Implementing some pseudocode in python

  • Python
  • Thread starter Mr Davis 97
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In summary: The solution is to use afloating point number, which Python provides via the float type.rate = 0.05while rate <= .15: #do stuff if rate is <= .15 rate += .05
  • #1
Mr Davis 97
I need to implement the following pseudocode in Python:

N=5            #where N is number of years
    For (rate = 0.05, rate <= 0.15, rate = rate + 0.05)
      For (principal=10000, principal <=15000, principal=principal+1000)
         simple = principal * (1 + rate * N) #where N is number of years
         compound = principal * (1 + rate) ^ N
         print simple + “ “ + compound

However, this psudocode uses the for loop in the style of a C language. Python uses a foreach type loop, which takes a variable and iterates over a list. We typically use `range()` for this for the list, but this only takes integers as arguments, while the for loop I am trying to implement needs to take floating point numbers. Is there any simple way in which I can use a typical Python for loop to implement this? Or will I have to fall back on using a while loop with a counter variable?
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  • #2
You can't use the built-in range() for this without obfuscating contortions. You can write your own generator for this task, with the usual caveats about floating point comparisons. Alternatively, if numpy is available you can use numpy.linspace. (Don't avoid numpy feeling that it isn't standard, it's ubiquitous for Python numeric work. Furthermore you will usually get better performance from it than by rolling your own solutions.)
  • #3
Integrand said:
You can't use the built-in range() for this without obfuscating contortions. You can write your own generator for this task, with the usual caveats about floating point comparisons. Alternatively, if numpy is available you can use numpy.linspace. (Don't avoid numpy feeling that it isn't standard, it's ubiquitous for Python numeric work. Furthermore you will usually get better performance from it than by rolling your own solutions.)

So assuming that I don't want to do any of the things that you suggested, I would have to use a while loop?
  • #4
Mr Davis 97 said:
I need to implement the following pseudocode in Python:

N=5            #where N is number of years
    For (rate = 0.05, rate <= 0.15, rate = rate + 0.05)
      For (principal=10000, principal <=15000, principal=principal+1000)
         simple = principal * (1 + rate * N) #where N is number of years
         compound = principal * (1 + rate) ^ N
         print simple + “ “ + compound

However, this psudocode uses the for loop in the style of a C language. Python uses a foreach type loop, which takes a variable and iterates over a list. We typically use `range()` for this for the list, but this only takes integers as arguments, while the for loop I am trying to implement needs to take floating point numbers. Is there any simple way in which I can use a typical Python for loop to implement this? Or will I have to fall back on using a while loop with a counter variable?
You can use a while loop.
rate = .05
while rate <= .15:
   #do stuff if rate is <= .15
   rate += .05
I should mention that because of the way floating point numbers are stored, the above loop body executes only twice, not the three times that one would expect. In most programming languages, comparison of equality of two floating point numbers is fraught with difficulty.

The following code behaves more like what one would expect.
rate = .125
while rate <= 1.0:
   #do stuff if rate is <= 1.0
   rate += .125
This loop body executes 8 times. The reason this loop works as one might expect is that all of the numbers involved (.125 and 1.0) are powers of 2 (2-3 = 1/8 = .125, and 20 = 1), and so are stored exactly. In the previous example, the numbers involved aren't powers of 2, and what is stored for each is only an approximation.
  • #5
Mr Davis 97 said:
For (rate = 0.05, rate <= 0.15, rate = rate + 0.05)

The above is problematic in almost every language. (Caveat: It's not a problem if you use fixed point decimal arithmetic package. But who does that, by default?) The problem is in how computers represent real numbers. It is quite possible that 0.05+0.05+0.05 will be greater than 0.15. On some computers, that for loop will only execute twice.

Is there any simple way in which I can use a typical Python for loop to implement this? Or will I have to fall back on using a while loop with a counter variable?

In this particular case, you only have three values to be examined. I myself would use
for rate in (0.05, 0.10, 0.15) :

This says exactly what you want to do: You want to do some calculations with those three specific rates. There's no mucking around with the vagaries of floating point arithmetic, no obfuscations involving an integer loop variable multiplied by some real scale factor.

Being pythonic used to seem to mean finding the cleverest, most obscure way to do something. That was never the intent of being "pythonic". Being pythonic has always supposed to have meant using the one approach that is clearest and most obvious (at least to someone who understands python). In this case, explicitly enumerating the three rates you want to cover is about as pythonic as you can get. As a bonus, you can't do that in C or C++ without some contortions. Even with C++11, you'll need to use a dummy variable to hold those rates:
double rates[] = {0.05, 0.10, 0.15};
for (auto rate : rates) {
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  • #6
D H said:
The above is problematic in almost every language. (Caveat: It's not a problem if you use fixed point decimal arithmetic package. But who does that, by default?) The problem is in how computers represent real numbers. It is quite possible that 0.05+0.05+0.05 will be greater than 0.15. On some computers, that for loop will only execute twice.
In this particular case, you only have three values to be examined. I myself would use
for rate in (0.05, 0.10, 0.15) :

This says exactly what you want to do: You want to do some calculations with those three specific rates. There's no mucking around with the vagaries of floating point arithmetic, no obfuscations involving an integer loop variable multiplied by some real scale factor.

Being pythonic used to seem to mean finding the cleverest, most obscure way to do something. That was never the intent of being "pythonic". Being pythonic has always supposed to have meant using the one approach that is clearest and most obvious (at least to someone who understands python). In this case, explicitly enumerating the three rates you want to cover is about as pythonic as you can get. As a bonus, you can't do that in C or C++ without some contortions. Even with C++11, you'll need to use a dummy variable to hold those rates:
double rates[] = {0.05, 0.10, 0.15};
for (auto rate : rates) {

In this case your idea will work well--using a list to iterate over rather than a while loop. However, what would I do in situations that call for a large number of percentages, like 1000? I couldn't possibly store them all in a list before run-time. Usually a for-loop would be used for this, but floats are imprecise... So what would I do? (I just want to know so that I don't run into the problem in the future without knowing what to do).
  • #7
I don't know about python, but usually what you want is to use an integer as the loop argument, and derive floats from it:
// For (rate = 0.05, rate <= 0.15, rate = rate + 0.05)
for (int i_rate = 5; i_rate <= 15; i_rate += 5)
      float rate = i_rate /100.;
      // ...
  • #8
D H provided a nice specific solution, but if you want a general one that efficiently handles large data sets then it's back to generators. They yield successive values in a sequence without constructing the entire sequence. If you want to construct your own generator rather than use something like numpy.linspace as I suggested above (this is a solved problem), then I recommend you mitigate floating point accumulation errors by calculating at the start how many values you expect in total, then multiply the output of the builtin range() function against your step size each interation.

Related to Implementing some pseudocode in python

1. What is pseudocode and why is it used?

Pseudocode is a type of code that is written in a language that is easily understood by humans, but not necessarily executable by a computer. It is used as a way to plan and outline the steps of a program before writing actual code. Pseudocode helps to clarify the logic and structure of a program before it is implemented in a specific programming language.

2. How do I convert pseudocode into python code?

To convert pseudocode into python code, you will need to familiarize yourself with the syntax and rules of the python language. Start by identifying the key elements of your pseudocode, such as variables, loops, and conditional statements. Then, use the appropriate python syntax to implement these elements in your code. It may also be helpful to use online resources or consult with a more experienced programmer for guidance.

3. Can I use pseudocode for any programming language?

Yes, pseudocode can be used for any programming language. Pseudocode is meant to be a universal language that can be easily understood by programmers regardless of their programming language expertise. However, it is important to keep in mind that each programming language has its own specific syntax and rules, so some adjustments may need to be made when converting pseudocode into code for a specific language.

4. Is there a specific format or style for writing pseudocode?

No, there is no specific format or style for writing pseudocode. The key is to use a clear and easily understandable language that accurately represents the logic and structure of your program. Some common conventions for writing pseudocode include using indents to represent code blocks, using descriptive variable names, and using keywords like "if" and "while" to represent conditional statements and loops.

5. How do I know if my pseudocode is correct?

There is no right or wrong way to write pseudocode, as long as it accurately represents the logic and structure of your program. However, it is always a good idea to double check your pseudocode and make sure it aligns with your intended program outcomes. You can also ask for feedback from other programmers or test your pseudocode by converting it into actual code and running it to see if it produces the desired results.

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