I'm having trouble understanding multiple dimensions up to 10

In summary: I don't understand.In summary, the video is explaining that dimensions exist in space and that we can only perceive what's in front, behind, and to our side. It goes on to say that dimensions can be added by adding the height element, and that dimensions can be perceived by fish in a shallow pool. The video goes on to say that there are 4 dimensions, time, and the 3 we're used to. It then goes on to say that there are 5 dimensions, and that each dimension has branches. The video says that there are 6 dimensions, and that an alternate reality exists if there is intervention in our time line from the future. The video says that there are 7 dimensions, and that all the possible time lines
  • #1
Apologies if I've missed something fundamental - as I only have very little university Physics background (3 semesters).

I've watched this old youtube video again out of curiosity:

I don't think I fully understand it. This is what I have so far...
Me said:
0 Dimensions is an arbitrary point in space that lacks length or width
1 Dimension is a line joing two points that only has length
2 Dimensions is a two lines overlapping such that the dimension has both length and width
3 Dimension adds the height element

So far its as if we have a shallow pool with fish in it. The fish can't observe what's above it - just what's in front, behind and to its side. They can't comprehend what it's like to be us. If we were to reach down and lift that fish out we've essentially brought that fish out into the third dimension.

4 Dimension involves time. This is a series of progressive events with a beginning and an end that moves linearly in one direction for us (for now). We can only comprehend the present since the past is a completed event and the future hasn't occurred yet.

However the 4th dimension is realized by assuming the third dimension is a point/ instance in 3 dimensional space connected to another point/instance in 3D space. However we can't move backwards only forwards. Forward movement is defined by chance, decisions and response to external experiences and stimuli.
So we're three dimensional creatures living in the 4th dimension.

5 Dimensions represents the branches in time - represented by the possibilities available to us depending on what choices we make at any instant. It could be whether we wake up on time and go about our day differing from waking up later and experiencing a different set of possibilities in our life.

6 Dimensions represents an alternate reality that would only exist if there was intervention in our time line from the future. A fold exists that would allow our present state in any reality to jump to an alternate reality where direct intervention with our past results in a different future for our selves. This would only hold if our our intervention doesn't affect us directly but affects a copy of our past self - which results in someone - who is much like us but has different result in life; whom we can meet.

7 Dimensions. Here we assume all the possible time lines for our universe realized as a point. This includes all possible alternate realities all dependant on the time line of the current universe as it moves towards it's ultimate end. As this would extend for every person we can realize this point as infinity realizations that exist within our universe - with the universe's time line being the overbearing constant in all instances.

8 Dimensions. Here we assume an alternate universe that is not dependent to ours. One that occurs with differing intial conditions for a big bang that results in a reality which is governed by different laws of physics. There may be no concept of gravity or the speed of light may be different. This alternate universe has its own encapsulation of infitismal branches of time lines at every given time - which is again dependant on the time line of that universe. Let us assume our universe is aptly labelled Universe A and the alternate universe with different intial conditions being Universe B. Then drawing a line between these two is our 8th dimension.

This is where I'm confused

If this line that joins alternate Universe's together is the 8th dimension, than what magnitude are we measuring between these points in the 7th dimension. What exists inbetween these universe's (universi? spelling?)? And finally - why isn't the 8th dimension just a line, why is it a split in the line? Aren't we skipping a dimension here? Is the 8th dimension all possible traversal's between each alternate universe?

9 Dimensions. This involves each 7th dimension universe occurring in parallel with each other. Therefore there must be an overbearing constant - similar to time that exists in the 9th dimension that acts as a constant between each dimension - that sort of pegs each universe to a constant that allows all events to occur at once and allows say an individual to pass between each universe seamlessly - like in a worm hole.

Again it seems like we're skipping a dimension here from a point to 3d to a fold in 3d. Is the 9th dimension linear in only one direction? Does it all jumping from the present in one universe to the past of another? What then is the point of the 8th dimension?

10 Dimensions. All possible universe's (Universi? sp?) with infinite possible time lines in parallel with one another all being simplified to one point. This is where we 'hit a road block' that contains all universe's.

Do we assume then that the arbitrary point in the 10th dimension exisits in a a sort of expanse of 'space' that holds universe's that holds governing laws that apply to all universe's? Are these the same governing laws of that allow super strings to exist? Then the constant's in all universes will share the same sub atomic particles that would obey the same laws of physics that apply in our universe? Then how do alternate universes differ from ours? Wouldn't gravity still be gravity based on the laws that affect our sub atomic particles? Wouldn't the speed of light be the same?

Unless - the make up of sub atomic particles differ in string 'combination' in each universe depending on the resultant big bang in each universe. What would this expanse be called that holds a universe and what is it that allows strings to congregate in such a way as to produce a differing big bang and isolate all universes from one another? Do big bangs create super strings or do super strings create big bangs? Are strings realized as mobius strips just like the 5th dimension?
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  • #2
should this be in the string theory sub section?
  • #3
I'm good up to 11. Then it just starts getting weird!

  • #4
rolerbe said:
I'm good up to 11. Then it just starts getting weird!


I'm good up to 2. More than that and I have trouble imagining all the angles and lines in my head.
  • #5
^^ same pinch. :-D
  • #6
This video has nothing to do with physics or string theory. String theory only has 1 time dimension - this video is talking about having 7 time dimensions!
  • #7
rolerbe said:
I'm good up to 11. Then it just starts getting weird!
Actually when I read
I'm having trouble understanding multiple dimensions up to 10
I thought "and you can understand them above 10 ?"

Related to I'm having trouble understanding multiple dimensions up to 10

1. What are multiple dimensions?

Multiple dimensions refer to the concept of there being more than the three dimensions (length, width, and height) that we can perceive in our physical world. In theoretical physics and mathematics, it is believed that there could be other dimensions beyond these three that we cannot see or experience directly.

2. How many dimensions are there?

In theories such as string theory and M-theory, there are up to 10 dimensions. However, this is still a highly debated topic in the scientific community and there is no definitive answer. Some theories propose even higher numbers of dimensions.

3. How can we visualize or understand higher dimensions?

It is difficult for us to visualize dimensions beyond the three that we experience in our physical world. One way to think about higher dimensions is to imagine them as additional directions that are perpendicular to the three dimensions we are familiar with. For example, in the fourth dimension, we could move in a direction that is perpendicular to all three dimensions we know.

4. What is the significance of multiple dimensions?

The concept of higher dimensions is important in theoretical physics and mathematics as it helps us understand the fundamental laws of the universe and how it operates. It also has implications for areas such as quantum mechanics and cosmology.

5. Can we ever prove the existence of multiple dimensions?

At this point, there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of dimensions beyond the three we experience. However, scientists continue to study and explore this concept through mathematical models and experiments, hoping to gain a better understanding of the nature of our universe.

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