Immune System: Nanobots, Implants & Defenses

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In summary, the immune system responds to foreign objects by attacking them. If a medical robot were to possess an "inert surface," it would be immune to attack by the body's immune system.
  • #1
hi, I'm new here. i was hoping someone could answer my question about the immune system.

you hear talk sometimes about the possibility of medical nanobots on the horizon. if such nanoscale medical robots were ever to be developed, would the body attack them? i know that the immune system recognizes foreign invaders by their protein coat and/or lipid shell. and I've seen talk about the possibility of these hypothetical medical bots posessing an 'inert surface' as a way past the defensive lines. or that, possibly they could practice biomimicy, and be coated themselves with a protein that the body recognizes, thereby preventing attack by B-cells.

but what constitutes an 'inert surface' as far the immune system is concerned? just metal or a carbon composite? people get implants, after all, and the body doesn't seem to attack artificial hips or cochlear devices.

so. does the immune system recognize tiny little bots as invaders? if so, why and how? and what would happen to them? what might be some strategies be for protecting the bots? and finally, if a protein coat is the answer, what type of coat would be universally accepted by all human bodies?

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  • #2
maybe it's a dumb question, but i thought someone might take a crack at it.
  • #3
No, it is a very good question: immune responses can be elicited by any foreign object: also metals. You can even feed a macrophage plastic spheres. I'll have to reply later.
  • #4
is this a board full of professionals or are there more laypeople here? perhaps I've come to these boards with questions that are too elementary for anyone to bother with? don't want to bring the level of discussion down. if I'm in the wrong place, i'll go to an easier forum somewhere.
  • #5
You just need a little more patience. You asked a really good question, so it might be that people here don't have easy answers on hand. I've only been on this board a short time and don't really know who all is here, but I get the sense it's a mix of science professionals, students of all ages, and others who are just curious about science. I could be wrong.

I'm not sure exactly "what" makes something inert in the body, but as you pointed out, there are biocompatible polymers available. I have a friend who is a biomedical engineer, and I know she works on stuff like that, but I've never asked her directly whether there is a characteristic of a material that predicts it will be biocompatible. I think some of what they used to do was coat medical devices with substances like teflon that just prevented anything in the body from sticking to it...not sure if they still do it.

Theoretically, silicone is an inert substance in the body, but we all know from the many stories about breast implants that it didn't quite work out that way. It may not trigger a full immune reaction, but the body does still seem to recognize a foreign body and try to sequester it with an encapsulation of connective tissue. Maybe that happens with all implants and that's why physical therapy to maintain mobility is so keep that connective tissue encapsulation from hindering movement and function of a joint replacement, for example. But I don't really know, I'm just speculating on this.
  • #6
thanks. yah, patience is good. but if i don't refresh these, they slide to the bottom and get overlooked.
  • #7
Many people are "allergic" to nickel.. but I'm not sure if its the immune system which causes the inflamation. Nickel might not even be inert ..

The best i could find is how certain metals are adversely effect the immune system.

But nothing is intirely inert... all it takes is for it to mimick another metal, or deform a protein slightly and its all over!
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FAQ: Immune System: Nanobots, Implants & Defenses

1. How do nanobots work in the immune system?

Nanobots are tiny robots that are designed to work at the nanoscale level, which is one billionth of a meter. These nanobots are programmed to target specific cells in the body, such as cancer cells or pathogens, and either destroy them or deliver medication to them. In the immune system, nanobots can be used to enhance the body's natural defenses by identifying and attacking harmful cells or pathogens.

2. What are the advantages of using implants in the immune system?

Implants, also known as biocompatible materials, can be used to enhance the function of the immune system in a variety of ways. They can be designed to release medication or nutrients directly into the body, stimulate the production of immune cells, or act as a scaffold for cells to attach to and repair damaged tissue. Implants can also be used to monitor immune system function and detect any abnormalities or deficiencies.

3. Can nanobots or implants cause harm to the body's natural defenses?

While there is always a potential for any foreign object or substance in the body to cause harm, extensive testing and research is done before using nanobots or implants in the immune system. These technologies are designed to work with the body's natural processes and are carefully designed and monitored to minimize any potential risks or side effects.

4. How can the use of nanobots and implants impact the future of healthcare?

The use of nanobots and implants in the immune system has the potential to revolutionize healthcare in many ways. These technologies can help diagnose and treat diseases more accurately and efficiently, reduce the need for invasive surgeries, and improve overall patient outcomes. They also have the potential to be used in personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to an individual's specific immune system needs.

5. Are there any ethical concerns surrounding the use of nanobots and implants in the immune system?

As with any emerging technology, there may be ethical concerns surrounding the use of nanobots and implants in the immune system. These may include issues of privacy, accessibility, and potential misuse of these technologies. It is important for scientists and policymakers to carefully consider and address these concerns in order to ensure the responsible and ethical use of these technologies in healthcare.

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