Improving Your Spatial Intelligence: IQ Test with Rotations and Variations

In summary, the quiz consists of 5 questions and the participant's grade is based on their correct answers. The last question requires careful thinking and some participants found it challenging due to the busy image. However, some found a simple trick to solve it. There was also discussion about dyslexia and its possible benefits in games like Scrabble. Finally, there was a mention of possible variations in similar tests.
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  • #2
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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The last one was the hardest, I almost picked the wrong one :P
  • #3
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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It's easy to do this if you just tilt your head sideways when necessary :)

That was kinda cool

EDIT: On the last one, I just tlited my head to the right, and imagined it to flip vertically (from that point of view)...
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  • #4
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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Yes, the last one required a bit of care.
  • #5
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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Yeah the last one was a bit tricky.
  • #6
5 of 5.

I was coincidentally just thinking, "Why haven't they used a diagonal reflection?" after #4, so of course I tried to work #5 out as a reflection followed by a rotation (same thing, obviously, but a diagonal reflection woudl've been simpler).
  • #7
There's a simple trick: pick an element in a corner, and see if it's move to the appropriate corner. 5/5
  • #8
5 on 5. 100% schwamabedoo. (The last word was posted because of the post length limitation problem, in which I could simply have stated that I needed to write more stuff, making this small part useless even as I type it. :P)
  • #9
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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I think there's some grade inflation going on if Evo's 80% is still an A. :biggrin: :smile: The first four were pretty easy. The last one needed some thinking...I could see which way the original was flipped pretty quickly, but then trying to match the second one to that was challenging because of how "busy" the image was.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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I think there's some grade inflation going on if Evo's 80% is still an A. :biggrin: :smile: The first four were pretty easy. The last one needed some thinking...I could see which way the original was flipped pretty quickly, but then trying to match the second one to that was challenging because of how "busy" the image was.
I'm curious which one I missed, I did the last one quickest of all, perhaps that's the culprit.
  • #11
There is one image on the last one that is ALMOST it, you have to flip it horizontally and then move the side on the bottom onto the right hand side (in other words, flip it horizontally and then rotate to the left once). There is one image (the 2nd one) that looks almost like it, but it's actually the 4th one.
  • #12
dontdisturbmycircles said:
There is one image on the last one that is ALMOST it, you have to flip it horizontally and then move the side on the bottom onto the right hand side (in other words, flip it horizontally and then rotate to the left once). There is one image (the 2nd one) that looks almost like it, but it's actually the 4th one.
Gosh, I just flipped it diagonally. :biggrin: (Same end result, less steps to get there. :wink:)
  • #13
I just looked at it again and I admit, that would have been easier :-p
  • #14
Well, that was a dyslexics's nightmare. I got none right!
  • #15
hypatia said:
Well, that was a dyslexics's nightmare. I got none right!
Just a quick question...are you good at Scrabble? My wife is dyslexic and her spelling stinks, but she's pretty good at Scrabble. I think she sees more possible word combinations because her brain is flipping recognition of the tiles back and forth from normal order to reversed order.
  • #16
5/5 as well, piece of cake. Though my eyes hurt a little.
  • #17
4/5...i just did it arbitrarily...i was supposed to get all wrong though..
  • #18
dontdisturbmycircles said:
There is one image on the last one that is ALMOST it, you have to flip it horizontally and then move the side on the bottom onto the right hand side (in other words, flip it horizontally and then rotate to the left once). There is one image (the 2nd one) that looks almost like it, but it's actually the 4th one.

i think i did the same as you, looked at how things flipped, and what it would look like etc, 5/5
  • #19
You answered correctly 5 out of 5 questions. This is equivalent to 100 %.

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EASY : just focus on one corner and see how it has been rotated.

Normally, in such tests multiple variations are put in. So, not only rotations of objects but also colour changes or magnitude changes of the depicted figures in the squares


FAQ: Improving Your Spatial Intelligence: IQ Test with Rotations and Variations

What Is Your IQ Score?

IQ score stands for Intelligence Quotient score. It is a numerical measurement of an individual's intelligence and cognitive abilities.

What is the average IQ score?

The average IQ score is typically considered to be around 100. However, the exact average may vary depending on the specific test and population being measured.

How is IQ score measured?

IQ score is typically measured through standardized tests, such as the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. These tests consist of a variety of tasks and questions that assess different aspects of intelligence.

What does an IQ score indicate?

An IQ score can indicate an individual's level of intelligence and cognitive abilities, such as problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and memory. However, it should be noted that IQ scores do not measure all aspects of intelligence and should not be the sole determinant of a person's abilities.

Can IQ score change over time?

There is some debate about whether IQ scores can change over time. Some studies suggest that IQ scores can increase or decrease slightly over the course of an individual's lifetime, while others argue that IQ remains relatively stable. Additionally, external factors such as education and life experiences can also impact an individual's IQ score.

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