Incredible SciFi Claims by Falun Gong

  • Thread starter petergreat
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In summary, Falun Gong is a controversial religion that claims to have supernatural powers and abilities, such as emitting gamma rays and thermal neutrons, seeing through walls and extra dimensions, and levitation during meditation. While these claims are intriguing, they require more concrete evidence and scientific research to be considered valid.
  • #1
If you have heard of Falun Gong at all, you probably know it as some religion oppressed by the Chinese Communist Party, but don't know what's fascinating about its teachings. I'll quote a few excerpts from its official bible," .

On the supernatural power of the leader of this religion, a qigong master (Page 37):
Under the effect of a special electromagnetic field qigong masters can have strong luminescence, and it’s really beautiful. The higher a person’s potency, the larger the energy field he projects. Ordinary people have one too, but it’s a really weak kind of
luminescence. People who do research in high-energy physics think of energy as being things like neutrons and atoms. A lot of qigong masters have been tested. And all the qigong masters who are pretty well-known have been tested, in fact. I’ve been tested, too,
and they found that I emit gamma rays and thermal neutrons 80–170 times greater than the radiation of normal matter. At that point the needle of the testing instrument had hit the limit, and since the needle had hit the maximum point they couldn’t tell exactly how strong it was. Imagine, neutrons that strong—it’s just incredible! How could a person emit neutrons that strong? This proves that we qigong masters do have gong, it proves we do have energy. It’s been verified by the scientific and technological community.

On the claim that through practicing Falun Gong, a person can gain power to see through walls and see extra dimensions (Page 29):
When a person gets to an extremely high level, after he’s gone beyond Triple-World-Law cultivation, an eye that’s like a compound eye appears. To be more specific, a large eye develops over the whole top half of his face, and there are countless small eyes in it.
Some Great Enlightened Beings at really high levels have cultivated an incredible number of eyes, and they’re all over their faces. All of their eyes see out of that one large eye, they can see whatever they want to, and when they look they see all levels at once.
Nowadays zoologists and entomologists study flies. They’ve seen that a fly’s eyes are big, and that under a microscope they have countless small eyes in them. They call that a compound eye. When you get to a really high level that cultivation state might appear, but you have to be way higher than a Tathagata to have that happen. An ordinary person won’t be able to see it, though, and somebody who’s at an average level won’t be able to see that it’s there. To them the person looks the same as a normal person since it’s in another dimension. This is about breakthroughs in levels, or to put it another way, it’s about being able to break through different dimensions.

On the ability to levitate during meditation (Page 165):
There was a student in Qingdao City who meditated on a bed during his lunch break when nobody else was in the room. As soon as he started meditating he levitated up, he sprang up forcefully over a yard high, and then he came back down. He kept springing up and down, “Thud! Thud!” and even the bedspread was bounced off onto the floor. He was a bit excited and also a little scared. He kept springing up and down the whole lunch break. Eventually the work bell sounded, and he thought, “I can’t let other people see this. They’ll wonder what’s going on. I’d better stop.” Then it stopped.

Personally I think it's unfortunate that while Falun Gong has received some non-negligible media coverage, this side of Falun Gong is rarely discussed. I choose to post in physicsforums because any physicist will immediately know what I'm talking about after reading these excerpts.
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  • #2
Any claim like this could be tested directly and the results published, so unless someone has a paper published in an appropriate, mainstream, scientific journal, we have no need for discussion.
  • #3

First of all, thank you for sharing this information about Falun Gong. As someone who is not familiar with this religion, I find it interesting to learn about its teachings and beliefs.

Regarding the claims about the supernatural powers of the qigong master, I am skeptical. While I am not an expert in high-energy physics, the idea of emitting gamma rays and thermal neutrons at such high levels seems highly improbable and goes against what we know about the human body and its capabilities. I would need to see more concrete evidence and research to believe such claims.

As for the ability to see through walls and extra dimensions, it is definitely a fascinating concept. However, I would need to see more evidence and scientific studies to support this claim. It is important to approach such claims with a critical and open mind, and not simply accept them without proper evidence.

The story about levitation during meditation is also intriguing. While I do believe that the human mind and body are capable of incredible things, such as controlling our breathing and heart rate, I am skeptical of the idea of levitation. Again, I would need to see more evidence and research to believe this claim.

Overall, I think it is important to approach these teachings with a critical mind and not simply accept them without proper evidence. It is also important to respect the beliefs and practices of others, even if they may seem unconventional or supernatural to us. Thank you for bringing this perspective to the forum.

FAQ: Incredible SciFi Claims by Falun Gong

1. What are the main claims made by Falun Gong regarding sci-fi elements?

Falun Gong claims that its founder, Li Hongzhi, has supernatural abilities such as telekinesis and levitation, and that practitioners can achieve immortality and travel to other dimensions through meditation.

2. Is there any scientific evidence to support these claims?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the claims made by Falun Gong. These claims go against well-established scientific principles and have not been independently verified.

3. How does Falun Gong explain these seemingly impossible abilities?

Falun Gong attributes these abilities to the cultivation of one's mind and body through their teachings, which they believe can unlock dormant supernatural powers in individuals.

4. Are there any critics or skeptics of these claims?

Yes, there are many critics and skeptics of Falun Gong's sci-fi claims. Some believe that these abilities are simply illusions or tricks, while others argue that they are dangerous and potentially harmful to individuals who believe in them.

5. What is the stance of the scientific community on these claims?

The scientific community does not support or endorse these claims made by Falun Gong. They are considered pseudoscience and go against the principles of scientific inquiry and evidence-based research.
