Image charge inside a conducting sphere

In summary, the image charge method is a way to describe an equipotential or zero volt surface in terms of charges located outside the conductor.
  • #1
I think understand the concept of the "method of images" to describe a conductor. The conductor has to be an equipotential or else electrons would be moving around inside it. This equipotential can be described by replacing the conductor with an image charge.

For example imagine the field lines of a positive charge at a distance +x in front of a grounded vertical conductor in the y-z plane. The conductor can be represented by a negative image charge placed at position -x. The combined system of charge and image charge has a zero volt equipotential in the y-z plane as required.

Now imagine a positive charge anywhere inside a grounded conducting sphere.

Can the grounded conducting sphere be represented by a negative image charge placed directly over the positive charge? I guess it can as in such a situation all closed surfaces around such a system of charges will be at zero volts.

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  • #2
Yes, the image-charge method also works for a sphere. You have to make an ansatz with an unknown charge and distance of the image charge from the center. Then you use the boundary conditions at the conducting sphere (equipotential surface, continuity of the tangent em. field across the surface) to determine these unknowns.

You find this in any good textbook on electromagnetism (e.g., Jackson).
  • #3
vanhees71 said:
Yes, the image-charge method also works for a sphere. You have to make an ansatz with an unknown charge and distance of the image charge from the center. Then you use the boundary conditions at the conducting sphere (equipotential surface, continuity of the tangent em. field across the surface) to determine these unknowns.

You find this in any good textbook on electromagnetism (e.g., Jackson).

Does this work for the case I describe here where the charge is *inside* the conducting sphere?

In Feynman Vol II I have seen a worked example where the charge is *outside* the conducting sphere.
  • #4
Yes, it also works for a charge inside.
  • #5
vanhees71 said:
Yes, it also works for a charge inside.

  • #6
You have to be careful about the image at R=0. As R goes to zero, the image goes to infinity. In the case where the charge is outside, you need 2 images, one at the origin of the sphere and the other at some ratio that depends on the radius of the sphere. If the charge is at infinity, there's no effect on the sphere, so the image charges cancel out. Not quite sure about the inverse. I think Jackson discuss such a case, but I don't have it here.
  • #7
In principle, you can use the image method for any problem (in practice, some problems may require an infinite number of charges that are very hard to find by hand). The Green's function method solution, which is one of the most useful, robust, and general solutions to Maxwell's equations, is in a sense just a summation over the effects of appropriately placed image charges.
  • #8
The image charge equations hold for a charge outside a conductor or inside a HOLLOW CONDUCTING SHELL. It would not work fora charge inside a solid conductor.
  • #9
clem said:
The image charge equations hold for a charge outside a conductor or inside a HOLLOW CONDUCTING SHELL. It would not work fora charge inside a solid conductor.

That's just because there are no free charges inside solid perfect conductors (they are all on the surface), not any inherent weakness in the image method.

FAQ: Image charge inside a conducting sphere

1. What is the concept of an image charge inside a conducting sphere?

The concept of an image charge inside a conducting sphere is based on the principle of electrostatics, which states that like charges repel each other and opposite charges attract. When a charged particle is placed inside a conducting sphere, it induces an opposite charge on the inner surface of the sphere, creating an electric field that cancels out the external electric field. This induced charge is referred to as an image charge.

2. How is the position of the image charge determined inside a conducting sphere?

The position of the image charge inside a conducting sphere can be determined using the method of images. This involves creating a hypothetical image charge at a symmetrical point on the opposite side of the sphere from the original charge. The electric field due to this image charge cancels out the external electric field, satisfying the boundary conditions of a conducting sphere.

3. What is the significance of image charges in electrostatics?

Image charges are important in electrostatics because they allow us to solve complex problems involving conductors and charges by simplifying the geometry. By using the method of images, we can replace a complex system with a simpler one and still obtain accurate results. This concept is also applicable in other fields such as optics and fluid mechanics.

4. Can the image charge inside a conducting sphere be used to calculate the electric potential?

Yes, the image charge inside a conducting sphere can be used to calculate the electric potential. This is because the electric potential due to a point charge inside a conducting sphere is the same as the potential due to an image charge at the same location. Therefore, by using the electric potential formula for a point charge, we can calculate the potential at any point inside the conducting sphere.

5. How does the presence of a conducting sphere affect the electric field of an external charge?

The presence of a conducting sphere affects the electric field of an external charge by creating an induced charge on the inner surface of the sphere. This induced charge produces an electric field that cancels out the external electric field inside the conducting sphere. As a result, the external electric field is only present outside the conducting sphere.
