Inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance

In summary, the OP wants to induce a weak signal in a wire across the room, presumably to prank someone.
  • #1
I want to induce a (weak) signal in a wire across the room from me.
I was just wondering, how would I go about doing this if I couldn't touch the wire and couldn't modify the equipment to accept these signals BUT was close and in line of site of the wire?
Physics news on
  • #2
What kind of signal?
  • #3
Either a baseband signal, or a high frequency signal that fits inside the desired baseband signal (like an envelope in AM radio transmission).
  • #4
I think you need to tell us a whole lot more about what you are trying to achieve
you info so far is just too vague

5 initial questions

1) where is the signal originating ?
2) is the signal being radiated by a purpose built transmitter ?
3) what specific freq range is this signal ?
4) what is this wire connected to?
5) how long is this wire and how far from the signal source ?

  • #5
6) And why are you wanting to do this?
  • #6
ChromeBit said:
I want to induce a (weak) signal in a wire across the room from me.
I was just wondering, how would I go about doing this if I couldn't touch the wire and couldn't modify the equipment to accept these signals BUT was close and in line of site of the wire?
If I take your question literally, then the answer is "Use a walkie-talkie". Any radio transmission will cause minute electrical signals in local metallic objects.

If you want more information, your going to have to be more specific. For example, what is that "wire across the room" attached to? How are you going to determine that there is a signal on it?
  • #7
ChromeBit said:
I want to induce a (weak) signal in a wire across the room from me.
I was just wondering, how would I go about doing this if I couldn't touch the wire and couldn't modify the equipment to accept these signals BUT was close and in line of site of the wire?

I wonder if the OP's question is related to his thread from a month ago...

ChromeBit said:
I'm not sure if I'm going to get any answers here, but I was just wondering... have any of you ever used your physics (or engineering/electrical) knowledge to play some kind of prank on someone?

FAQ: Inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance

What is the purpose of inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance?

The purpose of inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance is to transmit information or power from one point to another. This is commonly used in various electronic devices, such as radios, televisions, and computers.

How is a signal induced in a wire over a short distance?

A signal is induced in a wire over a short distance through the process of electromagnetic induction. This involves the use of a changing magnetic field, which creates a corresponding electric field in the wire, causing a current to flow and thus inducing a signal.

What factors affect the strength of the induced signal in a wire?

The strength of the induced signal in a wire can be affected by several factors, including the strength and frequency of the magnetic field, the length and thickness of the wire, and the material of the wire.

What are the potential uses for inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance?

The potential uses for inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance are vast and varied. Some common applications include wireless power transfer, data transmission, and remote control systems.

Are there any potential drawbacks or limitations to inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance?

Yes, there can be potential drawbacks or limitations to inducing a signal in a wire over a short distance. These may include signal interference and loss, limited range, and safety concerns such as potential electromagnetic radiation. These factors must be carefully considered when implementing induction-based technologies.
