Improving Time Measurement Using Current: How Can I Make it Work?

Is there anything else I can assist you with? Thank you.In summary, the speaker is trying to create a device to measure the amount of time two objects are in contact when one is accelerated towards the other. They plan to use wires and a stopclock/watch to complete the circuit and time the contact. However, the current is not being generated in the desired way and they are seeking help on how to use a potential divider or transistor switch to measure the current in the circuit.
  • #1

I am making something to measure how much time two objects are in contact
when one of them is accelerated towards the other. To do this, I'm going to
put a wire on one object and another on the other, and make the objects
complete the circuit when they touch obviously. What happens with this is is
these wires link to a stopclock/watch (i can give the model name if you
want) and this stopwatch starts timing when it receives a current and stops
when it receives ANOTHER current. I mean, you give it a current. Starts
time. You "break the circuit." It still times. You give it another current,
it stops. This isn't useful because I need it to start timing when it
receives a current and stop when that current is taken away (as the objects
are no longer in contact; no more current).

What can I do to make this work? Is there anyway I would generate/make a
current come when the circuit is broken? How does a potential divider fit
into this? I am grateful for help. Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Hi there,

It sounds like you are looking for a way to measure the amount of time two objects are in contact when one of them is accelerated towards the other. A potential divider could be used here as it is a device that divides the voltage of a circuit by a resistor so that a lower voltage can be measured. You could use this to measure the current in the circuit. You could also use a transistor switch which would allow you to start and stop the timing when the circuit is open or closed.

I hope this helps!
  • #3

I appreciate your curiosity and approach to measuring time using current. However, I would suggest considering alternative methods that may be more accurate and reliable. Using a potential divider may help in generating a current when the circuit is broken, but it may not be the most precise way to measure time. Instead, you could consider using a sensor or a timer that is specifically designed for measuring contact time between objects. These devices are calibrated to accurately measure the time between two objects coming into contact and separating. Additionally, you may want to consider using a more sophisticated experimental setup that involves high-speed cameras or motion sensors to track the contact time between the objects. This would provide more accurate and reliable results. I hope this helps in your experimentation. Best of luck!

FAQ: Improving Time Measurement Using Current: How Can I Make it Work?

1. How does using current to measure time work?

Using current to measure time works by using an electrical device called a chronometer, which measures the flow of electric current through a circuit. The amount of time it takes for the current to travel through the circuit is then converted into a readable time measurement.

2. What are the advantages of using current to measure time?

The advantages of using current to measure time include high precision and accuracy, as well as the ability to measure time continuously without the need for human intervention. It also allows for measurement of very small time intervals, making it useful in scientific experiments and research.

3. Are there any limitations to using current to measure time?

One limitation of using current to measure time is that it requires a power source to function, so it may not be suitable for measuring time in remote or off-grid locations. Additionally, it may be affected by external factors such as fluctuations in the power supply or changes in temperature.

4. How is current used to measure time in practical applications?

In practical applications, current is used to power electronic clocks and watches, as well as more sophisticated devices such as atomic clocks. It is also used in various scientific experiments and research, as well as in industries such as telecommunications and transportation.

5. Can current be used to measure time accurately over long periods?

Yes, current can be used to measure time accurately over long periods. The accuracy may decrease over time due to external factors, but regular calibration and maintenance can help maintain its accuracy. Additionally, advancements in technology have allowed for the development of more precise and reliable time-measuring devices using current.
