Impact Parameter: Solving Collision Problems

In summary: I learned a lot.In summary, the problem of collision can be solved using four equations: conservation of momentum and energy, impulsive forces and impact parameter (distance between center of masses of the particle taken perpendicular to velocity).
  • #1
Any problem of collision can be solved using four equations: Conservation of momentum and energy, impulsive forces and impact parameter (distance between center of masses of the particle taken perpendicular to velocity). I can solve problems using first three cases. But how to analyse a problem when impact parameter is given as data. ??
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  • #2
First of all, angular momentum is conserved, so you can separate the motion into radial motion and angular motion. You can calculate the angular momentum from the impact parameter. You can solve the radial motion separately by treating the angular momentum as an effective potential acting in the radial direction. Find the minimum distance, and integrate the forces from infinity to the minimum distance. It's just some messy math.

Of course, the solution is already available for 1/r^2 forces (Rutherford scattering).
  • #3
Ok. I got the first part. But can you please elaborate "effective potential" stuff a little more.
  • #4
The effective potential is basically another way of writing the centrifugal force. It is a fictitious force which pushes stuff away from the center where r=0. If you consider two particles which pass beside each other without colliding and you write the equations of motion for one particle with respect to the center of mass frame, you see
dx/dt = dy/dt = dz/dt = 0, because there are no forces because these particles don't collide. But if you look at dr/dt, dr/dt > 0. There is an effective potential that pushes the particle away from the center of mass. see
  • #5
See Section titled Determining the Impact Parameter in

Plugging values of nuclear Z, the scattered angle, and the incident alpha particle energy into the empty boxes is sufficient to determine the dependent variable impact parameter b. So either the impact parameter or the scattered angle can be used as an input parameter.
  • #6

FAQ: Impact Parameter: Solving Collision Problems

1. What is the impact parameter in collision problems?

The impact parameter is a measure of the shortest distance between the path of a particle and the center of mass of another particle during a collision. It is often denoted as b and is used to calculate the relative velocity and momentum transfer between the two particles.

2. How is the impact parameter calculated?

The impact parameter is calculated using the formula b = L/(mvr), where L is the angular momentum, m is the mass of the particle, v is the velocity, and r is the distance of closest approach between the two particles. This formula can be derived from the conservation of angular momentum and energy during a collision.

3. What is the significance of the impact parameter in collision problems?

The impact parameter is significant because it determines the type of collision that will occur between two particles. A smaller impact parameter indicates a head-on collision, while a larger impact parameter indicates a glancing or off-center collision. This information is crucial in understanding the outcome of a collision and can help predict the trajectories of the particles after the collision.

4. How is the impact parameter used to solve collision problems?

The impact parameter is used in conjunction with other equations, such as the conservation of momentum and energy, to solve collision problems. By knowing the impact parameter and other initial conditions, such as the masses and velocities of the particles, we can calculate the final velocities and trajectories of the particles after the collision.

5. Can the impact parameter be negative?

No, the impact parameter cannot be negative. It is always a positive value because it represents the shortest distance between the path of the particle and the center of mass of the other particle. If the impact parameter is calculated to be negative, it means there is an error in the calculations or assumptions made about the collision.
