In short, I don't know if there is a clear answer to your question at this time.

In summary, the Bagger-Lambert-Gustavsson action is a different approach to proving the "M-theory as a matrix model: a conjecture". We are still a ways away from a full description/proof of the M-theory conjecture.
Physics news on
  • #2" is still the standard explanation for why the BFSS conjecture should work.

BLG is something different, it was a hypothesis to describe M2-branes, that was subsumed by the later" .

M(atrix) theory is about D0-branes, and a D0-brane is an M2-brane shrunk to a point, so there really ought to be a connection, but it's beyond me for now.
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  • #3
mitchell porter said:
M(atrix) theory is about D0-branes, and a D0-brane is an M2-brane shrunk to a point, so there really ought to be a connection, but it's beyond me for now.

I think" tried to look at this.
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  • #4
I said
mitchell porter said:
a D0-brane is an M2-brane shrunk to a point
but I'm not so sure now. My naive conception of M(atrix) theory, pending a proper investigation, was as follows: It describes lots of D0-branes. D0-branes have strings between them. So it's really about M2-branes with other M2-branes stretched between them. The strings are M2-branes with one dimension lost, the D0-branes are M2-branes with two dimensions lost, and losing the dimensions has to do with (1) the switch from M-theory to Type IIA (2) working in the infinite momentum frame. But we are using noncommutative geometry, so "dimension" turns into "number of matrices".

edit: What everyone normally says is that D0-branes are "units of momentum" or "Kaluza-Klein modes" in the eleventh dimension. I can cite" to support my contention that the D0-brane is a shrunken M2-brane, but I can't seem to find direct support for this in the technical literature. So here's one way to think about the issue: Suppose we think of M-theory in terms of "branes plus supergravity". The question arises - are these d=11 KK modes excitations of space-time itself, or are they M2-branes moving around the d=11 circle, or is there no difference? A similar question arises for D6-branes, which in M-theory also correspond to a geometric configuration of the background space, rather than to an M-brane configuration.

D-branes are sources for strings, and strings are M2-branes, so whatever a D-brane is, M-theoretically, it has to be a source for M2-branes. But since a geometric configuration can have a potential energy, it can be such a source (think of pair production in curved space-time), so this reasoning doesn't resolve the issue.

Looking at section 3 of the paper cited by atyy, I'm not convinced that even the experts know how to think about this correctly:
1003.2599 said:
We saw that the BFSS model - a (0+1)-dimensional U(N) Matrix model on the worldvolume of N D0-branes - describes M-theory in discrete light cone quantization. However, since the D0−branes are momentum modes on the compact 11th dimension, this description of M-theory is not a fundamental one. Instead, as shown by Sen and Seiberg ..., it appears because of the equivalence of the original M-theory with a decoupled theory of D0-branes living in another M-theory. Any fundamental description of M-theory must involve M2-branes instead, but we don’t know how to formulate it.
"Another M-theory" refers to M-theory compactified on a (very small) space-like circle rather than on a light-like circle. M-theory compactified on a space-like circle is the form of M-theory that was originally discovered by Witten, when looking at the behavior of D0-branes in Type IIA string theory at strong coupling. Seiberg relates the lightlike and the spacelike compactifications through a Lorentz boost. He also takes some limits involving momentum and the Planck mass, and maps the sectors of M(atrix) theory onto the sectors of M-theory as derived from Type IIA."
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Related to In short, I don't know if there is a clear answer to your question at this time.

What is the M-theory conjecture?

The M-theory conjecture is a theory in theoretical physics that seeks to unify all known laws of physics, including gravity, into a single framework. It is considered by many scientists to be the most promising candidate for a theory of everything.

How does the M-theory conjecture differ from other theories of everything?

The M-theory conjecture is unique in that it incorporates multiple dimensions and multiple versions of string theory. It also suggests that the universe is made up of 11 dimensions, rather than the 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time that we experience.

What evidence supports the M-theory conjecture?

While there is currently no direct evidence for the M-theory conjecture, it is still being actively studied and refined by scientists. Some of the evidence that supports it includes its ability to incorporate and explain multiple physical phenomena, such as the behavior of black holes and particles like gravitons and gluons.

What are the potential implications of the M-theory conjecture?

If the M-theory conjecture is proven to be true, it would have vast implications for our understanding of the universe and could potentially lead to new technologies and advancements. It could also provide a more complete and unified understanding of the laws of physics.

Why is the M-theory conjecture important?

The M-theory conjecture is important because it has the potential to provide a single, comprehensive framework for understanding the universe and its fundamental laws. It could also help bridge the gap between quantum mechanics and general relativity, two theories that have been difficult to reconcile in the past.

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