In the list of "conservation of X due to symmetry Y" ....

In summary, Noether's theorem connects the symmetries of a system and the conservation of its quantities. It feels to me that the conservation of angular momentum somewhat stands out because the measure is more of a derived one.
  • #1
That is, with Noether's theorem, it feels to me the conservation of angular momentum somewhat stands out because the measure is more of a derived one. That is, rotation of something is really more of an interplay between inertia of the constituent particles and the forces that hold them together. Isn't angular momentum at its core then more a measure of inertia? If that's the case, I feel when compared to the more "basic" pairs (time symmetry/energy conservation for example), angular momentum conservation feels oddly out of place.

Any insights?
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  • #2
rumborak said:
Isn't angular momentum at its core then more a measure of inertia?
No, you are thinking of the moment of inertia. Angular momentum is to moment of inertia as linear momentum is to mass. In generalised coordinates ##q##, the equations of motion take the form
M_{ab} \dot q^b = -\partial_a V,
where ##V## is the potential energy of the system and ##M_{ab}## its inertia tensor. If ##q## is a position, then the inertia tensor is essentially the mass, the left-hand side the linear momentum and you recover Newton 2 with the right-hand side being the force. If ##q## is a rotation angle, then the inertia tensor is essentially the moment of inertia, the entire left-hand side is the angular momentum, and the right-hand side represents a torque.
  • #3
Oof, I get the impression I need to read up more again about momentum :smile:

Does this correction touch my overall question though? In the sense that an object's rotation is maybe not as "inherent" as its energy content?

For example, take this thought experiment: You got two masses connected by a spring, rotating in free space. It's easy to define and calculate the angular momentum of that system. However, imagine you disengage the spring, in which case the two masses will just follow their inertial path. Now, of course mathematically, the angular momentum stays the same of the "two-mass system", but it seems more of an arbitrary choice to cluster the two masses together. In the end, it's just two unrelated masses flying their merry way, and it's your mathematical choice to cluster them and calculate a total angular momentum.
I feel that is very different from the energy of a single particle, which is "inherent" to it so to speak.

Maybe I'm attaching undue meaning to Noether's theorem. I so far understood it to indicate a deep connection between say time and energy, but maybe this is purely a mathematical connection, not so much a physical?
  • #4
rumborak said:
In the sense that an object's rotation is maybe not as "inherent" as its energy content?
Why not? What do you feel is so different about it? It has exactly the same mathematical description as linear momentum in terms of generalised coordinates.

rumborak said:
I feel that is very different from the energy of a single particle, which is "inherent" to it so to speak.
What makes you think a single particle cannot have angular momentum?

rumborak said:
I so far understood it to indicate a deep connection between say time and energy, but maybe this is purely a mathematical connection, not so much a physical?

It is a deep connection between symmetries and conserved quantities. Energy is related to invariance under time translations, linear momentum to invariance under spatial translations, and angular momentum to invariance under spatial rotations. In other words:
  • If a solution can be translated in time and still be a solution, its energy is conserved.
  • If a solution can be translated in space and still be a solution, its linear momentum is conserved.
  • If a solution can be rotated and still be a solution, its angular momentum is conserved.

rumborak said:
In the end, it's just two unrelated masses flying their merry way, and it's your mathematical choice to cluster them and calculate a total angular momentum.
This is a matter of how you draw the boundaries of your system and what symmetries that appear in your system based on this. If the particles are not interacting, the angular momentum of each particle is also conserved as the system becomes invariant under rotations of that particles position only. If they are interacting, the typical thing would be that the system is only invariant under rotations as long as you include both particles in your system. That total angular momentum is conserved is a consequence of Noether's theorem and the symmetry of the system - not an arbitrary clumping.
  • #5
rumborak said:
That is, with Noether's theorem, it feels to me the conservation of angular momentum somewhat stands out because the measure is more of a derived one.
I don't see this. The laws of physics are the same yesterday and today, so energy is conserved. They are the same here and there, so momentum is conserved. They are the same in this direction as that direction, so angular momentum is conserved. Seems like it doesn't stand out at all to me.

Related to In the list of "conservation of X due to symmetry Y" ....

What is the "conservation of X due to symmetry Y" principle?

The "conservation of X due to symmetry Y" principle is a fundamental concept in physics that states that certain quantities, such as energy, momentum, and angular momentum, are conserved in physical systems because of the underlying symmetries of the system. This means that these quantities cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred or transformed.

How does symmetry play a role in the conservation of X?

Symmetry is essential to the conservation of X because it provides a framework for understanding the behavior of physical systems. Symmetries, such as rotational or translational symmetry, dictate how physical systems behave and how the quantities of X are conserved. Any changes or transformations in the system must still adhere to the underlying symmetries, resulting in the conservation of X.

What are some examples of conservation of X due to symmetry Y?

Some examples of conservation of X due to symmetry Y include the conservation of energy due to time translation symmetry, the conservation of momentum due to translational symmetry, and the conservation of angular momentum due to rotational symmetry. These principles can be seen in various physical phenomena, such as the conservation of kinetic energy in a frictionless system or the conservation of angular momentum in a spinning top.

Why is the conservation of X due to symmetry Y important?

The conservation of X due to symmetry Y is important because it allows us to make predictions and understand the behavior of physical systems. By identifying the underlying symmetries and applying the conservation principles, we can accurately describe and predict the behavior of a wide range of physical phenomena, from subatomic particles to large-scale celestial bodies.

Are there any exceptions to the conservation of X due to symmetry Y?

While the conservation of X due to symmetry Y is a fundamental principle in physics, there are certain situations where it may not hold true. For example, in quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to know both the position and momentum of a particle with absolute certainty. This means that the conservation of momentum may not hold in certain quantum systems. Additionally, in extreme conditions such as black holes or the Big Bang, the conservation principles may break down. However, in most everyday physical systems, the conservation of X due to symmetry Y holds true.

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