategy.
  • #19
j93 said:
Huge difference in admissions to ANY program and MIT

The particular schools weren't really the point though.

Vanadium 50 said:
If it's "just apply", I agree - there's nothing lost. But if one is passing up other opportunities on the hope of admission, this is not a wise strategy.

Yeah, I hope that's not the case. Maybe I should have said apply, but don't get your hopes up.
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  • #20
Vanadium 50 said:
If it's "just apply", I agree - there's nothing lost. But if one is passing up other opportunities on the hope of admission, this is not a wise strategy.
Nothing lost but he has about the same odds as a domestic student with a 2.5GPA 1500 out of 2400SAT and no extracurriculars getting into UCLA if not weaker odds.

Related to IIT Qualified but Aiming Higher: Can I Apply to MIT?

What is MIT?

MIT, or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is a prestigious private research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is known for its strong focus on science, technology, and engineering.

Is it possible to apply to MIT if I am already qualified for IIT?

Yes, it is possible to apply to MIT even if you are already qualified for IIT. MIT has a highly competitive admissions process and considers a variety of factors beyond academic qualifications. As long as you meet their eligibility criteria and have a strong application, you can apply to MIT.

What are the eligibility requirements for applying to MIT?

To be eligible for admission to MIT, you must have completed a rigorous high school curriculum, including advanced courses in math, science, and humanities. You must also have strong standardized test scores, letters of recommendation, and extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion and potential for success at MIT.

What makes MIT different from IIT?

While both MIT and IIT are prestigious institutions known for their focus on science and technology, there are some key differences. MIT is a private university, while IIT is a public institution. MIT also has a more diverse student body and offers a wider range of academic programs and research opportunities.

Can I transfer from IIT to MIT?

It is possible to transfer from IIT to MIT, but it is a highly competitive process. Transfer applicants must have completed at least one year of full-time study at a college or university and meet the same eligibility criteria as first-year applicants. Additionally, MIT only accepts a small number of transfer students each year, so the chances of being accepted are quite low.

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