IMF and land of dreams and nightmears

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  • Thread starter physiqueper4
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In summary, the conversation discusses the arrest of the IMF president and Julian Assange, both accused of committing the same crime. The conversation also raises questions about the treatment of high profile individuals in the justice system and the possible involvement of financial and industry groups. The conversation also mentions the ethnicity and country of origin of one of the accusers, but emphasizes that these factors should not be taken into consideration in the justice system.
  • #1
US is what is making the world as it is now, no doubt in that, grateful and impressed is every one-including othor w"esterns- by the US civilization.Yet US is not the leader in good things only, bad things are also there.
The IMF president ,the Ossange famous Wikileaks both share the same crime ( which is USUALLY comited by persons unresposable like street criminals, theafs, drug dealers...rather than very high level VIP persons who care much much about there reputaion and have enoghf money to bring any (if not any,most of )woman to there bed), one of them desturbed US on the public and the othor is arested in US, they waited him to come to NY to couch him (exactly if they afread he will run away !) there was direct and surprise arrestation.
The police insited that he appears infromnt of the media with the hunds blocked,unshaved, excatlly as the judghe insited to refuse his ak to be freed for 4 days by paying 1 million USD, which is starneg sinc we know all that there are killers who get released for months by paying much lower prices.
The man was doing great job , people who knew him say he ''is probably not to do it''.The woman claiming raped is from Guinea, and believe me, that only makes suspecions ( do you know the majority of Internet pirates is from Africa?)..
Hard to Imagine he could'nt do some arrangement with her even by millions of dollars-he is very rich you should know-.
The question is why people like Berlesconi who are very probably corrupted financially and socially still remain respectful in the world while persons like IMF president face very hard treatement from the firts day?
I think, Financial mafia, banks, industry personalities are very involved especially after the world economic crisis and the calls for trials to take place. GOd bless you America!
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  • #2
there is no comparison to assange. assange's accusers had "second thoughts" after consensual encounters. strauss-kahn is simply a rapist. even the god-daughter of his second wife has come out now saying he tried to rape her during a meeting that was supposed to be a kind of job interview.

i admit i was suspicious at first over the strauss-kahn affair maybe being a setup, but to have a close family friend of the ex-wife come out making such an accusation changes the situation significantly.
  • #3
I'm a little surprised he's being held at Rikers island and not released on a high bond with Passport pulled?
  • #4
physiqueper4 said:
US is what is making the world as it is now, no doubt in that, grateful and impressed is every one-including othor w"esterns- by the US civilization.Yet US is not the leader in good things only, bad things are also there.
The IMF president ,the Ossange famous Wikileaks both share the same crime ( which is USUALLY comited by persons unresposable like street criminals, theafs, drug dealers...rather than very high level VIP persons who care much much about there reputaion and have enoghf money to bring any (if not any,most of )woman to there bed), one of them desturbed US on the public and the othor is arested in US, they waited him to come to NY to couch him (exactly if they afread he will run away !) there was direct and surprise arrestation.

Assange didn't commit the alleged crime on US soil, your comparison is illogical.

Also, rapists come in all shapes and sizes, even "very high level VIP persons".
The police insited that he appears infromnt of the media with the hunds blocked,unshaved, excatlly as the judghe insited to refuse his ak to be freed for 4 days by paying 1 million USD, which is starneg sinc we know all that there are killers who get released for months by paying much lower prices.

The police insisted on nothing, it's the judge's decision to allow media into the courtroom. He was refused bail because he is a flight risk. See "Roman Polanski" for more info on that.
The man was doing great job , people who knew him say he ''is probably not to do it''.

Here in the US, how well a perp does his job has no bearing on the decision to press charges against him. Being successful does not mean you are above the law. Don't the French have an ideal of égalité?
The woman claiming raped is from Guinea, and believe me, that only makes suspecions ( do you know the majority of Internet pirates is from Africa?)..
Hard to Imagine he could'nt do some arrangement with her even by millions of dollars-he is very rich you should know-.

Totally unreasonable. Her ethnicity and country of origin are completely irrelevant.
The question is why people like Berlesconi who are very probably corrupted financially and socially still remain respectful in the world while persons like IMF president face very hard treatement from the firts day?

Stay on topic here. Berlusconi's exploits have nothing to do with a man trying to rape a housekeeper in a hotel in New York.
I think, Financial mafia, banks, industry personalities are very involved especially after the world economic crisis and the calls for trials to take place. GOd bless you America!

I think your post betrays a belief in conspiracy theories. Sigh.
  • #5
I would post my opinion here, but Lisa's already done it better than I could.
  • #6
Thx for that .
I do believe that a man who does his job good and perfectlly as possible is man of honor and has concious.Raping is a contradiction to that.
Totally unreasonable. Her ethnicity and country of origin are completely irrelevant. .[/QUOTE said:
OF COURSE neither ethnicity nor country of origine or any race or religious adgective is considired in justice and humain writes.This should not be understood from what I say.what I'm trying to say is; bringing a woman from poor envirement and low educated and not well knows and has few even non relatives who could tell bout her is easier in similar cases.

Stay on topic here. Berlusconi's exploits have nothing to do with a man trying to rape a housekeeper in a hotel in New York. .[/QUOTE said:
the topic is the same ; global Financial mavia with corrupted politician roling the globe. Do'nt you see it is a system?, modern democracies are turned in the hands of few people who covers each othopr from west to east earth?
BErlesconi is a PM of Itally who faced and etill faces trials about corruption and sex relations; he always gets free and still very respected.

I do not want to defend Dominique SK because I do not know what really happened.I only insist that we should as public and citizens of our goverments to be very careful and suspecious about every thing they say because from the first day they say it " we are POLITICIANS".
  • #7
I have read many stupid things on the internet. The contention that someone who performs his job well cannot be a rapist is unequivocally the dumbest.

I had to quote Adam Sandler, but...

"Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

This thread is history.

Related to IMF and land of dreams and nightmears

1. What is the IMF and how does it relate to the land of dreams and nightmares?

The IMF, or International Monetary Fund, is an international organization that works to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world. It relates to the land of dreams and nightmares because it often provides loans and financial support to developing countries, which can have both positive and negative impacts on their economies and societies.

2. How does the IMF impact countries' economies?

The IMF impacts countries' economies through its policies and programs, which often involve providing loans and financial support in exchange for economic reforms. These reforms can include austerity measures, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and liberalization of trade and investment. The IMF's impact on countries' economies is a subject of debate, with some arguing that it can help stabilize and promote growth, while others criticize its policies for exacerbating inequality and harming vulnerable populations.

3. Does the IMF only work with developing countries?

No, the IMF works with both developed and developing countries. However, it tends to focus more on developing countries that are facing economic difficulties and need support in stabilizing their economies. The IMF also provides policy advice and technical assistance to both developed and developing countries on various economic issues.

4. How does the IMF address issues of poverty and inequality in the land of dreams and nightmares?

The IMF aims to reduce poverty and inequality through its lending programs and policy advice. It encourages countries to implement pro-poor policies and invest in social programs, such as education and healthcare, to promote inclusive growth and reduce poverty. However, critics argue that the IMF's policies, such as austerity measures, can actually worsen poverty and inequality by cutting social spending and exacerbating economic disparities.

5. What role does the IMF play in promoting sustainable development in the land of dreams and nightmares?

The IMF has increasingly incorporated sustainable development goals into its policies and programs, recognizing the importance of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. It works with countries to promote sustainable growth, reduce carbon emissions, and address climate change. However, the IMF's focus on economic stability and growth can sometimes conflict with sustainability goals, as seen in its support for industries like fossil fuels.
