In the bionomial expansion (1+x)^p

  • Thread starter suku
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In summary, the bionomial expansion (1+x)^p can have p as an integer or fraction, and the coefficients are written as p C j, where p>=j. For fractions, infinitely many terms are needed and the same combination coefficient formula can be used.
  • #1
In the bionomial expansion (1+x)^p , p can be integer or fraction. The coefficients are written as p
j . For this to hold p>= j. (j= integer). What happens if p=1/2,-1/2 or any other fraction? How can one use the same combination coefficient formula?

tks for any hlp.
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  • #2

Is that true?

As far as I know, you cannot write
[tex]\sqrt{1 + x} = (1 + x)^{1/2}[/tex]
[tex]a 1^{1/2} + b x^{1/2} = a + b \sqrt{x}[/tex]
for any numbers a, b, for example.

You can write it as
[tex]\sqrt{1 + x} = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + \cdots[/tex]
but not with a finite series and an then have little to do with binomial coefficients.

The fact that it works with integers, is simply because you can open the brackets in, say, (1 + x)n = (1 + x)(1 + x)...(1 + x) [n times], and the coefficient of 1k xn-k is simply the number of ways in which you can choose k of the brackets whose 1 you multiply with the other n - k brackets' x, which is by definition n choose k.
  • #3

suku said:
What happens if p=1/2,-1/2 or any other fraction?

You need infinitely many terms in that case. Just continue to generate terms the usual way.

FAQ: In the bionomial expansion (1+x)^p

1. What is the binomial expansion?

The binomial expansion is a mathematical method used to expand expressions of the form (a+b)^n, where n is a positive integer. It involves raising the first term to the power of n, then multiplying it by the second term raised to the power of 0, then repeating this process while increasing the power of the first term and decreasing the power of the second term until the last term is the second term raised to the power of n. This results in a polynomial expression with n+1 terms.

2. What is the formula for the binomial expansion?

The formula for the binomial expansion is (a+b)^n = a^n + na^(n-1)b + (n(n-1)/2!)a^(n-2)b^2 + ... + (n(n-1)...(n-r+1)/r!)a^(n-r)b^r + ... + b^n. This formula can also be written using the choose function as (a+b)^n = nC0a^n + nC1a^(n-1)b + nC2a^(n-2)b^2 + ... + nCr a^(n-r)b^r + ... + nCn b^n.

3. How do you use the binomial expansion to find the coefficients of a specific term?

To find the coefficient of a specific term in the binomial expansion, you can use the choose function. The coefficient of the rth term in the expansion (a+b)^n is given by nCr, where n is the power of the binomial and r is the term number starting from 0. For example, the coefficient of the third term in the expansion (1+x)^5 would be 5C2 = 10.

4. What is the relationship between the binomial expansion and Pascal's triangle?

Pascal's triangle is a triangular arrangement of numbers where each number is the sum of the two numbers above it. The numbers in Pascal's triangle correspond to the coefficients in the binomial expansion. The first row of the triangle represents the coefficients of (a+b)^0 = 1, the second row represents the coefficients of (a+b)^1 = a+b, and so on. This relationship can be seen in the choose function, where nCr is equal to the number in the (n+1)th row and (r+1)th column of Pascal's triangle.

5. How is the binomial expansion used in real-world applications?

The binomial expansion has many real-world applications, such as in probability and statistics, finance, and physics. For example, it can be used to calculate the probability of a certain number of successes in a series of trials, to model compound interest in financial investments, and to approximate the motion of objects under the influence of gravity. It is also used in the development of computer algorithms and in data compression techniques.

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