Increase Voltage without Increasing Wattage?

In summary: So it's measured in units of energy (joules) per unit of time (seconds).In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between voltage and wattage, with a focus on whether voltage can be increased without increasing wattage. The conclusion is that while it is technically possible, it is not a common occurrence and typically changing voltage will also result in a change in wattage due to the effect on current and resistance. The conversation also touches on the definition of power and its measurement in joules per second.
  • #1
1. Is it possible to increase voltage without increasing wattage?

2. If 1. is yes, then is it more common that when voltage is increased wattage increases aswell?

Physics news on
  • #2
DB said:
1. Is it possible to increase voltage without increasing wattage?

2. If 1. is yes, then is it more common that when voltage is increased wattage increases aswell?


Power (in watts) = V * I

where V = voltage (volts), I = current (amps)
you should be able to figure out the answer from there
  • #3
So then yes, the wattage must change (edit: with no change in amperage), thanks. But I have read (on wikipedia) that W=Joules per second or J/s ?
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  • #4
DB - remember ohm's law as well. E (voltage) = I (current) * R (resistance)

If you have a different load that has a resistance that is proportionally higher (by a square) of the voltage change than the wattage could remain the same.

But with the same load resistance, changing the voltage will have a direct effect on the wattage.

And if you change the voltage, the current will change too.

Quick example. I have a light bulb, it has a 240 ohm resistance.

If I apply 120V to it and .5A of current flows so therefore 60W of power is dissipated.

If I apply 60V to it and .25A of current flows so therefore 15W of power is dissipated.

Now I take a light bulb with a resistance of 960 ohms.

If I apply 120V to it and .125A of current flows so therefore 15W of power is dissipated.

Notice the last two examples have the same power but with very different voltages. And typically the source of power to use electricity comes from a power supply (like the wall outlet or some form from it) or battery so its called a voltage source. To change the power, you change the resistance. Light bulbs come in many ratings of power but its really just another way to describe the actual resistance of the filament in the bulb.

  • #5
As others state, to increase voltage without increasing (wattage) requires current to decrease when voltage increases. Ordinary resistors do not have this feature, but tunnel diodes do.
  • #6
Thanks guys
  • #7
DB said:
But I have read (on wikipedia) that W=Joules per second or J/s ?

Yeah, power is defined as the rate of doing work..

FAQ: Increase Voltage without Increasing Wattage?

1. How can I increase voltage without increasing wattage?

There are a few ways to increase voltage without increasing wattage, such as using a transformer, adjusting the resistance in a circuit, or using a voltage regulator. However, it is important to note that the wattage in a circuit is directly proportional to voltage and current, so any increase in voltage will likely result in an increase in wattage as well.

2. Why do I need to increase voltage without increasing wattage?

In some cases, a device or circuit may require a higher voltage to function properly, but it is not designed to handle an increase in wattage. This could be due to limitations in the components or safety concerns. For example, electronic devices often have a maximum wattage rating that should not be exceeded.

3. Can I increase voltage without affecting the power consumption?

While it is possible to increase voltage without increasing wattage, it is not possible to do so without affecting power consumption. As mentioned earlier, wattage is directly proportional to voltage and current, so any increase in voltage will result in a corresponding increase in power consumption.

4. Is it safe to increase voltage without increasing wattage?

The safety of increasing voltage without increasing wattage depends on the specific circuit and components involved. It is important to understand the limitations and specifications of the components and to use proper safety precautions when making any changes to a circuit.

5. What are some potential risks of increasing voltage without increasing wattage?

Increasing voltage without increasing wattage can potentially damage components or cause a circuit to malfunction. It can also lead to overheating and pose safety hazards. It is important to carefully consider the implications and potential risks before attempting to increase voltage without increasing wattage.
