Implications of Work-Energy Theorem

In summary, the conversation discusses the equation Wnet = ΔKE and its application in different scenarios. It is noted that the equation does not always apply, as seen in the example of lifting a book with no change in kinetic energy. The text also brings up the concept of conservative and nonconservative forces and how they relate to work and energy transformations. The formula Wnc = ΔKE + ΔPE = 0J + 98J is discussed, with the conclusion that it is not always applicable and that any remaining energy after accounting for changes in kinetic and potential energy is due to unaccounted energy transformations, such as friction.
  • #1
Wnet = ΔKE

By this equation, if I lift a 1 kilogram book at rest from the ground and place it to be at rest on a table 10 meters above the ground, no net work has been done on the book. (Its kinetic energy before and after is zero.)

However, its potential energy has changed by mgh or 1kg * 9.8m/s2 * 10m = 98J. Therefore its total mechanical energy (KE + PE) has increased but no net work has been done.

By this reasoning the work-energy theorem implies that no net work needs to be done to increase or decrease the mechanical energy of an object.

This is counter-intuitive to me. Is not 98J of work required to increase the total mechanical energy of a system by 98J? Is there a law that relates work to the change in mechanical energy of a system?
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  • #2
The equation that you opened with does not apply to the example you cited for the very reasons you see a problem with it.
  • #3
-W = ΔU
The negative of the work done on a system is also equal to the negative change in potential energy of the system. When an object is lifted to a new height, it gains potential energy because Earth does work against it through gravity to oppose its vertical displacement. (We say it gains potential energy because it is lifted from a lower potential to a higher potential.) And this change in potential energy from the work done on the object is what causes the increase in mechanical energy. Furthermore, the process described is where this equation comes from:

ΔUg = -Wg = -FgΔy = -mgΔy
  • #4
When an object is lifted to a new height, it gains potential energy because Earth does work against it through gravity to oppose its vertical displacement.
... from the definition of gravitational potential energy, an object gains PE because work has to be done on it to get it there.

But what everyone is saying is that the initial form of the work-energy theorem commonly taught is not the whole story.
Well done for noticing. It would be better to note that work is the total change in mechanical energy. ##W=\Delta U + \Delta K##
As you advance you will come across other ways of looking at work, and you'll end up just using conservation of energy directly.
  • #5
Is the most robust definition of work:

Wnet = ΔEsystem


Also, under what conditions does Wnet = ΔKE not apply?

Later in the chapter the text makes a distinction between "conservative" and "nonconservative" forces and defines:

Wnet = Wc + Wnc = -ΔU + Wnc

Therefore by substituting Wnet for ΔKE we can say:

Wnc - ΔPE = ΔKE

Is the above formula always applicable?

If it is, because Wnc = ΔKE + ΔPE = 0J + 98J, there must be 98J of nonconservative forces acting on the book. What would those nonconservative forces be?
  • #6
Is the most robust definition of work:
Wnet = ΔEsystem

Pretty much - though different situations will use a slightly different definitions. The most common variation is the sign convention. YOu need to look out for that or just make your own and state it clearly at the start of your work.

Also, under what conditions does Wnet = ΔKE not apply?
Well, clearly when not all the work goes into changing kinetic energy.
You gave an example in post #1. A mass m climbs a hill at constant speed ... the kinetic energy does not change, but work is done.

Is the above formula always applicable?
No ... because ##W_{net}=\Delta KE## does not always apply, and the formula you quoted from the book does not always apply. You need to be careful of the context and try not to mix up different situations too much at this stage. Try to understand where the formula comes from: it's not a definition - it's a description of a particular class of situation.

Wnc = ΔKE + ΔPE = 0J + 98J, there must be 98J of nonconservative forces acting on the book.
Usually if you have some energy left over after accounting for changes in kinetic and potential energy, it means you have failed to include some energy transformations.

You need to take a close look at what you included in the kinetic and potential parts.

What would those nonconservative forces be?
... friction.

The thing to remember is that the total energy is always conserved.
With work you are usually interested in the energy that gets used for a particular task (or is needed to perform a particular task), so you are not considering the whole system. As long as you focus on the energy transformations you should be fine.

FAQ: Implications of Work-Energy Theorem

What is the Work-Energy Theorem?

The Work-Energy Theorem is a fundamental physics principle that states that the work done by a net force on an object is equal to the change in kinetic energy of that object.

How is the Work-Energy Theorem derived?

The Work-Energy Theorem can be derived from Newton's Second Law of Motion and the definition of work as the product of force and displacement. By combining these two equations, we can show that the work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.

What are the implications of the Work-Energy Theorem?

The Work-Energy Theorem has several implications, including the conservation of energy and the relationship between work and kinetic energy. It also allows us to analyze the motion of objects in terms of work and energy, rather than just forces and acceleration.

Can the Work-Energy Theorem be applied to all types of motion?

Yes, the Work-Energy Theorem can be applied to all types of motion, including linear, rotational, and combined motion. As long as there is a net force acting on the object, the work done by that force will result in a change in the object's kinetic energy.

Are there any limitations to the Work-Energy Theorem?

While the Work-Energy Theorem is a powerful tool for analyzing motion, it does have some limitations. One limitation is that it only considers the work done by external forces and does not take into account internal forces or energy losses due to friction or other factors. It also assumes that the mass of the object remains constant, which may not be the case in certain situations.

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