I'm investigating maximum power transfer in a AC circuit

In summary: Xs is fixed but Xl can be changed, then the max power transfer occurs when Xl = |Rs+j(Xs+Xl)| . This is called a phase match, and is the lowest power transfer that can be attained.
  • #1

I'm investigating maximum power transfer in a AC circuit. I understand that for maximum power transfer the reactance both cancel each other out and the value of the source resistance and load resistance have to be equal. I have also found some formulas to prove this.

what i would like to know is why when either the source inductance or load capacitance is increased the value for the maximum power transfer is different. I have produced some graphs from a simulation. with Xl=Xc, Xl doubled and Xc doubled.

when Xl=Xc the maximum power is when the resistors are the same. If I keep the resistors the same and double either of the reactance the maximum power is less and happens at a higher resistance. why is this?

many thanks


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  • #2


I understand that for maximum power transfer the reactance both cancel each other out and the value of the source resistance and load resistance have to be equal.

For a unchangable source generator, the max power transfer occurs when the load immitance is the conjugate of the generator immitance. If a conjugate match cannot be attained, the highest power transfer occurs when the magnitude of the load immitance equals the magnitude of the source immitance.

what i would like to know is why when either the source inductance or load capacitance is increased the value for the maximum power transfer is different. I have produced some graphs from a simulation. with Xl=Xc, Xl doubled and Xc doubled.

Power transfer is determined by how much the voltage and current are in phase with each other. The reactance of the circuit determines the phase between the voltage and current. Therefore, the reactance also determines the power transferred.

when Xl=Xc the maximum power is when the resistors are the same. If I keep the resistors the same and double either of the reactance the maximum power is less and happens at a higher resistance. why is this?

See above. The conjugates of the source generator and the load do not match. Therefore the power transferred will be lower.

A higher max power transfer will be attained if the source immitance can be lowered.

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  • #3
Hi Ratch,

Thanks for the quick reply. Its all starting to make sense now. i understand the maximum power is a lot less because the current and voltage is out of phase. However the only thing I'm still unclear on is that the maximum power is transferred when the source resistor is 1k ohm and the load resistor is 1.3k ohm? i know it must be with the doubling of the reactance but is there any formula I could use to find out what load resistor i would need.?
  • #4
Are you aware that when maximum power transfer occurs, the efficiency is only 50%?
For good efficiency the source resistance should be less than the load resistance.
  • #5

Define symbolically load reactance as Xl, source reactance as Xs, source resistance as Rs, and load resistance as Rl.

The maximum power transfer occurs when the load is the conjugate of the source. This is called a conjugate match.

If Rl is fixed, then the max power transfer occurs at jXl = (jXs)* , where "*" means the conjugate. This is called a reactance conjugate match, and is the second highest power transfer that can be attained.

If Xl is fixed, but Rl can be changed, then the max power transfer occurs when Rl = |Rs+j(Xs+Xl)| . This is called a magnitude match, and is the third highest power transfer that can be attained.


FAQ: I'm investigating maximum power transfer in a AC circuit

1. What is maximum power transfer in an AC circuit?

Maximum power transfer in an AC circuit refers to the point at which the power delivered to a load is at its maximum value. This occurs when the impedance of the load is equal to the impedance of the source.

2. How is maximum power transfer calculated in an AC circuit?

The maximum power transfer in an AC circuit can be calculated using the formula Pmax = Vrms2/4R, where Vrms is the root mean square voltage and R is the resistance of the load.

3. What is the significance of maximum power transfer in an AC circuit?

Maximum power transfer is important because it allows for the most efficient use of power in a circuit. It ensures that the load receives the maximum amount of power without causing excess heating or power loss in the circuit.

4. How does the frequency of the AC circuit affect maximum power transfer?

The frequency of an AC circuit does not affect the maximum power transfer, as long as the impedance of the load and the source remain the same. However, at higher frequencies, the inductance and capacitance of the circuit may have a greater impact on the power transfer.

5. What are some practical applications of understanding maximum power transfer in an AC circuit?

Understanding maximum power transfer in an AC circuit is essential in designing and optimizing electrical systems, such as power grids, electric motors, and audio amplifiers. It also helps in troubleshooting and identifying potential issues in a circuit.

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