- #1
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Homework Statement
A risky portfolio P is to be formed from securities S1 and S2 where the expected returns
are E(R1) = 0:05 and E(R2) = 0:1, the variances are s122 = 1 and s22 = 2 and S1 and S2 are uncorrelated. Suppose no short selling is allowed so that
P= x1S1 + x2S2, x1 + x2 = 1 x1,x1>0
Show that all portfolios P lie on the curve
sp2 =1200E(Rp )2 - 160E(Rp ) + 6
state the range of E(Rp)
Homework Equations
sp2 = x12s12 +x22s22
The Attempt at a Solution
As S1 and S2 are uncorrelated the covariance is equal to 0
So far I've subbed x2 = (1 - x2) into the above equation and solved but I'm unsure what to do from here