Impulsive tension problem involving two particles

In summary: If that is the case, is the angle between A'B' (when string is already taut and the distance between the two particles is 2a) and AB (original situation in which the string is still slack) merely 60 degrees? (cos-1(0.5))no, the angle is more like 120 degrees or so
  • #1

Homework Statement

Particles A and B, each of mass m, are connected together by means of a light, inextensible string of length 2a. They are at rest a distance, a apart on a smooth horizontal plane. A is then projected with speed u along the plane at right angles to AB. Find the velocities of the particles immediately after the string becomes taut. I'm sorry I can't make any attempt at a solution as I don't quite understand what the question is asking of me. Can anyone shed some light on this and perhaps give some explanations along with your solution? Thanks in advance again! :D (Sorry for filling the forum with so many impulsive tension questions!) :redface:

The answers are as follows:
Particle A: u√7/4 AT 49.1 degrees to the string
Particle B: u√3/4 in the direction of the string

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
hi jiayingsim123! :smile:

i don't understand why you're having such difficulty with these impulse questions :confused:

the general plan is to divide them into three parts … before during and after the "collision"

before and after, conservation of energy applies

during, you need to use the impulse equations your professor taught you (or conservation of momentum will usually work just as well)
jiayingsim123 said:
Particles A and B, each of mass m, are connected together by means of a light, inextensible string of length 2a. They are at rest a distance, a apart on a smooth horizontal plane. A is then projected with speed u along the plane at right angles to AB.

Find the velocities of the particles immediately after the string becomes taut. I'm sorry I can't make any attempt at a solution as I don't quite understand what the question is asking of me. Can anyone shed some light on this …

the mass moves at constant speed u until it is at a point C, distance 2a from A

(in this case, "before" and "after" aren't a problem …*everything is constant :wink:)

use trig to find the angle

at C, the string suddenly becomes tight, and there's a "collision"

so use the impulse equations …

what do you get? :smile:
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  • #3

Hi there tiny-tim, here is my illustration of how I interpreted the question. I find it a tad strange that both the particles have different final speeds, I'm given the knowledge that if the string is already taut, both particles will move together at the same speed? Could you help clear that up for me? And thanks for teaching me that method, my teacher didn't really teach this chapter all that well and is going to proceed to another chapter after summer. Thanks in advance again! :)
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  • #4
hi jiayingsim123! :smile:

that looks ok! :smile:

(and the dotted line should of course be marked "a")
jiayingsim123 said:
I find it a tad strange that both the particles have different final speeds, I'm given the knowledge that if the string is already taut, both particles will move together at the same speed?

no, the only constraint is that the distance between them must be constant …

i haven't worked it out o:), but i expect that, after the "collision", they'll circle round each other (with constant angular velocity), while their centre of mass moves in a straight line (in which direction? :wink:)
  • #5
Hi there tiny-tim,

But I thought the distance between the two particles will increase? From a to 2a? Distance a is the initial distance (which is when the string is still not taut) and distance 2a is the final distance (which is when the string is already taut and impulse is already created in the string)? Thanks! :D

If that is the case, is the angle between A'B' (when string is already taut and the distance between the two particles is 2a) and AB (original situation in which the string is still slack) merely 60 degrees? (cos-1(0.5))

  • #6
when the string is taut, the distance will be constant (2a)

and yes, the angle is cos-1(0.5) :smile:

FAQ: Impulsive tension problem involving two particles

1. What is an impulsive tension problem involving two particles?

An impulsive tension problem involving two particles is a physics problem that involves determining the tension force exerted on two objects that are connected by a rope or string, when one of the objects experiences a sudden change in velocity.

2. How is impulsive tension different from regular tension?

Impulsive tension is different from regular tension because it is a short-lived force that occurs when there is a sudden change in velocity, whereas regular tension is a continuous force that occurs when an object is being pulled or held by a rope or string.

3. What factors can affect the magnitude of impulsive tension?

The magnitude of impulsive tension can be affected by the mass and velocity of the objects, as well as the length and elasticity of the connecting rope or string.

4. How is impulsive tension calculated in a problem involving two particles?

To calculate impulsive tension, you need to first determine the change in velocity of the object experiencing the impulse. Then, use the equation F = mΔv/t, where F is the impulsive tension force, m is the mass of the object, Δv is the change in velocity, and t is the duration of the impulse.

5. What are some real-life applications of impulsive tension problems involving two particles?

Impulsive tension problems involving two particles can be applied to situations such as bungee jumping, where the tension on the bungee cord changes suddenly as the person jumps off a platform. It can also be used to analyze the forces on a rocket as it launches into space.

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