Incline with a Spring and Loop the Loop

In summary: So final energy is just mgL (setting the lowest position as 0). What is the initial energy in terms of...what?the energy at the bottom is just potential energy... at the top it has potential and the initial energy would be mgh, but how would I add kinetic energy since I don't know velocityyou don't need to know the velocity...Just use the energy equation... energy at the bottom = energy at the top... setting the bottom as 0, you only need to worry about potential energy at the top (mgh) and the energy at the bottom (0)...
  • #1
A 3.0 kg block starts at rest and slides a distance d down a frictionless 32.0° incline, where it runs into a spring. The block slides an additional 24.0 cm before it is brought to rest momentarily by compressing the spring, whose spring constant is 439 N/m. What is the value of d?


I'm not sure how to start this. I'm not sure how to calculate potential/kinetic energy (which was suppose to be the theme of the homework). I'm aware that this problem uses Hooke's law, but I'm not sure how to put it all together.

A small block of mass m = 2.0 kg slides, without friction, along the loop-the-loop track shown. The block starts from the point P a distance h = 53.0 m above the bottom of the loop of radius R = 20.0 m. What is the kinetic energy of the mass at the point A on the loop?


Outside of the potential energy, I'm not sure how kinetic energy works in a circle. Or it its no different. I'm not sure if this assumption is correct, shouldn't the PE at the top of the track equal the KE at the bottom of the loop. Would that KE then equal the PE for the look itself. I'm not sure at all how to do these problems. This conservation of energy has been really tricky for me.
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  • #2
In the first problem, use gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy... at the top it has only gravitational potential energy... at the bottom it has only elastic potential energy... use conservation of energy.

In the second problem, it doesn't matter that it is a circle or a loop... just use conservation of energy... use gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy... again look at the beginning and at the end... at the beginning it has only gravitational potential energy... at the end it has gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy (there's no need to think about the bottom of the loop).
  • #3
mgh= 1/2mv^2

how would I calculate the height for potential energy?

for the second problem:

I thought it would only have kinetic energy at the end. Would I just plug everything into a mgh+0=0+1/2mv^2
  • #4
Would an equation for the loop the loop problem be

or would it equal PE=KE+PE(at top of loop)
  • #5
chaotixmonjuish said:
Would an equation for the loop the loop problem be

or would it equal PE=KE+PE(at top of loop)

yes, because it has both KE and PE at the top of the loop...
  • #6
chaotixmonjuish said:
mgh= 1/2mv^2

how would I calculate the height for potential energy?

do you mean mgh = (1/2)kx^2? use trig for height. distance = d + 0.24
so what is the height?
  • #7
For the loop the loop, would the velocity be 25.432 m/s, would that also be the kinetic energy at A.
  • #8
chaotixmonjuish said:
For the loop the loop, would the velocity be 25.432 m/s, would that also be the kinetic energy at A.

how'd you get that?
  • #9
I set up that equation

PE=KE+PE1038.8(Start)=1/2*2*v^2+392(point A) v=25.4323
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  • #10
Height at the top of the loop is 2*20 = 40m
  • #11
15.9625, I forgot about 2r

Is that the answer to the loop the loop
  • #12
254.801 for the kinetic energy
  • #13
chaotixmonjuish said:
254.801 for the kinetic energy

yeah, looks right.
  • #14
okay, the spring one is really throwing me off

so the distance traveled is d+.24, how can I use trig
  • #15
chaotixmonjuish said:
okay, the spring one is really throwing me off

so the distance traveled is d+.24, how can I use trig

you have a right triangle... angle 32. hypoteneuse d+0.24. What's the height?
  • #16
could i set something up like cos^-1(x/x+.24)? I had that idea earlier but I wasn't sure if that would even be close.

If that's right, i get a height of 2.536
  • #17
height = (d+0.24)sin32

so now just use the energy equations...
  • #18
Okay, how about calculating velocity. Or would I instead use the potential energy for a spring.
  • #19
chaotixmonjuish said:
Okay, how about calculating velocity. Or would I instead use the potential energy for a spring.

You don't need velocity. velocity at the bottom is just 0 ie no kinetic energy. just use mgh = (1/2)kx^2

solve for d.
  • #20
So my equation should look like

  • #21
chaotixmonjuish said:
So my equation should look like


yes, but it should be (.24)^2, for 1/2 kx^2
  • #22
Okay, so that yielded 57.1 cm
  • #23
chaotixmonjuish said:
Okay, so that yielded 57.1 cm

Looks right to me.
  • #24
So the simple pendulum question has a second part which I have been working on.

What is the least value that v0 must have if the cord is to swing up to a horizontal position?

Would I just solve for v0 if the angle were 90?
  • #25
chaotixmonjuish said:
So the simple pendulum question has a second part which I have been working on.

What is the least value that v0 must have if the cord is to swing up to a horizontal position?

Would I just solve for v0 if the angle were 90?

what is v0?
  • #26
We are suppose to solve for the smalles v0
  • #27
chaotixmonjuish said:
We are suppose to solve for the smalles v0

ok, I just looked at the problem... I think the angle of v0 is supposed to remain as 24 degrees...

use conservation of energy again... what is the initial energy... what is the final energy...
  • #28
What do you mean by that, just set up an equation using the same final velocity.

I've been pondering two methods, one in which neither velocity was known, but that would lead nowhere. The other was just using the same veocity at its lowest point.
  • #29
chaotixmonjuish said:
What do you mean by that, just set up an equation using the same final velocity.

I've been pondering two methods, one in which neither velocity was known, but that would lead nowhere. The other was just using the same veocity at its lowest point.

set the final velocity to 0. you want the minimum value of v0 so that it reaches the pendulum gets to a horizontal position... if you set final velocity>0 then you aren't dealing with the minimum...

So final energy is just mgL (setting the lowest position as 0).

What is the initial energy in terms of vo?

FAQ: Incline with a Spring and Loop the Loop

What is "Incline with a Spring and Loop the Loop"?

"Incline with a Spring and Loop the Loop" is a physics experiment that involves a spring attached to an inclined plane and a loop at the end of the plane. The goal of the experiment is to observe the motion of an object as it travels down the incline, through the loop, and back to the starting point.

What materials are needed for this experiment?

The materials needed for this experiment include an inclined plane, a spring, a loop, objects to roll down the incline, and a measuring device such as a ruler or stopwatch.

What is the purpose of the spring in this experiment?

The spring in this experiment provides a source of potential energy for the object as it travels down the incline and through the loop. This allows for the object to complete the loop and return to the starting point without losing too much energy due to friction.

What factors affect the speed of the object as it travels through the loop?

The speed of the object as it travels through the loop is affected by the initial height of the incline, the mass of the object, the spring constant of the spring, and the height and size of the loop.

What is the relationship between the speed of the object and the height of the incline?

The speed of the object as it travels through the loop is directly proportional to the initial height of the incline. This means that the higher the incline, the faster the object will travel through the loop. However, this relationship is affected by factors such as friction and air resistance.
