Increase volume of speaker on dartboard

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem with a new electronic dartboard's speaker being too quiet and explores potential solutions such as adding a powered speaker or connecting an external amplifier. The possibility of adding a battery-powered amp/speaker in parallel with the existing one is also mentioned. The suggestion is made to try using a potentiometer and series capacitor to increase the volume.
  • #1

I will try to be frank, as I am not sure if I can get the help I need in this forum. I am not an EE but dabble here and there (you'd probably call it hacking at a very crude level).


I have a new electronic dartboard which has a small speaker on it. The speaker announces things related to game play (scoring, etc). There is a function to change the speaker volume, however it is still very quite even at the highest setting.

The board runs on an AC wall adapter which outputs 300 mA, 9 volts DC to the board.

Here is the dartboard:


Is there any way I can make the speaker louder with relatively low effort? Perhaps make it a powered speaker somehow? Maybe add a gizmo and a battery? Any ideas are welcome.

I can do some soldering, and have a multimeter if these skills/tools are required for any ideas.

Cheers -
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  • #2
The amplifier is built into the board, and is probably putting out what it can for the voltage of the supply and impedance of the speaker.

If you want to open it up you could add a speaker in parallel with the one that is there, or a lower impedance speaker. The amplifier might handle the extra current OK (or not).

You can add a connector to drive an external amplifier. You can add a mic. that drives an external amplifier.

Nothing really simple.
  • #3
Hey, thanks MBG!

I see you mentioned adding in a speaker in parallel. Could I add a "battery powered" amp/speaker combo in parallel with the one that is there? I know you probably do not know the details of the circuit, but just curious what your thoughts in general are.

  • #4
You could drive a line level input from the speaker output. The exact circuit would depend on how the audio amp output is designed. I'd try a a potentiomenter across the speaker driving a series capacitor. You need to decide which side of the speaker is ground.
  • #5

Hello there,

I understand your frustration with the low volume of your dartboard speaker. Fortunately, there are a few options you can explore to increase the volume without too much effort.

One option would be to use a powered speaker, as you mentioned. This would require some additional components and wiring, but it could potentially provide a significant increase in volume. You could also try using a separate amplifier to boost the speaker's output.

Another option would be to replace the existing speaker with a higher quality and more powerful one. This would require some soldering skills, as well as the ability to match the speaker's impedance and power requirements to the dartboard's circuit.

If you are comfortable with electronics, you could also try modifying the circuit to increase the power going to the speaker. This could involve changing resistors or capacitors to adjust the gain of the amplifier circuit.

Before attempting any modifications, it would be helpful to consult the dartboard's manual or contact the manufacturer to ensure that you do not damage the board or void any warranties.

I hope these suggestions are helpful and that you are able to find a solution to increase the volume of your dartboard speaker. Good luck!

Related to Increase volume of speaker on dartboard

1. How can I increase the volume of my speaker on a dartboard?

The volume of your speaker on a dartboard can be increased by adjusting the volume control on the dartboard or the volume control on the connected device, such as a smartphone or tablet. You can also try moving the speaker closer to the dartboard to increase the volume.

2. Why is the speaker volume on my dartboard too low?

There are a few possible reasons why the speaker volume on your dartboard may be too low. It could be due to a low battery or a loose connection. You may also need to adjust the volume settings on your dartboard or connected device.

3. Can I replace the speaker on my dartboard to increase the volume?

It is possible to replace the speaker on your dartboard with a higher volume speaker. However, this would require technical knowledge and may void any warranties on your dartboard. It is best to consult with the manufacturer or a professional technician before attempting to replace the speaker.

4. Is there a way to increase the volume of my dartboard speaker without affecting the sound quality?

Yes, there are a few ways to increase the volume of your dartboard speaker without affecting the sound quality. You can try using an external amplifier or speaker, adjusting the equalizer settings on your dartboard, or using soundproofing materials to enhance the sound.

5. Can I adjust the volume of individual players on my dartboard?

Some dartboards may have the capability to adjust the volume of individual players. This would require setting up player profiles on the dartboard and adjusting the settings accordingly. However, not all dartboards have this feature, so it is best to check the user manual or contact the manufacturer for more information.

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