In search of a Unique Chemical

In summary, the speaker is an undergraduate student seeking help with finding a water soluble compound that can be easily precipitated or degassed for water purification. They mention the idea of using a temporary salt or a chemical agent for the process, but are struggling to find a suitable solution. They also mention the potential use of distillation, but express concerns about its commercial viability.
  • #1
Hello all,

I am an undergraduate working on a project for water purification in search of a water soluble compound (organic/inorganic salt, gas), preferably of low molecular weight, which can attain solubility of more than 3 Molar at Room Temperature and Pressure (Temp can be more or less, pressure shouldn't) and still be precipitated or degassed to upto 99% by a physical process such as heating(or the like) Alternatively, the process can be the addition of any chemical X which shall precipitate with the compound, and by a physical process, be retained and recirculated. Basically a temporary salt, and a process of its easy removal.

Could you please help me out? Been at it for an year now...

We start with pure water, we need to end up with pure water. Any such process, chemical, catalyst, precipitating agent in mind?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
De-salination. Just use NaCl and do a Distalation.
  • #3
want it to be a cheap process, imagine doing this to a huge plant processing thousands of gallons of water everyday...distillation can't be commercialized...

FAQ: In search of a Unique Chemical

1. What is a unique chemical?

A unique chemical is a substance that has distinct properties and characteristics that set it apart from other chemicals. It may have a one-of-a-kind molecular structure, be highly reactive, or exhibit unusual physical or chemical properties.

2. How do scientists search for unique chemicals?

Scientists use a variety of methods and techniques to search for unique chemicals. This may include computer modeling, high-throughput screening, and chemical synthesis. They may also study natural sources, such as plants or bacteria, to identify unique compounds.

3. Why is it important to find unique chemicals?

Unique chemicals are valuable for a variety of reasons. They may have important industrial applications, such as in medicine or agriculture. They also provide insights into the fundamental properties of matter and can lead to new discoveries and advancements in science.

4. Is it difficult to discover a unique chemical?

The process of discovering a unique chemical can be complex and challenging. It often involves a combination of creativity, knowledge, and experimentation. However, with advancements in technology and scientific methods, the chances of discovering a unique chemical have increased.

5. What are some examples of unique chemicals?

Examples of unique chemicals include synthetic compounds like Kevlar, which is known for its strength and durability, and natural substances like spider silk, which is incredibly strong and lightweight. Other examples include rare earth elements and carbon nanotubes, which have unique properties and potential applications in various industries.
