Implications of Chaos Theory on Changing Scientific Framesets | Newton to Now

In summary, chaos theory has had implications on the development of science, specifically in changing framesets from a deterministic view to a more chaotic or probabilistic one. This has led to changes in the definition of classical science and its method from the days of Newton and Galileo. The idea of a clockwork universe no longer holds as chaos theory and quantum mechanics have shown that the universe is not entirely regular and predictable. Chaos theory is deterministic at a low level processing, but the introduction of probability in physical equations has challenged the underlying principles of science. Human will also plays a role in this, as setting the exact same initial conditions may be impossible due to the complexity of the human brain and external factors. In quantum mechanics, even if the probabilities are the
  • #1
The question i would like to raise is what exactly are the implications of chaos theory on the way science is developping? More specifically, is there any trouble in changing framesets from a deterministic view of the universe to a perhaps more chaotic or probabilistic one? If so, what changes had to be made from the definition of classical science and of its method from the days of Newton and Galileo? Does the idea of a clockwork universe still hold?
What do we think?
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  • #2
I was under the impression that chaos theory was deterministic at low level processing.
  • #3
But can we still say that every event is the consequence of another, and given the same initial conditions, the same results will be obtained? If so, where does human will fit in? ( i realize this is an expansion, so that question can be ignored if need be)
  • #4
neurocomp2003 said:
I was under the impression that chaos theory was deterministic at low level processing.

Chaos as studied by mathematicians is deterministic, in fact it is often called Deterministic Chaos. The tracks of a chaotic system in phase space are perfectly well defined paths, but they get so close together so fast that you can't separate them in finite time.
  • #5
selfAdjoint said:
Chaos as studied by mathematicians is deterministic, in fact it is often called Deterministic Chaos. The tracks of a chaotic system in phase space are perfectly well defined paths, but they get so close together so fast that you can't separate them in finite time.

So what does this mean exactly? I feel that perhaps i did not quite understand what Ilya Prigogine was saying about how Newtonian determinism has failed. Do scientists still believe that the universe is regular and predictable, or has chaos invoked slight changes to this view?
  • #6
Quantum mechanics pretty much ruled out the 'predictable' aspect long ago.
  • #7
hypermonkey2 said:
So what does this mean exactly? I feel that perhaps i did not quite understand what Ilya Prigogine was saying about how Newtonian determinism has failed. Do scientists still believe that the universe is regular and predictable, or has chaos invoked slight changes to this view?

I would strongly suggest you don't use a philosopher like Prigogine as a basis of understanding the principles of physics.

The term "chaos" should not be confused with the pedestrian use of the word as defined in a standard dictionary. Chaos in mathematics and physics does not mean "it's all a jumble of event and no one can deterministically predict an outcome". This is not true. The principle of classical chaos theory is deterministic - it is why it is called deterministic chaos.

However, there's an emerging area of quantum chaos which isn't deterministic. This is still a new, active research field and should NOT be used as the predominant definition of the whole field of chaos research.

  • #8
thanks for the link. But in this case, am i to understand that the introduction of probability into physical equations has had no effect on the underlying principles of science? I would really like to understand the implications. If not just chaos theory, then could such a conclusion (against regularity and predictability) be drawn from quantum physics in general?
  • #9
Look at it this way. Chaos generally means classical chaos, and classical means predictable, deterministic etc.

In the early 20th century, classical mechanics was shown to be wrong for certain phenomena; it was replaced by quantum mechanics, as the most fundamental physical framework we have. This is where we get unpredictability, non-determinism etc. from. There is also a special kind of quantum chaos which is chaos but based on quantum principles; but fundamentally it's the quantum bit that makes it non-deterministic, not the chaos bit.
  • #10
yes hypermonkey given the same Initial conditions(exactly 100% the same exact ICs a system should repeat)...however unfortunately the human brain constitutes 100billion neurosn with an even higher exponential environmental factor. so ideally setting the same ICS may be impossible, in the physical sense.
  • #11
neurocomp2003 said:
yes hypermonkey given the same Initial conditions(exactly 100% the same exact ICs a system should repeat)...however unfortunately the human brain constitutes 100billion neurosn with an even higher exponential environmental factor. so ideally setting the same ICS may be impossible, in the physical sense.

Does this apply for radioactive decay as well? Or is it more in the sense that given the same ICS, the probabilities will remain the same?
  • #12
i think the issue is rather not will the mechanism be the same...but whether one can truly perform the exact same ICs.
  • #13
In QM, even if the probablilities are the same, the outcome will not be (which is why systems are only described in terms of probability functions).
  • #14
ZapperZ said:
I would strongly suggest you don't use a philosopher like Prigogine as a basis of understanding the principles of physics.

I do not think it is fair to dimiss Prigogine so casually offhandedly. Progogine was a talented physicist whose work on Nonlinear dynamics is greatly respected among those of the mathematics community who study such. I will not go so far as to say he was a leading authority on the subject but I do not feel it is fair to dismiss his work as nothing more than philosophy.

I think what he meant by the failure of Newtonian dynamics is nothing more than the insensibility of a concept of a clockwork universe.
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FAQ: Implications of Chaos Theory on Changing Scientific Framesets | Newton to Now

1. What is chaos theory and how does it relate to changing scientific framesets?

Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics and science that studies the behavior of complex systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. It relates to changing scientific framesets by challenging traditional linear and deterministic views of the world and introducing the concept of nonlinearity and unpredictability.

2. How has chaos theory affected scientific thinking since its emergence?

Since its emergence in the late 20th century, chaos theory has had a profound impact on scientific thinking. It has led to a shift towards a more holistic and interconnected approach to understanding complex systems, rather than reducing them to their individual parts. It has also opened up new avenues for research and discovery in various fields, including physics, biology, and economics.

3. What are some practical applications of chaos theory?

Chaos theory has practical applications in many fields, including weather forecasting, stock market analysis, and even art and music creation. It has also been used to explain phenomena such as turbulence, population dynamics, and the spread of diseases.

4. How does chaos theory challenge Newton's laws of motion?

Chaos theory challenges Newton's laws of motion by showing that small changes in initial conditions can lead to vastly different outcomes in a system, making it unpredictable. This is in contrast to Newton's laws, which assume that the future behavior of a system can be determined by its initial conditions.

5. What are the implications of chaos theory on the future of scientific research?

The implications of chaos theory on the future of scientific research are significant. It encourages scientists to consider the interconnectedness and complexity of systems, rather than focusing solely on cause and effect relationships. It also highlights the importance of studying systems in their natural state, rather than simplifying them in laboratory settings. Overall, chaos theory has the potential to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge and lead to new discoveries and innovations.

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