I'm very interested in astronomy, but worried about job prospects.

In summary, the conversation discusses the student's struggle in choosing a major between business and astronomy/physics. They mention considering teaching or research as career options and ask for advice on which path to take and whether a Ph.D is necessary. The experts recommend studying physics as it provides more job opportunities and suggest transferring to a top university to gain research experience. They also mention that a Ph.D in physics can still lead to a career in astronomy. The student decides to pursue a B.S in Physics and then a Ph.D in the field.
  • #1
I'm a CC student (barely just started), and I'm planning on transferring to a high quality university with excellent grades.

Problem being, I've been really confused as to what to major in.. I was trying to go the "realist" route before, and get into business even though it's not really what I'm into. But lately, I've rediscovered my love for astronomy/physics. And I would do anything to have a job in a field where I could study that. So I noticed Berkeley has an Astrophysics B.A. program, and I got really excited about it until more recently when I've read of the bad job prospects and employment opportunities in research.

My questions come in when it comes into whether this is a realistic thing for me to try for, and other questions.

Some of my questions include:

1. I realize there's a high chance I would need to teach college/university (and I really enjoy teaching people things so I think I would enjoy this), but is this any better than research as far as there not being a lot of jobs? Is it probable I could get a job in teaching astronomy/physics at university and/or community college? Is this a better career track as far as number of employment positions?

2. If I do go into teaching, should I go for my Ph.D or stick to a Master's degree? I've read most community colleges are easy to get a job at and only require a Master's, but would it be possible to work at one while studying for my Ph.D? Or should I just stay in school for my Ph.D and try to get a University position?

Pretty much any information/help from people who know about this stuff would be appreciated. I'm kinda stressing out over it, I want to do something I really care about, but I also don't want to be unemployed after spending that much time in school... I apologize for these being maybe overly asked questions, I'm pretty new here and I've only read a few things. Just any advice would be appreciated.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
xphillipx said:
I got really excited about it until more recently when I've read of the bad job prospects and employment opportunities in research.

The job market for research faculty in astronomy is terrible. The good news is that depending on what direction you go in, the job market for anything else is pretty decent.

1. I realize there's a high chance I would need to teach college/university (and I really enjoy teaching people things so I think I would enjoy this), but is this any better than research as far as there not being a lot of jobs? Is it probable I could get a job in teaching astronomy/physics at university and/or community college? Is this a better career track as far as number of employment positions?

Yes. If you want to teach at the community college or high school level, there is no shortage of jobs. The problem is that the pay for those jobs are either rather low or extremely, extremely low.

If I do go into teaching, should I go for my Ph.D or stick to a Master's degree? I've read most community colleges are easy to get a job at and only require a Master's, but would it be possible to work at one while studying for my Ph.D? Or should I just stay in school for my Ph.D and try to get a University position?

Most graduate programs in astrophysics are Ph.D. programs which they give you a masters along the way.

Pretty much any information/help from people who know about this stuff would be appreciated. I'm kinda stressing out over it, I want to do something I really care about, but I also don't want to be unemployed after spending that much time in school...

It's unlikely that you will be if you go the Ph.D. route. Even in this tough market, I don't know personally of any astronomy Ph.D.'s that have been unable to get a job. The job may have nothing obviously to do with astronomy.

Something else to remember is that you don't *have* to have a career in astronomy. If you like astronomy, then you get your Ph.D. and sell used cars.
  • #3
Thanks for your reply. :)

I think I'm just going to go for it.

Can I get into an astrophysics Ph.D program with a major in physics? UCR offers a "physics and astronomy" major, it's basically like a hybrid of it from what I understand. There's electives and I'd obviously choose all the astronomy ones.
  • #4
You're better off majoring in physics than astronomy or astrophysics for getting into a graduate program in the field. Actually, you'd be best off getting PhD in physics and studying astrophysics to do it - physics PhDs are very employable outside of astronomy, but you can still do astronomy with it. A double major would be best if you can find it, but that's not necessary. However, transferring as soon as you can is a good idea - people who get into top grad programs are the ones who have top grades and test scores but have also shown an aptitude for research. And you really can't get research experience in community college.
  • #5
eri said:
Actually, you'd be best off getting PhD in physics and studying astrophysics to do it

That's what I'm doing. My PhD will be in physics (even though my department offers an astro PhD). But my dissertation will be in gamma ray astronomy. If I'm not mistaken, just about every astro PhD student at my school did their BS in physics rather than astronomy.
  • #6
Thank you everyone! This has been really helpful so far. I think what I'll do then is get my B.S. in Physics (the school I plan on going to has a lot of astrophysics classes anyways), and then go to a grad school for physics and study mainly astrophysics, thanks again those who have put in their 2 cents.

It would still be helpful to hear anyone's opinion on this matter, though. :)

Related to I'm very interested in astronomy, but worried about job prospects.

1. What career options are available for someone interested in astronomy?

There are various career options available in the field of astronomy, including research positions at universities, observatories, and government agencies, as well as jobs in the private sector such as aerospace and defense companies. Other career options include science writing and education.

2. Are there job opportunities for astronomers outside of academia?

Yes, there are job opportunities for astronomers in industries such as aerospace, defense, and technology. Astronomers can also work in science communication and education, as well as in government agencies and non-profit organizations that focus on space exploration and research.

3. What skills are needed to pursue a career in astronomy?

To pursue a career in astronomy, one should have a strong foundation in mathematics and physics. Other important skills include critical thinking, problem-solving, and data analysis. Good communication and writing skills are also essential for presenting and publishing research findings.

4. Is a PhD required to work in the field of astronomy?

While a PhD is typically required for research positions in academia, there are other job opportunities in astronomy that may not require a PhD. For example, some government agencies and private companies may hire astronomers with a master's degree or even a bachelor's degree, depending on the specific job requirements.

5. What can I do to improve my job prospects in astronomy?

To improve your job prospects in astronomy, it is important to gain research experience through internships, summer programs, or undergraduate research projects. Networking with professionals in the field and attending conferences and workshops can also help in finding job opportunities. Additionally, developing a strong portfolio of research projects and publications can make you a more competitive candidate for job openings.

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