In order to develop the right language?

  • Thread starter choffan
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In summary, the author is a student in economics and wants to improve his language skills. He has read quantum mechanics and is interested in learning more about physics. He wants to know where to start.
  • #1
what to do In order to develop the proper language?

Hi all,
I'm new there and I would like to thank you for this beatiful platform. I used this weird topic name because I wasn't confident with the question, which appears to be very general.
Anyway, the matter is:
I'm a student in economics and I should start in these very days collecting material for the thesis. I decided to orient myself there because after a course in pure math (linear algebra \ maximization, etc) I realized, coming back to economics, how dull and poor is the language used usually by economists in order to attach problems and formalize questions.
I then decided to move toward less binded and freerer area like physics and math in order to develop a language capable in helping me formalizing ontologic questions which I can't express with the means I acquired so far.
Nowadays many economics think that creating mixture between social sciences and phisics is "cool" but a this moment, I found very little outside finance, which dosn't constitue my first interest.
I decided to put there this question because I imagine physics students have a deeper knowledge in theoretical means relating to other subjects (biology, chemistry), and perhaps you could (hoping so!) route me toward some useful direction.

As a profane, I had some reading of quantum mechanics and I've been impressed (obviously), but I though that given the time constrain it was better to ask you where to move toward in order to get the wider "language".
Thanks again!
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  • #2
So bad :(
  • #3
Follow this" .
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  • #4
thank you for the great site, I'll check the book as soon as I'll get a proper pc with pdf on it. By now, I would like to know if you judge premature to move towards things like propagator or diffusion functions, because I would really like to step into some physics: I had great time during my high school classes with the subject but then I had to abandon it...
Thanks again
  • #5
choffan said:
I would like to know if you judge premature to move towards things like propagator or diffusion functions, because I would really like to step into some physics:

I do not know what is or is not premature for you. The site I gave you has many physics books for many education levels. Try reading some of them and judge for yourself.
  • #6
I gave a good check to the book you kindly suggested me and I found it really interesting even though I already had a good perception of many specific topics. I will print it in order un read and take notes.
Concerning my previous message, I didn't explained myself, and I'm sorry: considering that I have virtual access to any book, it would be of a great usefulness to me un know what should I use in order to have a first contact with quantum physics? since the topic is huge I need a first direction to grasp the environment as a whole before going indepth
  • #7
Quantum physics is an advanced topic.

You will need to know:

differential equations
Vector calculus

Vector calculus is typically taught in the third of three calculus classes. A good calculus book will have a section on vectors at the end of the book.

I also recommend that you know:
Basic physics
Electromagnetic field theory

Self-study for something like quantum physics is going to be difficult. There are many books that are designed for people who lack math backgrounds. You could read those and appreciate quantum physics without having to decipher the math.
  • #8
I shall thank you one again for the great patience.
No problem with vectors, or optimization tools (we already covered hamiltonian) but to learn differencial equations I'm going to attend another math course in september with some advanced stuff.
What book would you suggest?
In fact, I would like to broaden the maximization cage in which we are buried with something useful to study the "environment" (the dimension) in which the subjects and elements act and react. Hydromechanics and magnetisms would fit, in this first naive glance, a raw approximation. But I'm ready to change my mind according to your wise suggestions

FAQ: In order to develop the right language?

What is the importance of developing the right language for a scientist?

The right language is crucial for a scientist as it allows clear communication of ideas, methods, and results within the scientific community.

How can one develop the right language as a scientist?

Developing the right language involves reading and studying scientific literature, attending conferences, and actively participating in discussions with other scientists.

What are some common mistakes that scientists make when using language in their work?

Some common mistakes include using jargon or technical terms without proper explanation, using vague or ambiguous language, and using language that is not appropriate for the audience.

How can language be used to accurately convey scientific concepts?

Language can be used to accurately convey scientific concepts by using precise and specific terminology, providing clear definitions and explanations, and using examples and analogies to aid understanding.

In what ways can a scientist continuously improve their language skills?

A scientist can continuously improve their language skills by actively seeking feedback from peers and mentors, practicing writing and presenting, and staying updated on developments in their field's terminology and communication practices.
