I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

In summary, the conversation discusses the issue of reproducing a specific equation in modern QFT by Tom Banks. The equation involves creation and annihilation operators and the commutation relation. The conversation also mentions a discrepancy in the calculation for the two particle state. The expert summarizer notes that the formula in question is missing a factor of 1/2 and explains that this is due to the use of general momenta rather than specific momenta in the calculation. The expert also mentions that the book by Banks may have incorrect information and recommends a different resource for a proper treatment of the operator formalism in QFT.
  • #1
I am trying to follow modern QFT by Tom Banks and I am having an issue with literally the first equation.

He claims that beginning from ## |p_1 , p_2, ... , p_k> \: = \: a^\dagger (p_1) a^\dagger (p_2) \cdots a^\dagger (p_k)|0> ## with the commutation relation ##[a (p),a^\dagger (q)]_\pm \: = \: \delta^3(p-q)##, (+for fermions, - for bosons) I can reproduce the following equation

$$<p_1 , p_2, ... , p_k|q_1 , q_2, ... , q_l> \: = \: \frac{\delta_{kl}}{k!}\sum_\sigma (-1)^{S\sigma}\delta^3(p_1-q_{\sigma(1)}) \cdots \delta^3(p_k-q_{\sigma(k)})$$Where S = 1 for fermions and 0 for bosons. I can show that for the 1 particle state I get ##<p|q> \: = \: \delta^3(p-q)##, but as soon as I get to the two particle state my result differs from his.His formula tells me that for the two particle state I should get:

$$<sr|pq> \: = \: \frac{1}{2} \left( \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp \delta^3(r-p) \delta^3(q-s) \right)$$

But I am getting

$$<sr|pq> \: = \: \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp \delta^3(r-p) \delta^3(q-s) $$

missing the factor of ##\frac{1}{2}##

$$<sr|pq> \: = \:<r|a(s)a^\dagger(p)|q>\: = \:<r|[a(s),a^\dagger(p)]_\pm |q> \mp <r|a^\dagger(p)a(s)|q> \:= $$
$$ \delta^3(p-s)<r|q> \mp <r|a^\dagger(p)a(s)|q> \: = \: \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp <r|a^\dagger(p)a(s)a^\dagger(q)|0> \: = $$
$$ \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp <r|a^\dagger(p)[a(s),a^\dagger(q)]_\pm |0> \pm <r|a^\dagger(p)a^\dagger(q)a(s) |0> \: = $$
$$ \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp <r|a^\dagger(p)|0> \delta^3(q-s) \: = \: \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp <r|p> \delta^3(q-s) \: = $$
$$ \delta^3(p-s)\delta^3(r-q) \mp \delta^3(r-p) \delta^3(q-s)$$

Whats going wrong?
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  • #2
Are you happy where the k! comes from? ( As that seems to be the difference)
  • #3
Jilang said:
Are you happy where the k! comes from? ( As that seems to be the difference)
No, it's the k! that's bothering me
  • #4
Isnt it there to avoid double counting?
  • #5
Jilang said:
Isnt it there to avoid double counting?
That's what I thought, but when I worked it out I found no double counting
  • #6
Maybe I’m not understanding your notation, but which operator in your first line annihilates the q state?
  • #7
The convention I am using (and I think its standard) is that ##a^\dagger(q)## creates a state with momentum q and annihilates a costate with momentum q i.e.

$$a^\dagger(q)|0> = |q>$$
$$<q|a^\dagger(q) = <0|$$

Similarly ##a(q)## annihilates a state with momentum q and creates a costate with momentum q i.e.

$$a(q)|q> = |0>$$
$$<0|a(q) = <q|$$
  • #8
Great thanks for confirming that. So wouldn’t you need four operators for 2 particles? Two to annihilate the two original states and two to create the new ones?
  • #9
Jilang said:
Great thanks for confirming that. So wouldn’t you need four operators for 2 particles? Two to annihilate the two original states and two to create the new ones?
In general yes, but what I'm doing is in only "pulling out" one creation operator. So while it's true that ## |pq> =a^\dagger(p) a^\dagger(q)|0>## I can then let the ##a^\dagger(q)|0> =|q>## which gives me what I have up there ## |pq> a^\dagger(p) |q>##

I think that was OK to do...
  • #10
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur by Lancaster and Blundell doesn’t have the 1/2, which is interesting! In that text the factors only appear when calculating the wave-function. So something is wrong with one of them...
  • #11
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  • #12
For fermions there shouldn't be any factorials since each single-particle state can only be occupied with at most one particle. For bosons you have factorials for normalizing the states which occur only when a single-particle state is occupied by more than one particle. In the infinite-volume limit this leads to trouble. So you should keep all the momenta (labeled with ##p## and ##q## in your formula) general. The proper expression comes out right due to the ##\delta## distributions. So in the standard meaning of the creation and annihilation operators there should be indeed no ##k!## in the formula in the OP. So you are right with your calculation.

For a very nice and careful treatment of the operator formalism, see

Fetter, Walecka, Quantum theory of many-particle systems

For this calculational technique it doesn't play a role whether you consider relativistic or non-relativistic QFT (Fetter&Walecka is non-relativistic).
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Related to I'm getting the wrong inner product of Fock space

1. What is Fock space?

Fock space is a mathematical concept used in quantum mechanics to describe the state of a quantum system with varying numbers of particles. It is a vector space that can contain an infinite number of basis states, each representing a different number of particles in the system.

2. What is an inner product in the context of Fock space?

In Fock space, an inner product is a mathematical operation that assigns a number to two vectors, representing the degree of similarity between them. It is used to calculate the length of a vector and the angle between two vectors.

3. How can I determine if I am getting the wrong inner product of Fock space?

If you are getting the wrong inner product of Fock space, it is likely that your calculations are resulting in incorrect or unexpected values. You can double check your calculations and consult with other experts in the field to confirm your results.

4. What are some common mistakes that can lead to the wrong inner product of Fock space?

Some common mistakes that can lead to the wrong inner product of Fock space include using the wrong basis states, incorrect mathematical operations, and not taking into account the anti-symmetry of Fock space vectors. It is important to carefully follow the mathematical rules and equations when working with Fock space.

5. How can I improve my understanding and calculations of Fock space inner products?

To improve your understanding and calculations of Fock space inner products, it is important to have a strong foundation in linear algebra and quantum mechanics. You can also consult with experts in the field, study relevant literature, and practice with sample problems. Additionally, using computer software or programming languages can help with complex calculations.

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