Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary.

In summary: If p\in\partial M, w\in T_pM be an inward-pointing vector, then (v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1}) is a negatively oriented basis of T_p\partial M iff (w,v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1}) is a negatively oriented basis of T_p M.In summary, if an outward-pointing vector is in the T_pM and has a positive orientation, then the boundary of M is positively oriented. If an inward-pointing vector is in the T_pM and has a negative orientation, then the boundary of M is negatively oriented.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
O.K, please let me see if I got it right:

Let M be an orientable m-manifold with non-empty boundary B.

Let p be a point in B , and let {del/delX^1,...,del/delX^(m-1) }_p

be a basis for T_pB for every p in a boundary component .

Let N be a unit normal field on B . Now, this is the induced orientation (is it?):

We consider the collection {N_p, del/delX^1,...,delX^(m-1)}_p

(with N_p normal to M at p.)

AS IF p were a point in M, and not in the boundary B, (e.g., we can

smooth out the boundary so that it disappears, or we can cap

a disk or something, so that one boundary component disappears).

Then, if this basis {N_p, del/delX^1,...,delX^(m-1)}_p for p in M

of T_pM is oriented in agreement with the given orientation of M, (Jacobian of

chart overlap is positive, etc. ) then the boundary is positively oriented,

otherwise it is negatively oriented.

Is this it?
Physics news on
  • #2
Then, if this basis {N_p, del/delX^1,...,delX^(m-1)}_p for p in M

of T_pM is oriented in agreement with the given orientation of M, (Jacobian of

chart overlap is positive, etc. ) then the boundary is positively oriented,

I just realized we just need the change-of-basis matrix here must have

positive determinant.

otherwise it is negatively oriented.

Is this it?
  • #3
Well, maybe you meant something else, but if N_p is normal to M, then N_p is not an element of T_pM (being normal to it!) and so it does not make sense to talk about {N_p, del/delX^1,...,delX^(m-1)} being a basis of T_pM.

Instead, N_p is the unit vector that point outward of M. Meaning that given a (boundary) chart around p mapping a nbhd of p to [tex]\mathbb{R}^{m-1}\times \mathbb{R}_+[/tex], where R_+ denotes the closed half real line {x:x>=0}, N_p is [itex]-\partial/\partial x ^m[/itex].

But modulo that change in the meaning of N_p, what you've written sounds good to me.
  • #4
quasar987 said:
Well, maybe you meant something else, but if N_p is normal to M, then N_p is not an element of T_pM (being normal to it!) and so it does not make sense to talk about {N_p, del/delX^1,...,delX^(m-1)} being a basis of T_pM.

N_p is not normal to M, but to the boundary of M. The tangent space of M can be defined in boundary points exactly as for interior points. There are three types of vectors in TpM, for a boundary point p:

- vectors tangent to the boundary of M, these form a codimension 1 subvectorspace
- outward pointing vectors
- inward pointing vectors

There are unfortunately several different conventions for the induced orientation. I think the most common one (also the one mentioned by WWGD) is the "outward first" convention, which is also compatible with Stoke's theorem. It goes as follows:

Let [tex]p\in\partial M[/tex], [tex]w\in T_pM[/tex] be an outward-pointing vector. Then [tex](v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1})[/tex] is a positively oriented basis of [tex]T_p\partial M[/tex] iff [tex](w,v_1,\ldots,v_{n-1})[/tex] is a positively oriented basis of [tex]T_p M[/tex].

FAQ: Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary.

1. What is "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary."?

"Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary." refers to the process of manipulating the orientation of molecules or particles on the surface of a solid material, known as a boundary or interface. This manipulation can be achieved through various external stimuli, such as electric fields, magnetic fields, or chemical reactions.

2. What is the importance of studying "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary."?

The study of "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary." is important in many fields, including materials science, biophysics, and nanotechnology. It allows for the control and manipulation of surface properties, which can have significant impacts on the behavior and functionality of materials and devices.

3. How is "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary." experimentally achieved?

There are various experimental techniques that can be used to induce orientation on a material's surface boundary. These include Langmuir-Blodgett deposition, spin-coating, and self-assembly methods. The specific technique used depends on the material and the desired orientation.

4. What are some applications of "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary."?

The ability to control the orientation of molecules or particles on a surface has many practical applications. For example, it can be used to create more efficient solar cells, improve the adhesion of coatings and paints, and enhance the sensitivity of biosensors.

5. Are there any challenges associated with "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary."?

One of the main challenges in studying "Induced Orientation on Mfld. Boundary." is achieving a high level of control and uniformity over the orientation of molecules or particles on the surface. Additionally, the interactions between the material and the external stimuli can be complex and require careful consideration in experimental design.
