How Does Changing Electric Field Influence Magnetic Field in a Capacitor?

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the magnitude of the magnetic field between the plates of a parallel-plate capacitor with circular plates. The given information includes the radius and spacing of the plates, as well as the rate of change of the electric field between the plates. Initially, an incorrect formula is used to solve the problem, but the correct equation involves the speed of light in vacuum, and the error is corrected. The final formula used to find the magnetic field is B = [ (1/2)(r)(dE/dt) ] / (1/(4πε0µ0)).
  • #1

Homework Statement

A parallel-plate capacitor has circular plates with radius 49.0 cm and spacing 2.20 mm. A uniform electric field between the plates is changing at the rate of 1.90 MV/m/s. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field between the plates at a point 12.1 cm from the axis (entirely inside the capacitor).

Homework Equations

Ampere's Law for induced current

B(2∏r) = (μ-naught)(ε-naught)(A/d)(dV/dt)

r = .121m
μ-naught = 4∏x10^-7
ε-naught = 8.85x10&-12
d = .0022m
dV/dt = 1.9x10^6 V/(m/s)
A = ∏(.49m)^2

The Attempt at a Solution

the answer is B = 1.28x10^-12 T, but i can't seem to get that answer using my equation. i'd appreciate it if someone could direct me toward my error

Physics news on
  • #2
Hi George! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)

Show us your full calculations.

(In particular, what did you get for the current through the cylinder of radius 0.121 m ?)
  • #3


Id = [ (E[itex]\circ[/itex]A)/d ] * (dV/dt)

Id = [ (E[itex]\circ[/itex]*(∏(.492))/.0022 ] * (1.9x106)

Id = .005765 A

i guess :smile:
  • #4
GeorgeCostanz said:
B(2∏r) = (μ-naught)(ε-naught)(A/d)(dV/dt)

mmm … your formula seems to be correct, but I'm not getting the result of 1.28 10-12 T either :confused:
  • #5
i got the right answer using the following equation (googled the question)

B = [ (1/2)(r)(dV/dt) ] / C2

C = 3x108 = speed of light in vacuum
dV/dt = 1.9x106
r = .121m

not sure how the 2 equations are related tho
  • #6
ah! :rolleyes: i took your word for it instead of looking at the original question …
GeorgeCostanz said:
A uniform electric field between the plates is changing at the rate of 1.90 MV/m/s.

dV/dt = 1.9x10^6 V/(m/s)

noooo :redface: … that wasn't dV/dt, it was dE/dt ! :biggrin:

is everything clear now? :smile:

(and c2 = 1/µoεo, which btw would have have been a lot easier for you to use :wink:)
  • #7
tiny-tim said:
ah! :rolleyes: i took your word for it instead of looking at the original question …

noooo :redface: … that wasn't dV/dt, it was dE/dt ! :biggrin:

is everything clear now? :smile:

(and c2 = 1/µoεo, which btw would have have been a lot easier for you to use :wink:)

wow I'm slow
it's a miracle I've even made it this far

so for r < R,

B = (1/2)µoεo(r)(dE/dt)

thus B = [ (1/2)(r)(dE/dt) ] / C2

guess i got mixed up with all these equations/derivations in front of me

thanks tiny-tim

FAQ: How Does Changing Electric Field Influence Magnetic Field in a Capacitor?

What is an induced magnetic field?

An induced magnetic field refers to a magnetic field that is created or generated by the movement of electric charges. This movement can be caused by a changing electric current or a moving magnet.

How is an induced magnetic field different from a permanent magnetic field?

A permanent magnetic field is created by the alignment of atomic particles in a material, while an induced magnetic field is generated by the movement of electric charges. Permanent magnetic fields do not change over time, while induced magnetic fields can be temporary and can change in strength or direction.

What is Faraday's law of induction?

Faraday's law of induction states that a changing magnetic field can induce an electric current in a conductor. This is the basis for the creation of an induced magnetic field.

How is an induced magnetic field used in everyday life?

Induced magnetic fields are used in many everyday devices, such as generators, transformers, and motors. They also play a crucial role in technologies like MRI machines and electric power distribution systems.

Can an induced magnetic field be shielded or blocked?

Yes, an induced magnetic field can be shielded or blocked by using materials that are not magnetic, such as copper or aluminum. These materials can redirect the magnetic field and prevent it from affecting other objects or devices.
