Induced Current Direction in a Moving Square Loop

In summary, the loop generates an average current of ? in the direction of the decreasing magnetic flux.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The square loop in the figure below is made of wires with a total series resistance of 10.0. It is placed in a uniform 0.100 T magnetic field directed perpendicular into the plane of the paper. The loop, which is hinged at each corner, is pulled as shown until the separation between points A and B is 3 m. If this process takes 0.100 s, what is the magnitude and direction of the average current generated in the loop?


The Attempt at a Solution

R = 10.0Ω
B = 0.100T
l = 3.00m
t = 0.100s
I = ?

[tex]\varepsilon = -\frac{\Delta \Phi_{B}}{\Delta t} = IR[/tex]

So the B-field is into the page

[tex]\varepsilon = -\frac{\Delta B l^2}{\Delta t} = IR[/tex]

[tex] -\frac{\Delta B l^2}{\Delta t R} = I[/tex]

Now I have two questions

From this

The guy took the area from sin(60), I don't understand what he is doing, isn't the area is just l2??

Also, for the direction of the current, is there a quantitative way of knowing the direction?

Judging from [tex] -\frac{\Delta B l^2}{\Delta t R} = I[/tex], the negative sign suggests it is clockwise

Is there another way of knowing the direction?


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  • #2
When they mean the distance between A and B are 3.00m apart, do they mean this instead...? I think I underestimated this problem

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  • #3
The figure starts as a square, then gets stretched horizontally and squeezed vertically until points A and B are 3.00 meters apart.
  • #4
So I am wrong right lol? The geometry becomes difficult...
  • #5
Please help, it's due tomorrow...
  • #6
Actually if you pull it how could it become shorter?? The original distance is [tex]3\sqrt{2}[/tex]
  • #7
Yes, 3√2 m is about 4.244m. What's wrong with that? It can go from there down to 3.00m.
  • #8
OKay okay forget the theoretical part for now lol, I regret asking that question. How do I make up for the new Area? because it isn't a square anymore
  • #9
And since the four sides changes, how do I find the area? I have only the diagonal length. Please help me! It's due tomorrow!
  • #10
flyingpig said:
OKay okay forget the theoretical part for now lol, I regret asking that question. How do I make up for the new Area? because it isn't a square anymore
Area of a rhombus?

Cut it along either diagonal into two congruent triangles. Double the area of either triangle.
  • #11
A rhombus? I thought it was a parallelogram.
  • #12
Also doesn't the 3.00m change too?
  • #13
The side lengths stay the same. They are "hinged", so the figure can be distorted while the side lengths stay the same. The area is easy to compute given the major and minor axes lengths.


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  • #14
so I have

For the top congruent triangle I got

[tex]\frac{1.5 \cdot 2 \sqrt{3^2 - 1.5^2}}{2} = 3.897[/tex]

So twice that is 7.79m2

Before I even continue I got it right right?
  • #15
flyingpig said:
A rhombus? I thought it was a parallelogram.
Look up rhombus before posting something like this.
  • #16
Nah the key word was hinged...
  • #17
Oh wait looks like my "theoretical" question had been answered too then lol
  • #18
I think the problem is pretty easy to solve if you recognize that the change in magnetic flux is the product of the (constant) magnetic field and the change in area.
The change in area can be calculated using basic geometry...calculate the original area, calculate the final area, and subtract original from final, divide by the time interval, and you have the average EMF. I don't know how to get equations into the post, so I can't demonstrate. As for the direction of the current induced, since you are decreasing the area enclosed in the wire you are also decreasing the flux pointing into the Lenz's law the induced current would be in the direction that increases flux pointing into the page...use the right-hand rule for that.
Good luck.

FAQ: Induced Current Direction in a Moving Square Loop

1. What is induced current and how is its direction determined?

Induced current is the flow of electric charge in a conductor that is caused by a changing magnetic field. The direction of induced current is determined by Lenz's Law, which states that the induced current will flow in a direction that opposes the change in magnetic field that caused it.

2. Does the direction of the induced current depend on the strength of the magnetic field?

Yes, the direction of the induced current is directly proportional to the strength of the magnetic field. A stronger magnetic field will induce a larger current, and the direction of the current will still follow Lenz's Law.

3. Can the direction of the induced current be reversed?

Yes, the direction of the induced current can be reversed by changing the direction of the magnetic field that is inducing it. According to Lenz's Law, the induced current will always flow in a direction that opposes the change in the magnetic field.

4. How does the direction of the induced current affect the magnetic field?

The direction of the induced current will create its own magnetic field that opposes the original changing magnetic field. This is known as Lenz's Law of Induction and is an important principle in understanding the relationship between electricity and magnetism.

5. What factors can affect the direction of the induced current?

The direction of the induced current can be affected by the strength and direction of the magnetic field, the speed at which the magnetic field is changing, and the properties of the conductor (such as its shape and material). Other external factors, such as nearby electrical currents, can also influence the direction of the induced current.
