Incorporating Risk and Expected Returns: Solving for Portfolio Curve and Range

  • Thread starter johnaphun
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This means that the value of X^2 is always greater than the square of the mean of X. This inequality is used to show that the curve given is a parabola, and the range of E(Rp) is between 0.05 and 0.1. In summary, the portfolio P formed from securities S1 and S2 lies on the curve sp2 = 1200E(Rp)^2 - 160E(Rp) + 6, and the range of expected returns for P is between 0.05 and 0.1.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A risky portfolio P is to be formed from securities S1 and S2 where the expected returns
are E(R1) = 0:05 and E(R2) = 0:1, the variances are s122 = 1 and s22 = 2 and S1 and S2 are uncorrelated. Suppose no short selling is allowed so that

P= x1S1 + x2S2, x1 + x2 = 1 x1,x1>0

Show that all portfolios P lie on the curve

sp2 =1200E(Rp )2 - 160E(Rp ) + 6

state the range of E(Rp)

Homework Equations

sp2 = x12s12 +x22s22

The Attempt at a Solution

As S1 and S2 are uncorrelated the covariance is equal to 0

So far I've subbed x2 = (1 - x2) into the above equation and solved but I'm unsure what to do from here
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  • #2
I'm not a portfolio theorist, but my guess is that you must use the fact that the variance of a random variable is related to it's mean. The variance of [itex] X[/itex] is the expected value of [itex]X^2 [/itex] minus the square of the mean of [itex] X [/itex].

FAQ: Incorporating Risk and Expected Returns: Solving for Portfolio Curve and Range

What is Modern Portfolio Theory?

Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a financial theory that was developed by economist Harry Markowitz in the 1950s. It is based on the idea that an investor can construct an optimal portfolio of investments by considering their risk tolerance and expected returns.

How does Modern Portfolio Theory work?

MPT works by diversifying an investment portfolio across different assets to reduce risk. It uses mathematical models to determine the optimal combination of assets that will provide the highest return for a given level of risk. This is known as the efficient frontier.

What are the key assumptions of Modern Portfolio Theory?

The key assumptions of MPT include the belief that investors are rational and risk-averse, they are looking to maximize returns while minimizing risk, and they have access to all relevant information about the investments in their portfolio.

What are the benefits of using Modern Portfolio Theory?

The main benefit of MPT is that it helps investors to minimize risk and maximize returns by diversifying their portfolio. It also provides a framework for evaluating the risk and return trade-off of different investment options, allowing investors to make more informed decisions.

Are there any limitations to Modern Portfolio Theory?

One of the limitations of MPT is that it assumes investors have perfect knowledge and can accurately assess the risk and return of different investments. It also does not account for external factors such as market fluctuations or unexpected events. Additionally, MPT does not consider the impact of behavioral biases on investment decisions.
