Implementing mini imperative language in Haskell.

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In summary: Complete the data type Aexp for Aexp given in coursework_1.hs, using the constructors Incr and Decr for post-increment and post-decrement. Un- comment factorial and runfactorial, which should pass type-checking."s[v􏰀→n+1] should have v􏰀→n+1 as the last component.
  • #1
Hi, I need to implement a mini imperative language in Haskell but I'm struggling to get my head around it.

I need to implement an increment and decrement function like ++ and -- in other languages.

We've been given some skeleton code which we need to complete in order to run a factorial function using the decrement operator.

Here's the skeleton code:
data Aexp = Num Integer
          | Var Variable
          | Aexp :+: Aexp
          | Aexp :-: Aexp
          | Aexp :*: Aexp

evalA (Num n) s   = undefined
evalA (Var v) s   = undefined
evalA (a :+: b) s = undefined
evalA (a :*: b) s = undefined
evalA (a :-: b) s = undefined

Here's the factorial function which it needs to run:
factorial :: Comm
factorial = ("y" :=: Num 1) :>:
            While (Num 1 :<=: Var "x")
              ("y" :=: (Var "y" :*: Decr "x"))

runFactorial :: Integer -> Integer
runFactorial i = get "y" s
    s = evalC factorial (set "x" i empty)

This is mainly to teach me about the semantics and as such I've been given nothing the following definitions:

A[v++](s)=(t,n) where t=s[v􏰀→n+1] and n=s(v)
A[v−−](s)=(t,n) where t=s[v􏰀→n−1] and n=s(v)

This is my attempt so far, but I'm struggling the with Decr and Incr functions and I'm not sure if the rest of what I have done is correct.

data Aexp = Num Integer
          | Var Variable
          | Aexp :+: Aexp
          | Aexp :-: Aexp
          | Aexp :*: Aexp
          | Incr Variable
          | Decr VariableevalA :: Aexp -> State -> (State, Integer)
evalA (Num n) s   = (s, n)
evalA (Var v) s   = (s, v)
evalA (Incr v) s  = undefined
evalA (Decr v) s = undefined
evalA (a :+: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na + nb)
evalA (a :*: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na * nb)
evalA (a :-: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na - nb)

Thanks for any help! :D
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  • #2
JaAnTr said:
Here's the skeleton code:
Why doesn't it include the Incr and Decr operations? Also, were you given that the type of evalA should be Aexp -> State -> (State, Integer) and not evalA :: Aexp -> State -> Integer? Does this assignment involve monads by chance?

JaAnTr said:
This is mainly to teach me about the semantics and as such I've been given nothing the following definitions:
So, nothing or the following definitions? (Smile)

JaAnTr said:
A[v++](s)=(t,n) where t=s[v􏰀→n+1] and n=s(v)
A[v−−](s)=(t,n) where t=s[v􏰀→n−1] and n=s(v)
What symbol follows v in s[v􏰀→n+1]? It is not shown correctly in my browser.

JaAnTr said:
evalA (Var v) s   = (s, v)
The right-hand side should be [m](s, get v s)[/m].

JaAnTr said:
evalA (Incr v) s  = undefined
Well, you are told that the result should be something like
let n = get v s in
  let t = update s v (n + 1) in
    (t, n)
where [m]update s v m[/m] returns a state that is like s but maps v into m.
  • #3
Why doesn't it include the Incr and Decr operations? Also, were you given that the type of evalA should be Aexp -> State -> (State, Integer) and not evalA :: Aexp -> State -> Integer? Does this assignment involve monads by chance?

Not sure why it wasn't given, the specification says - "Complete the data type Aexp for Aexp given in coursework_1.hs, using the constructors Incr and Decr for post-increment and post-decrement. Un- comment factorial and runfactorial, which should pass type-checking." I don't know if it involves monads, but I doubt it. We've never done Haskell before and it's meant to be fairly easy coursework and from what I've just read monads are meant to be quite complex.

We weren't given that type, I have done that myself as it's one of the requirements. Is it wrong?

So, nothing or the following definitions?

That is a typo, not sure why I typed "nothing". :P

What symbol follows v in s[v􏰀→n+1]? It is not shown correctly in my browser.

Here is the relevant parts from the specification. I've taken a screenshot so you can see the symbols. :D

View attachment 4074View attachment 4075I've read through the other things you've said and put them in so my code now looks like this:

data Aexp = Num Integer
          | Var Variable
          | Aexp :+: Aexp
          | Aexp :-: Aexp
          | Aexp :*: Aexp
          | Incr Variable
          | Decr VariableevalA :: Aexp -> State -> (State, Integer)
evalA (Num n) s   = (s, n)
evalA (Var v) s   = (s, v)
evalA (Incr v) s  = let n = get v s in
                      let t = update s v (n + 1) in
                        (t, n)
evalA (Decr v) s = let n = get v s in
                      let t = update s v (n - 1) in
                        (t, n)
evalA (a :+: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na + nb)
evalA (a :*: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na * nb)
evalA (a :-: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na - nb)

But when compiling I get the error:

coursework_1.hs:54:31: Not in scope: ‘update’

coursework_1.hs:57:31: Not in scope: ‘update’

I've googled but I can't seem to find what the word "update" does or if it's built into Haskell?



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  • #4
You are right about the type of evalA.

The right-hand side of [m]evalA (Var v) s[/m] is still wrong.

JaAnTr said:
But when compiling I get the error:

coursework_1.hs:54:31: Not in scope: ‘update’
[m]update[/m] is a function that should be defined in your code, just like [m]get[/m]. I described what it should do. Maybe you already have it under a different name. Since I don't know how state is implemented in your program, I can't say how to write it at this point.
  • #5
Evgeny.Makarov said:
You are right about the type of evalA.

The right-hand side of [m]evalA (Var v) s[/m] is still wrong.

[m]update[/m] is a function that should be defined in your code, just like [m]get[/m]. I described what it should do. Maybe you already have it under a different name. Since I don't know how state is implemented in your program, I can't say how to write it at this point.

Ok, I've been given code for a get function and a set function (which I assume is the same as update?).

type Variable = String

type State = [(Variable,Integer)]

empty :: State
empty = []

set :: Variable -> Integer -> State -> State
set v n [] = [(v,n)]
set v n ((w,m):xs) | v == w = (v,n) : xs
                   | otherwise = (w,m) : set v n xs

get :: Variable -> State -> Integer
get v [] = 0
get v ((w,m):xs) | v == w = m
                 | otherwise = get v xs

So this is my code now,

data Aexp = Num Integer
          | Var Variable
          | Aexp :+: Aexp
          | Aexp :-: Aexp
          | Aexp :*: Aexp
          | Incr Variable
          | Decr VariableevalA :: Aexp -> State -> (State, Integer)
evalA (Num n) s   = (s, get n s)
evalA (Var v) s   = (s, get v s)
evalA (Incr v) s  = let n = get v s in
                      let t = set s v (n + 1) in
                        (t, n)
evalA (Decr v) s = let n = get v s in
                      let t = set s v (n - 1) in
                        (t, n)
evalA (a :+: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na + nb)
evalA (a :*: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na * nb)
evalA (a :-: b) s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na - nb)

However, I'm getting lots of errors from the compiler such as:

Couldn't match type ‘(Variable, Integer)’ with ‘Char’
    Expected type: Variable
      Actual type: State
    In the first argument of ‘get’, namely ‘s’
    In the expression: get s n

I really don't understand the error, would you be able to explain it.

Thanks :D
  • #6
JaAnTr said:
Ok, I've been given code for a get function and a set function (which I assume is the same as update?).
Yes, your [m]set[/m] is what I called [m]update[/m], up to the order of arguments.

Now that you corrected the line [m]evalA (Var v) s = (s, get v s)[/m], the previous line [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, get n s)[/m] is wrong. If you have a constant in your program, you don't need to look it up in the state; you just return it. What you had previously: [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, n)[/m], was correct. But if you have a variable, you need to return its value, which is stored in the state. A state is a function from variable names to values, in this case, integers.

Now, the error message you gave complains about the expression [m]get s n[/m], and I don't see it in your code. Perhaps you actually have [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, get s n)[/m] and not [m](s, get n s)[/m]. The function [m]get[/m] takes a string, which is a list of Char, and a state. If you pass it a state, which is a list of pairs (Variable, Integer), i.e., (String, Integer), as the first argument, Haskell attempts to match a list of (Variable, Integer) (actually given) and a list of Char (expected). For this it compares (Variable, Integer) and Char and fails. That's the meaning of the error message. But again, you don't have to look up [m]n[/m] is the state; it is already an integer that can be returned.

You also have incorrect order of arguments to [m]set[/m]. I wrote [m]update s v (n + 1)[/m] because I did not know the type of [m]update[/m]. It should be [m]set v (n + 1) s[/m] instead.
  • #7
Evgeny.Makarov said:
Yes, your [m]set[/m] is what I called [m]update[/m], up to the order of arguments.

Now that you corrected the line [m]evalA (Var v) s = (s, get v s)[/m], the previous line [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, get n s)[/m] is wrong. If you have a constant in your program, you don't need to look it up in the state; you just return it. What you had previously: [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, n)[/m], was correct. But if you have a variable, you need to return its value, which is stored in the state. A state is a function from variable names to values, in this case, integers.

Now, the error message you gave complains about the expression [m]get s n[/m], and I don't see it in your code. Perhaps you actually have [m]evalA (Num n) s = (s, get s n)[/m] and not [m](s, get n s)[/m]. The function [m]get[/m] takes a string, which is a list of Char, and a state. If you pass it a state, which is a list of pairs (Variable, Integer), i.e., (String, Integer), as the first argument, Haskell attempts to match a list of (Variable, Integer) (actually given) and a list of Char (expected). For this it compares (Variable, Integer) and Char and fails. That's the meaning of the error message. But again, you don't have to look up [m]n[/m] is the state; it is already an integer that can be returned.

You also have incorrect order of arguments to [m]set[/m]. I wrote [m]update s v (n + 1)[/m] because I did not know the type of [m]update[/m]. It should be [m]set v (n + 1) s[/m] instead.

Ah that's great, no errors from any of that code. I did forget to mention that we'd been given some more skeleton code that we need to complete. If you wouldn't mind helping me out that would be great. I've had a go but am getting a bit stuck. Here it is:

------------------------- Boolean expressions

data Bexp = Boolean Bool
          | Aexp :==: Aexp
          | Aexp :<=: Aexp
          | Neg Bexp
          | Bexp :&: Bexp
          | Bexp :|: Bexp

evalB (Boolean b) s = undefined
evalB (a :==: b)  s = undefined
evalB (a :<=: b)  s = undefined
evalB (Neg b)     s = undefined
evalB (a :&: b)   s = undefined
evalB (a :|: b)   s = undefined------------------------- Commands

data Comm = Skip
          | Variable :=: Aexp
          | Comm :>: Comm
          | If Bexp Comm Comm
          | While Bexp Comm

evalC :: Comm -> State -> State
evalC Skip        s = s
evalC (v :=: a)   s = set v x t where (t,x) = evalA a s
evalC (c :>: d)   s = evalC d (evalC c s)
evalC (If b c d)  s | x         = evalC c t
                    | otherwise = evalC d t
                    where (t,x) = evalB b s
evalC (While b c) s | x         = evalC (While b c) (evalC c t) 
                    | otherwise = t
                    where (t,x) = evalB b s

What I think I need to do is complete the type signature for evalB and then complete the evalB functions.

Reading through to lecture notes I've done this:

data Bexp = Boolean Bool
          | Aexp :==: Aexp
          | Aexp :<=: Aexp
          | Neg Bexp
          | Bexp :&: Bexp
          | Bexp :|: Bexp

evalB :: Bexp -> State -> Bool
evalB (Boolean b) s = s
evalB (a :==: b)  s = evalA a s == evalA b s
evalB (a :<=: b)  s = evalA a s <= evalA b s
evalB (Neg b)     s = not (evalB b s)
evalB (a :&: b)   s = evalB a s && evalB b s
evalB (a :|: b)   s = evalB a s || evalB b s

But I think that could be wrong. Should the type signature be:

evalB :: Bexp -> State -> (State, Bool)?

If that's the case I guess that would make all my evalB functions wrong too.


I've managed to get it working now, although I have to comment out the line:

evalB (Neg b) s = not (evalB b s)

when running runFactorial as I'm not sure how to negate a boolean so it returns both state and boolean and it isn't needed for the runFactorial function. Here's the code just to show you.

data Bexp = Boolean Bool
          | Aexp :==: Aexp
          | Aexp :<=: Aexp
          | Neg Bexp
          | Bexp :&: Bexp
          | Bexp :|: Bexp

evalB :: Bexp -> State -> (State, Bool)
evalB (Boolean b) s = (s, b)
evalB (a :==: b)  s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na == nb)
evalB (a :<=: b)  s0 = let (s1, na) = evalA a s0; (s2, nb) = evalA b s1 in (s2, na <= nb)
evalB (Neg b)     s = not (evalB b s)
evalB (a :&: b)   s0 = let (s1, na) = evalB a s0; (s2, nb) = evalB b s1 in (s2, na && nb)
evalB (a :|: b)   s0 = let (s1, na) = evalB a s0; (s2, nb) = evalB b s1 in (s2, na || nb)

If you could perhaps help me with the negation that would be fantastic.
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  • #8
You did conjunction and disjunction correctly, and negation is even simpler. You need to get a pair of a new state t and a Boolean result b' after evaluating b in s and return a pair (t, not b').

Related to Implementing mini imperative language in Haskell.

What is a mini imperative language?

A mini imperative language is a programming language that allows for the execution of commands or instructions in a sequential manner. It typically includes features such as variables, loops, and conditional statements. In this context, "mini" refers to the language's simplicity and limited scope.

Why would someone want to implement a mini imperative language in Haskell?

Haskell is a functional programming language known for its concise and elegant syntax. By implementing a mini imperative language in Haskell, one can take advantage of both functional and imperative programming paradigms, resulting in a powerful and expressive language that can be used for a variety of purposes.

What are the main challenges in implementing a mini imperative language in Haskell?

One of the main challenges is the inherent differences between functional and imperative programming. For example, functional programming relies heavily on recursion and immutable data structures, while imperative programming uses mutable state and loops. Finding a way to combine these two paradigms in a seamless and efficient manner can be a difficult task.

What are the benefits of implementing a mini imperative language in Haskell?

Implementing a mini imperative language in Haskell can provide developers with a powerful and flexible tool for solving a wide range of problems. It also allows for the exploration and integration of different programming paradigms, leading to a deeper understanding of programming principles and techniques.

Are there any real-world examples of mini imperative languages implemented in Haskell?

Yes, there are several examples of mini imperative languages implemented in Haskell, such as the Haste compiler, which allows for the compilation of Haskell code to JavaScript. Additionally, some domain-specific languages have been implemented in Haskell, such as the Ur/Web language for web development.

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