In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness

  • Thread starter blackcat
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In summary: But now you have an ice blue one left. Many people don't realize how personable and entertaining birds can be, even if they occasionally don't like you. They can bring a lot of joy to your life.
  • #1
Unfortunately he passed away this morning. I don't care for much sadness at the moment so it's much better celebrating his greatness. Always good natured, friendly, never bitten me (except for the first time) and always wanting to play. Completely adventurous with new toys and new places and never complained (via screaming like they do) about anything, just got on with it (whatever "it" was). I'd had him for 8 years or so since he was a baby and he's been in great health all the way through when others also unfortunately have died. The saddest part is that he didn't die in my familiar hands... he was just lying there on the floor of the cage when I saw him which I really wish I could have rectified. But I had no idea he was doing to die obviously and it was at like 6AM. At least he's had a long life and hopefully one he enjoyed too. He was really beautiful as well, so cute seeing him climb around in his cage throughout life. Anyway I realize this is rather selfish to keep going on about this but it's some sort of escape. Has anyone had similar experiences?
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  • #2
awww.. I'm sorry about the loss of your little friend. I've had many parakeets in my life and they were a lot of fun to have around. It's painful when you lose your pets, but I would rather endure the times of sadness than spend a life without animal friends. There are many animal lovers on PF and we understand what you are going through.

That's cool that you got him as a baby. We used to have a lovebird that was crazy about my brother. When the mama bird laid eggs, she wasn't interested in taking care of them and it looked like only one was going to make it. My brother had the flu at the time, and was laid up on the couch with nothing to do, so he incubated the egg in his hand. When the little bird was born, he bonded with my brother right away. It was very cute!
  • #3
Sorry for your loss. I've experienced the same thing with cats, as has Marlon. The budgie that I got for W's birthday a year ago absolutely hates both of us. It's a good thing that she doesn't speak English, because her swearing in Budgie-language is scary enough.
  • #4
What color was he? I had an ice blue one.

It's wonderful that you can think back on the wonderful, happy times. He sounds like he felt very loved and you will always carry those great memories with you. It sounds like he went quickly without suffering.
  • #5
In college a very attractive young lady across the street had a typical green parakeet. He loved to sit on people's shoulders and preen their hair, but that was the extent of his talents at the time. On afternoons when she had late classes, I often went to her place to study and keep the bird a bit of company. His name was Baby, and I trained him to say it with a drawn out EEE sound on the end. He liked trying to nibble on my pencil or pen when I was doing problems, so I made a game out of that, tapping him on the beak with the pencil while backing him up, then tapping the pencil on the table as I moved it back to me while he tried to grab it. He got so excited about my visits that he would whistle when I came in, and like a fool, I taught him the wolf whistle. That backfired when he started stringing those together. Linda and her roommate were pretty dedicated feminists, and they were a little put out when Baby would give them a wolf whistle and "bay-beeeeee!" when they'd get home. He'd repeat it, if they didn't give him some attention. Cute bird. Since he really liked long hair, most anybody with long hair got that greeting when they entered the apartment, including most of their female friends and me.
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  • #6
Birds are great friends, I had to give up my last remaining peach faced love bird, when its mate died. Unbelievable, how she mourned. She now lives happy with 2 other older widowed love birds, and is doing very well.
I'm very sorry for you loss.
  • #7
I'm sorry for your loss. Feathered companions have always been a source of joy- people don't often realize how personable they can be. Well, despite the occasional maverick that seems to like everything but you. Even then they're often entertaining in their hostility. Bandages and yelping aside.

He had a wonderful life as it's obvious you took great care with him.
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
That's cool that you got him as a baby. We used to have a lovebird that was crazy about my brother. When the mama bird laid eggs, she wasn't interested in taking care of them and it looked like only one was going to make it. My brother had the flu at the time, and was laid up on the couch with nothing to do, so he incubated the egg in his hand. When the little bird was born, he bonded with my brother right away. It was very cute!
Wow that's really interesting, I wouldn't have guessed that would have worked. So no need to tame that one then!

Evo said:
What color was he? I had an ice blue one.

It's wonderful that you can think back on the wonderful, happy times. He sounds like he felt very loved and you will always carry those great memories with you. It sounds like he went quickly without suffering.
He was green similar to this but a bit more yellowish-green. His black markings were really distinctive. Actually the budgie I have left is ice blue.

turbo-1 said:
In college a very attractive young lady across the street had a typical green parakeet. He loved to sit on people's shoulders and preen their hair, but that was the extent of his talents at the time. On afternoons when she had late classes, I often went to her place to study and keep the bird a bit of company. His name was Baby, and I trained him to say it with a drawn out EEE sound on the end. He liked trying to nibble on my pencil or pen when I was doing problems, so I made a game out of that, tapping him on the beak with the pencil while backing him up, then tapping the pencil on the table as I moved it back to me while he tried to grab it. He got so excited about my visits that he would whistle when I came in, and like a fool, I taught him the wolf whistle. That backfired when he started stringing those together. Linda and her roommate were pretty dedicated feminists, and they were a little put out when Baby would give them a wolf whistle and "bay-beeeeee!" when they'd get home. He'd repeat it, if they didn't give him some atttention. Cute bird. Since he really liked long hair, most anybody with long hair got that greeting when they entered the apartment, including most of their female friends and me.
Cool story. I love the way they preen each other, really nice to watch.

hypatia said:
Birds are great friends, I had to give up my last remaining peach faced love bird, when its mate died. Unbelievable, how she mourned.
Yeah the one I have left is not very happy. He's constantly chattering and flying about everywhere and screaming the same note again and again wanting him to come back. Very sad for him.

Far Star said:
I'm sorry for your loss. Feathered companions have always been a source of joy- people don't often realize how personable they can be. Well, despite the occasional maverick that seems to like everything but you. Even then they're often entertaining in their hostility. Bandages and yelping aside.
Danger said:
Sorry for your loss. I've experienced the same thing with cats, as has Marlon. The budgie that I got for W's birthday a year ago absolutely hates both of us. It's a good thing that she doesn't speak English, because her swearing in Budgie-language is scary enough.

lol yeah even when they're angry (not often) they're funny. Although I should probably be a bit more sensitive!

Thanks for all the messages everyone.
  • #9
Sorry to hear about your bird.It is so sad when pets die but at least it sounds like he lived a good life.

FAQ: In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness

1. What inspired you to write "In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness"?

As a scientist, I have always been fascinated by the intelligence and unique behaviors of different animals. My budgie was no exception - he was a constant source of joy and entertainment for me. When he passed away, I wanted to honor his memory by sharing his amazing qualities with others.

2. How did you come up with the title for the book?

The title "In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness" reflects the central theme of the book - celebrating the life and special qualities of my beloved budgie. It also pays tribute to the strong bond and impact he had on my life.

3. What makes this book different from other books about pets?

While there are many books about pets, "In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness" is a unique combination of personal anecdotes, scientific facts, and heartfelt reflections. It offers a deeper understanding of the special bond between animals and their human companions, and the incredible impact they can have on our lives.

4. What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

I hope that readers will gain a greater appreciation for the amazing qualities and intelligence of budgies, as well as all animals. I also hope that the book will inspire readers to cherish their own pets and the special bond they share.

5. Are there any plans for a sequel or follow-up to this book?

At the moment, there are no plans for a sequel to "In Memory of My Budgie: Celebrating His Greatness". However, I am always open to the possibility and would love to continue sharing stories and insights about my experiences with animals in the future.

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