How Do You Solve Inclined Plane Motion Problems?

In summary, the conversation is about a physics problem involving finding the sum of forces along an inclined plane. The individuals discuss the formula for calculating the net force and the acceleration of the object on the slope. They also mention the role of friction and the use of kinematics equations to find the final velocity.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

f = mu_k * N

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2
This is the second post you have made with just your working out a problem but no question. The natural assumption is that you are asking for verification of your result, BUT ... you could be after something more specific, so it would be a good idea to ask whatever it is that you actually want to know.
  • #3
Yes, I have something to ask.
First, the y-component of F is part of the force contribute to the normal force, right?
I want to know if I need to consider the friction when the box is pushed up to the inclined plane, which gives: F cos 20 - mg sin 20 -f...
then when the box is sliding downward, there's another friction against the motion... then the sum of force in x-dir will be:
[F cos 20 - mg sin 20 -f] +f = F cos 20 - mg sin 20

Am I correct? so then, I use this divide by m to get a, and integrate to get v

Thanks a lot
  • #4
It looks like your method for finding the net force acting along the slope is okay. But you may want to recalculate the friction force; The result doesn't match what I think it should be. Perhaps a calculator slip? I see that you've made one of the angles 30° in your work, but that's probably just a typo, right?

Once you've found the acceleration you shouldn't need to integrate if you know your basic kinematic formulas.
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  • #5
gneill said:
It looks like your method for finding the net force acting along the slope is okay. But you may want to recalculate the friction force; The result doesn't match what I think it should be. Perhaps a calculator slip? I see that you've made one of the angles 30° in your work, but that's probably just a typo, right?

Once you've found the acceleration you shouldn't need to integrate if you know your basic kinematic formulas.

Oh hey, I made an mistake, as you said, wrote 30° instead of 20°... and the answer for f is actually wrong.

What is the formula for the sum of force in x -direction (my x coordinate is not horizontal) ??
Cuz, I need to find v, what will be a better way if not integrating acceleration?

Thanks a lot
  • #6
nysnacc said:
What is the formula for the sum of force in x -direction (my x coordinate is not horizontal) ??
You've been finding the components of the various forces along the x and y directions using the trig functions. So you already have them in hand. The friction force is directed along the slope, for example.
nysnacc said:
Cuz, I need to find v, what will be a better way if not integrating acceleration?
If you have the net force acting on mass M along the direction of the slope, what's the acceleration of M in that direction? Knowing acceleration the rest is basic kinematics.
  • #7
It is force applied - weight - friction? but the mass's motion is actually opposite of the direction of force applied
  • #8
I mean: net force = force applied - weight - friction,
then divide m to get a
  • #9
nysnacc said:
I mean: net force = force applied - weight - friction,
then divide m to get a
That's right, assuming you mean the components of F and g force that are directed along the slope. It's the net force that causes the mass to accelerate. Note that it's entirely possible that F will be insufficiently large to prevent the mass from sliding downslope rather that upslope! You should check the magnitudes of the upslope F component against the downslope g component prior to "adding" you friction. Friction always opposes the direction of motion.
  • #10
gneill said:
That's right, assuming you mean the components of F and g force that are directed along the slope. It's the net force that causes the mass to accelerate. Note that it's entirely possible that F will be insufficiently large to prevent the mass from sliding downslope rather that upslope! You should check the magnitudes of the upslope F component against the downslope g component prior to "adding" you friction. Friction always opposes the direction of motion.
Yes, I meant the net force in x dir.

As we push the box, up the slope, there is a friction opposing, but the force applied is not strong enough, so the box slide down. Is there a friction (in -x direction) opposing the motion?
  • #11
nysnacc said:
Yes, I meant the net force in x dir.

As we push the box, up the slope, there is a friction opposing, but the force applied is not strong enough, so the box slide down. Is there a friction (in -x direction) opposing the motion?
If the box slides downslope then the friction will oppose that motion. There's only ever one friction force operating between surfaces and it always opposes the motion that is taking place (or, in the case of static friction, trying to take place).

If the motion is downslope, the friction will oppose this and be directed upslope.
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  • #12
So the true net force equation will then be: Fx = Fcos20 - mgsin20 +f
  • #13
That looks good.
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  • #14
gneill said:
That looks good.
Then I can divide mass to get a..
and then integrate a = get v?
  • #15
which dv/dt = F/m

∫ dv/dt *dt= ∫ F/m dt

v-v0 = a*t
  • #16
which v0 = 0 (at rest)

so v(t=2) = a*2 m/s
  • #17
nysnacc said:
Then I can divide mass to get a..
and then integrate a = get v?
Sure, but it's easier to apply standard kinematics equations. Remember SUVAT?
  • #18
gneill said:
Sure, but it's easier to apply standard kinematics equations. Remember SUVAT?
Nope, Like a= vr +vθ thingy?
  • #19
OHH v=u+at
  • #20
Like v = vo + at. You know the acceleration, you know the time. The initial velocity is zero. So...
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  • #21
I got it!
  • #22
  • #23
nysnacc said:
OHH v=u+at
Ah. The flash of insight! :smile::smile::smile:
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FAQ: How Do You Solve Inclined Plane Motion Problems?

What is inclined plane motion?

Inclined plane motion is the movement of an object along an inclined surface, such as a ramp or a hill. It occurs when a force is applied to an object at an angle to the surface it is on.

How does the angle of inclination affect motion on an inclined plane?

The angle of inclination, or the angle at which the inclined plane is tilted, affects the force required to move an object up or down the plane. The steeper the angle, the greater the force needed to overcome gravity.

What is the relationship between the length of an inclined plane and the force required to move an object along it?

The longer the inclined plane, the less force is needed to move an object along it. This is because the longer the plane, the more it spreads out the force needed to overcome gravity.

What is the equation for calculating the force required to move an object on an inclined plane?

The equation for calculating the force required to move an object on an inclined plane is F = mgsinθ, where F is the force, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and θ is the angle of inclination.

How does friction affect motion on an inclined plane?

Friction acts in the opposite direction of motion on an inclined plane, making it more difficult to move an object. The greater the friction, the more force is needed to overcome it and move the object.
