I'm sorry, marcus, but strings continue to dominate high energy theory

In summary: Is it acceptable for marcus to raise an issue, and then after I respond to it, follow up with a post that says in effect, "since nobody has responded to this issue..." etc. You get the idea. If you can't see the provocation in marcus's behaviour, you need your head examined.In summary, strings continue to dominate high energy theory, despite marcus's efforts to fool people into somehow doubting this. In fact, strings have gone through a number of (relatively) barren periods, the last one ending when D-branes and dualities where discovered ushering in the so-called second string revolution. However, these tools may have taken us as
  • #1
Science Advisor
I'm sorry, marcus, but as you well know, strings continue to dominate high energy theory, despite your efforts to fool people into somehow doubting this. In fact, marcus, strings have gone through a number of (relatively) barren periods, the last one ending when D-branes and dualities where discovered ushering in the so-called second string revolution. However, these tools may have taken us as far as they can on their own, so we need to find new ones that will help us see more deeply into a vast, complex and profound theory which has already changed utterly and permanently the way we think about quantum theory, but whose underlying principles have yet to be discovered or fully understood.

One high profile issue at the moment is how to accommodate in strings the observation that the universe is in a period of accelerating expansion. The obvious approach (although not necessarily the correct one; strings could - and in my view probably will - surprise us) is to invoke the idea of a positive cosmological constant and hence study within string theory the simplest solution to einstein's equations that has one, namely de sitter space.

However, there are problems to solve in relation to treating de sitter space by string theory in it's present form, and string theorists by and large do not find any of the current approaches to this issue convincing. In fact, we feel not that strings have "crashed" but that we simply haven't learned enough about what string theory actually is to clear this very interesting hurdle (that is, if it is a hurdle).

The general level of faith in string theory really hasn't been shaken very much by any of this since, really, string research is still widely viewed as being in it's infancy, with this by now familiar cycling between periods of consolidation and discovery not being viewed as reason to change fields. In fact, university physics departments are as keen on hiring string theorists as they've ever been.

This would of course change if strings could be shown to be inconsistent, but so far - unlike every other approach - it has passed everyone of the many and nontrivial consistency checks put to it.
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
jeff said:

Great idea!
  • #4
Please see initial post
  • #5
Jeff this is really poor thread behavior, bumping your own thread up with meaningless posts and flooding the board with highly similar threads. Do we really need cheap tactics like this?
  • #6
Is it acceptable for marcus to raise an issue, and then after I respond to it, follow up with a post that says in effect, "since nobody has responded to this issue..." etc. You get the idea. If you can't see the provocation in marcus's behaviour, you need your head examined.
  • #7
The statistical information is really quite revealling and is opening up insight as to the direction research in strings might be going? As stated before, deep thinkers are incubating I'm sure, and the deeper insights have yet to surface.

One of the important questions is to see where minds have focused within the context of Membranes and LQG. Their are all trying to describe the dance of the bee?:smile:

I hope some will accept the humour of it.
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  • #8
jeff said:
Is it acceptable for marcus to raise an issue, and then after I respond to it, follow up with a post that says in effect, "since nobody has responded to this issue..." etc. You get the idea. If you can't see the provocation in marcus's behaviour, you need your head examined.

As far as I can see there is no post by Marcus on this thread. There are three posts by you in a row.
  • #9
selfAdjoint said:
As far as I can see there is no post by Marcus on this thread. There are three posts by you in a row.

Have you got rocks in your head? My comment obviously wouldn't apply to a thread I started since marcus would never post to it. Look in the "strings crash lessons" thread at his post after my posting of keywords.
  • #10
No I don't have rocks in my head, and with all due respect you are getting very close to an abusive flamer. This is my last post on this thread.
  • #11
Hey Jeff what does it mean to be PF contributor?
  • #12
Sorry nevermind I figured it out-- you pay for your account

Related to I'm sorry, marcus, but strings continue to dominate high energy theory

1. What is high energy theory?

High energy theory is a branch of theoretical physics that studies the behavior of particles and forces at extremely high energies, such as those found in the early universe or in particle accelerators. It aims to explain the fundamental laws and interactions of the universe at these extreme energy levels.

2. Why do strings dominate high energy theory?

Strings refer to tiny, vibrating strings that are believed to be the building blocks of all matter in the universe. In high energy theory, strings dominate because they provide a more comprehensive and unified explanation for the behavior of particles and forces at very high energies, compared to traditional point-like particles.

3. How do strings work in high energy theory?

In high energy theory, strings are described as one-dimensional objects that vibrate at different frequencies, giving rise to different types of particles. These vibrations are governed by mathematical equations that allow for the prediction of particle properties and interactions.

4. What implications does this have for our understanding of the universe?

The dominance of strings in high energy theory has significant implications for our understanding of the universe. It suggests that the fundamental building blocks of matter may not be point-like particles, but rather tiny strings. This also opens up new possibilities for understanding the connections between different areas of physics, such as gravity and particle physics.

5. Is there any evidence to support the dominance of strings in high energy theory?

While there is currently no direct experimental evidence for strings, there is strong theoretical support for their dominance in high energy theory. Many predictions made by string theory, such as the existence of extra dimensions and the unification of forces, have been confirmed by other areas of physics. However, further research and experimentation is needed to fully verify the validity of string theory and its implications in high energy theory.

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