I'm 31 and I think I want to study physics

In summary, this 31 year old person is looking to return to university to pursue a different field of study than they did before. They dropped out of high school early and are currently trying to figure out if physics or engineering is the right field for them.
  • #1
I hope I'm posting this thread in the right subforum.
As in the thread title, I'm 31 and I currently work a low paying job. I have a partner of nearly 10 years who is about to graduate as a registered nurse and enter the workforce. At the moment my income supports both of us and has enabled her to focus on study but when she commences work as a nurse I'll have a golden opportunity to pursue an area of study without having to worrying too much about supporting myself whilst doing so. I can't imagine that many, if any, of you have worked on a chicken farm but you can take my word for it when I say that it is something you wouldn't want to do for the rest of your working life.

I live in Australia so I can only describe the educational system as it is here. I'm starting from scratch, or at least it feels that way. I left high school early which means that before I even think about going to university I will need to catch up by doing Year 11 and 12 studies. I don't know what area of physics I am interested in yet. I've been reading about relativity and quantum theory and I'm excited by it and very keen to learn in more detail. I realize that mathematics is the framework for physics but I don't feel put-off by that aspect. I want to learn. I want to study hard.

But, again, I'm 31. I don't really expect there to be some arbitrary answer to the question of what investment of time I should be prepared to put in. At the back of my mind though, there is the nagging feeling that it's too late for me to be tackling something like this.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Hi there,

Firstly, I don't believe that its ever too late to change field, and certainly not at 31. You still have a few good years to give, before retirement.

Secondly, hold it there. Don't jump to far ahead, seeing yourself a specialist in general relativity, or quantum physics. I would suggest to start studying the field, you might find some interest in fields you never thought exist. I always believed I would become a astrophysicist, and ended up studying environmental nuclear physics.

I also want to congratulate you for thinking of going back to studies. Just make sure that physics is truly the field that interest you. It's just that going back to studies, in field that you end up disliking, would set you back to your chicken farm. Therefore, make the wisest decision possible, by looking in other fields, like engineering which might be more oriented on real life situations. I don't know, but just be careful with your decision. If it is physics that you like, then go ahead and enjoy it.

  • #3
Thanks fatra2, I appreciate the response. Just to be clear, I only mentioned relativity and quantum physics because it is these two things that I've been reading about that have piqued my interest. I've not given too much thought about where I'd like to specialise. I'm a long, long way off making any kind of decision like that and I feel that by doing the catch-up study required for university I'll have a far better idea whether or not I really want to get into physics.

I'd be curious to know if there are any other late starters here and why they decided to change their career path.
  • #4
I'm in my 50s and started at university two years ago. I've been a software developer for about 40 years and decided it's about time to learn something I want to rather than something I have to. I would eventually like to teach, but at my age it looks like either high school or community college will be the venue rather than university.

In any event, it's never too late to learn. What you do with your education remains to be seen, but at least you'll have opened more doors by getting a degree.
  • #5
Hey 7roosters, I am in the exact same boat as you. Minus the Australia and chicken farm part.

I am also 31 and looking for a return. I dropped out of high school early, although I did go back for my GED.

Currently I am trying to figure out if physics or engineering is right for me, and what school I can do this through entirely online. My dream is to solve the "Theory of everthing" dilemna, but for some reason I doubt that will happen.

It's an interesting situation we are in. Neither one of us is happy with where we are, and we are stressing ourselves out trying to figure out how to stress ourselves out for the next five+ years...

Good luck to you.
  • #6
31 is certainly not too old imo, I know a family friend who started a medical degree at 40, which is arguably a far more drastic decision to make, you clearly don't wish to continue in your current work, so as far I'd be concerned, what you should do is definitely go for it. :)
  • #7

I just wanted to insert my view on the topic. I'm a major in physics.

First of all studying physics is very different from studying medicine you can't compare them.
Medicine is somewhat more standardized while physics depends much more on the
faculties where you are studying.

To be perfectly honest with you, to become a full-blown theorist in quantum field theory, string theory or such is not very realistic, as it is not very realistic for the decent person who is much younger than you. That doesn't mean that you can't take courses in such fields or learn something about it.

A huge amount of physicists are dealing with much more applied problems like experiments
(I guess that probably 85-90 % of all the physicists are experimenters)
or computer simulations where a solid physical background is needed.
And the biggest part of actual research is concerned with

This being said there is no reason why you should not earn your degree in physics.
If you are ok with learning hard for the next 4 years it's possible as long as >>you<< really want
this. Be prepared that at a lot of times you will have to change your point of view without dropping
the studies! It's no picnic and you have a life too. There are a lot of subjects in physics
the rest of the world is not aware of, there's not only particle physics, relativity and strings.

I have a good friend who is studying physics with us and he is 32 or something (near the end of his studies). But he just looks like someone of us, you can't tell that he is a little older.

You can also become a physics teacher.

Good luck by making a decision!

(sorry my english is bad)
  • #8
I moved out of physics into computer science because there were not any "reasonable" jobs in physics. School courses in mathematics, physics (and computing) will certainly be good preparation for many things besides physics. Keep one eye on the job market, though, and try and decide where you are most likely to find a well paying job to keep that nice nurse happy...
  • #9
Hihi! Good to see you making such decision.
If you really like physics,I strongly suggest you study it.
I am 19 and i studied business in high school for 2 years. Now i return to science and i major in math and physics. Although i have to work really hard to keep up with the teaching, this period is the happiest in my life. Nothing is more fulfilling than studying the subject you love.
  • #10
My mother used to say if i would be 10 years younger i would go to the university. Funny thing was she said that sentence 10 years later too.
  • #11
I went back to study physics at 29. My situation was a little bit different as I had a previous degree in Kinesiology and didn't have to take many of the general studies courses that you will have to take.
It's been very rewarding. As things currently are, I will finish next school year with a major in Physics, and minors in math and astronomy. I will actually have enough credits for a major in mathematics, but I chose classes based on what I felt would benefit me in physics, not what would meet the requirements for the major.

I've enjoyed it very much.
The only thing I can say is that if you haven't been to college before, be prepared for what the studying will entail. When I was in school for Kinesiology I used to think how it seemed like the History or Sociology majors had so little studying compared to my major...well, I can say with absolute certainty that my Kinesiology program was a walk in the park compared to the time and effort required to excel at Physics.
I say "excel" because Physics is a very competitive field, already filled with very intelligent and motivated individuals. To add to that, most of them realize that a Physics degree isn't a "get a job" degree and are planning to attend graduate school.

So, you'll be among a group of very intelligent students that are studying physics for the love of it...not for future income...and most of them are planning on graduate school, and thus working very hard to earn good grades.

As difficult as the coursework is, it was the best choice I've ever made.
  • #12
Thanks for the replies!
I've found that the more I look into the business of getting a physics degree the more my expectations are revised with what the realities of such an undertaking entail. I don't feel discouraged.. yet.
My biggest hurdle at this early stage (I won't be doing any study for at least a year yet) is the mathematics aspect. Are there any resources online, free or otherwise, that can help me to get up to speed. I mean, I have a year before I will commence any kind of actual study. Even though I'm working I can't see any good reason why I should waste a whole year when I could be doing something to prepare me for study in physics and to me, math is one of those big, glaring obvious somethings.
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  • #13
Also, I can't think of one response in this thread that hasn't been positive or encouraging in some way, so thanks again.

MacLaddy, what has drawn you to consider physics? I'm curious to know.
  • #14
well working on a chicken farm will give you a lot of time to yourself to think about the sciences and mathematics i imagine. why Newton thought deeply about gravity and its existence by simple pondering under an apple tree or as the story goes.
first you need to focus on getting a ged or some equivalence of it, i am not aware of the way the school systems work in australia so bear with me. that part will seem like the hardest thing you've done in a while i imagine since you have to learn to learn again in subjects that may not readily interest you but that's only the beginning. if you can pull through that and your first semester of college your chances are greatly improved, in my opinion. as one stout harvard graduate/author once put it or at least something along the lines of "to study is to bask in the glory of the mind." albeit she was also a psychopathic it still rings true.
not to be discouraging but it requires full dedication and only the most genuine of interest. good luck.
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  • #15
hhn2002 said:
first you need to focus on getting a ged or some equivalence of it

Before I consider university I will be doing Year 12 which, when I graduate, is the equivalent of your ged or high school diploma.. I think. I'm not sure.
But yeah, I'm not going straight from a chicken farm into study for a degree.
  • #16
I'm 27 and have been working various low paying jobs since high school. Computers have been a hobby for a while now, so I started taking some college courses headed in that direction. But the more I think about it, the more I want to go towards physics/astrophysics.

I know the feeling of getting a late start is discouraging, but I agree with the other posters here. It is definitely not too late for us! All it took for me to decide, was a thought similar to what Archis said.

My mother used to say if i would be 10 years younger i would go to the university. Funny thing was she said that sentence 10 years later too.

5 years down the road, you'll be in your mid 30's regardless of going back to school or not. So age is not a big factor. But how you spend those 5 years can change the rest of your life drastically. Sounds like the best possible choice for both of us is to start doing something we're interested in.

Until we unlock the secrets of the universe and figure out how to create a time machine, so that we can go back to when we were 18 and tell ourselves to get started earlier anyway ;)
  • #17
it seems as if the bottom line is no matter how old you are, you could be 18 or 81, if you don't at least try now you will be asking yourself "what if...".
and if you try and fail then at least you will know you have one less regret to take with you to the grave. you've got nothing to lose but some time at a chicken farm. you may study yourself silly but at least you will know what you are truly capable of.
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  • #18
Would it be a bit overblown to say that the desire to study physics, to understand the laws of nature, can give one a sense of purpose in life?
  • #19
7roosters said:
Would it be a bit overblown to say that the desire to study physics, to understand the laws of nature, can give one a sense of purpose in life?

of course its not overblown. its a universal truth that if one has a desire, whatever that may be, it gives a sense of purpose.
the real question is what dictates a particular desire? my hypothesis is that desire is the great ushering hand of destiny.
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  • #20
hhn2002 said:
of course its not overblown. its a universal truth that if one has a desire, whatever that may be, it gives a sense of purpose.
the real question is what dictates a particular desire? my hypothesis is that desire is the great ushering hand of destiny.

I want to pursue something in life that satisfies my need for integrity, substance and meaning. In that way, I'll make my own, small, contribution to the greater good. :)
  • #21
one question though, do you plan to make money using a physics degree?
i get the impression that its rather problematic. it seems A. you become a teacher or B. you get a graduate degree and you have contract experimental jobs as you can get them and someone correct me if I am wrong but as far as I've read it seems as such.
  • #22
Kevin3 said:
I know the feeling of getting a late start is discouraging, but I agree with the other posters here. It is definitely not too late for us! All it took for me to decide, was a thought similar to what Archis said.

5 years down the road, you'll be in your mid 30's regardless of going back to school or not. So age is not a big factor. But how you spend those 5 years can change the rest of your life drastically. Sounds like the best possible choice for both of us is to start doing something we're interested in.

Until we unlock the secrets of the universe and figure out how to create a time machine, so that we can go back to when we were 18 and tell ourselves to get started earlier anyway ;)

I def agree! Go back, you'll be five years older anyway, may as well have something to show for it. I'm 28 and I've wasted so much time, you'll feel better about going back and studying something that interests you, and physics will def keep you busy. Great Luck!
  • #23
hhn2002 said:
one question though, do you plan to make money using a physics degree?
i get the impression that its rather problematic. it seems A. you become a teacher or B. you get a graduate degree and you have contract experimental jobs as you can get them and someone correct me if I am wrong but as far as I've read it seems as such.

Really? Y is everyone saying this? I think you could probably do any job you want with a major in physics or math or even engineering. You don't always have to get a job that requires a physics degree. You could just about work any type of public service job (city, state, fed); engineering/science sales, if you pick a good minor you could work in banking, crime labs etc. I think the possibilities are more ample than someone without a science degree, I just don't understand why people think that you have to have a job/career that has physics in the name or requires a physics degree. Of course, if you want to be a physicist you need a PhD anyway. Sometimes its a good thing to branch out and do things that most physics majors wouldn't do.
  • #24
7roosters, macladdy, v r all in the same boat. I am 27 and a software engineer which makes my job worse than chicken farming. i have been thinking about studying physics for quiet some time now. it started off with looking for some graduate courses/ thinking about immigration (my job here in my country stretches till midnight, so do not have the option of evening classes) and finally ended by getting some books from the library and learning physics.

i assume you are interested in theoritical physics like me which fortunately does not need a lot of equipment. i came across this site by john baez where he recomments his favs. Since v do not want to waste time to pick ours, v'll use his list..please have a look...


for now i am trying to grab those books. I have come across the classical mechanics book (goldstien) and many things are not obvious, they require some basic calculus etc material for which is available in plenty on the internet. my point is that we start learning right away and see where it leads us. also please correct me and join me if you wish in doing this...i think its nice to stick together coz more minds the better.

to end i quote from the alchemist (paulo coelho) - "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."

lets get it started..:)
  • #25
Goldstein is a bit advanced to learn mechanics from. It's usually considered a senior or graduate-level text.

Just a word of warning... if you can use it, fine.
  • #26
TMFKAN64, can u suggest an alternate book that can take you from basics to graduate level?
  • #27
Thornton and Marion's "Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems" is a popular choice for mechanics after an introductory physics course but before Goldstein... but I have to admit, I'm not really that fond of it.

Unfortunately, Griffiths never wrote a mechanics textbook. :-)
  • #28
thanks TMFKAN64. i'll check out.
  • #29
7roosters said:
Also, I can't think of one response in this thread that hasn't been positive or encouraging in some way, so thanks again.

MacLaddy, what has drawn you to consider physics? I'm curious to know.

7roosters said:
Would it be a bit overblown to say that the desire to study physics, to understand the laws of nature, can give one a sense of purpose in life?

7roosters, I really do not believe I could have said it any better myself.
I believe there comes a time in ones life where you either need to be happy with what you are doing, or get going on something else. I personally have reached the point of "If I'm going to do it, I need to do it now."
  • #30
dinnan said:
to end i quote from the alchemist (paulo coelho) - "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream."

lets get it started..:)

That is a great post, dinnan; and I completely agree with you. I am very interested in theoretical physics, as that really is what originally brought me to this discussion. I just couldn't stand another Sunday night sitting around watching Michio Kaku on the Science Channel, and not fully understanding what he is talking about. Sounds cheesy, but hey, inspiration strikes in odd places.

I have decided to pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering. I believe this will wet-my-whistle in the physics department, and give me the gadgetry go that I also desire. I figure once I complete that then I should know more about if I want to continue on with the physics classes, or self study at home. Deciding to finally be done with the talk and sign up for school has given me 4 years to make up my mind.

Now, however, I am terrified of January...
  • #31
macladdy, I have once fallen in the same trap. I did my engineering thinking on the same line.
I don’t know how courses are designed and what flexibility is offered in your country, but if it’s not much, you will end up loosing 4 years. They say the golden time for physics is in ur 20's. If your hearts calling is physics, just go for it...
  • #32
dinnan said:
They say the golden time for physics is in ur 20's.

Well bummer, I already lost my twenties...

Actually, I also have a love for engineering. I have combined magnets, copper wire, a piece of wood, and a spray-paint-cap, to make a generator. It didn't work very well, but hey, that's why I want to do electrical engineering.

I do love physics, but I am resigned to the fact that I am faced with the time-line of a bachelors degree; and it's difficult to achieve much in physics without at least a masters degree in this country. (or so I'm told)

I take solace in the fact that Einstein did not have to take that many physics classes, as they didn't even exist at that time. Unfortunately, I am no Einstein... But I can dream.
  • #33
macladdy, check ur pm...
  • #34
MacLaddy said:
I take solace in the fact that Einstein did not have to take that many physics classes, as they didn't even exist at that time.

What didn't exist? Physics classes?
  • #35
At least Einstein did not have to take relativity or quantum. On the other hand he had to learn other things that are less emphasized today.

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