Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

In summary: The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time is zero across the entire area.2) The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time is a constant non-zero value across the entire area.3) The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the
  • #1

Homework Statement

The figure below shows a short coil which is coaxial with a very long solenoid (you may approximate it as infinite.)

Coil: Has 120 turns of radius 1.8 cm and resistance 5.8 . It is not attached to anything.
Solenoid: Has 22700 turns/m and a radius of 1.6 cm. It receives an external current (source not shown).


a.) The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time: ?

If the current supplied to the solenoid drops at a constant rate from 1.5 A to zero in in a time interval Δt = 25 ms, What are the magnitudes of the emf and current induced in the coil during this time interval?

c.) What is the mutual inductance of this solenoid/coil system?

Homework Equations

Mutual inductance of coil 2 with respect to coil 1 = M12 = ( N2 * flux12 ) / I1
Mutual-induced emf by 1 on 2 = ε2 = - M * d/(dt) * I1
Bsolenoid = μoNI/l
flux = integral of B dot dA

The Attempt at a Solution

For part (a):
Is a non-zero constant inside the solenoid and zero everywhere else?

For part (c):
I get the mutual inductance, M, is equal to ( μo * N1 * N2 * Area ) / length, however I'm not given a length.

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
ArtVandelay said:

Let"1" refer to the solenoid and "2" refer to the coil.

You have B1 = μ0n1i1 (well-known solenoid formula, n1 = no. of turns per meter)

You also have Farady's law: emf2 = -N2*d(flux2)/dt
so what is flux2 in terms of B1?

Then substitute B1 in the eq. for emf2.

You further have, by definition,
emf2 = M di1/dt, M = mutual inductance.
So now solve for M.

The Attempt at a Solution

For part (a):
Is a non-zero constant inside the solenoid and zero everywhere else?
  • #3
rude man said:
so what is flux2 in terms of B1?

flux2 = n2 * B1 * A1, where A1 is cross-sectional area of the solenoid.

Thanks! Got that part right, now working on the rest.
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  • #4
ArtVandelay said:
flux2 = n2 * B1 * A1, where A1 is cross-sectional area of the solenoid.

Thanks! Got that part right, .

No, I don't think you did.
Isn't flux always some B times some A? What does N or n have to do with it?
  • #5
rude man said:
No, I don't think you did.
Isn't flux always some B times some A? What does N or n have to do with it?

Oops, you're right. flux2 should just be B1 * A1. Though this is where I'm getting confused right now. On my equation sheet, provided by the instructor, our equation for magnetic flux looks like the following: flux = N * Integral ( B dot dA ) :/

In the end [of that part of the problem] I got emf2 = ( μo * N2 * N1 * Ii * A1 ) / Δt, where Ii is the initial current (1.5A), A1 is the cross-sectional area of the solenoid, and Δt is 0.025s. It came out to 165.18mV, which was marked correct.
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  • #6
rude man said:
Recall from the problem, it states: "very long solenoid (you may approximate it as infinite.)"

So I have four choices for part a, which asks, The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time ...
1) is zero across the entire area
2) is a constant non-zero value across the entire area
3) is a zero value in some locatoins an a constant non-zero value in others
4) varies continuously across the entire area.

From what I've read, I'm thinking the magnetic field outside the solenoid is zero, and that inside the solenoid it is pretty much constant.
  • #7
ArtVandelay said:
Oops, you're right. flux2 should just be B1 * A1. Though this is where I'm getting confused right now. On my equation sheet, provided by the instructor, our equation for magnetic flux looks like the following: flux = N * Integral ( B dot dA ) :/
You have to look at the context. Maybe he/she meant that the flux due to N windings in a solenoid is N times the flux due to 1 winding, etc. But flux = ∫B*dA always.
In the end [of that part of the problem] I got emf2 = ( μo * N2 * N1 * Ii * A1 ) / Δt, where Ii is the initial current (1.5A), A1 is the cross-sectional area of the solenoid, and Δt is 0.025s. It came out to 165.18mV, which was marked correct.

Your N1 should be n1, no. of turns per meter. But that's what you obviously used to get the right answer. Just remember the distinction ... :smile:
  • #8
ArtVandelay said:
Recall from the problem, it states: "very long solenoid (you may approximate it as infinite.)"

So I have four choices for part a, which asks, The magnetic field across the coil's entire cross-sectional area (as caused by the solenoid) at any given time ...
1) is zero across the entire area
2) is a constant non-zero value across the entire area
3) is a zero value in some locatoins an a constant non-zero value in others
4) varies continuously across the entire area.

From what I've read, I'm thinking the magnetic field outside the solenoid is zero, and that inside the solenoid it is pretty much constant.

That's what I'm thinking! :smile:
  • #9
Thank you for your help.
  • #10
ArtVandelay said:
Thank you for your help.

You're most welcome.

FAQ: Inductance of Solenoid on Coaxial Cable

1. What is the concept of inductance in a solenoid on a coaxial cable?

Inductance is the ability of a solenoid, which is a coil of wire, to store energy in the form of a magnetic field when an electrical current flows through it. The coaxial cable, with its inner and outer conductors separated by an insulating material, acts as the core of the solenoid, increasing its inductance.

2. How does the inductance of a solenoid on a coaxial cable affect the transmission of signals?

The inductance of the solenoid on the coaxial cable can create a delay in the transmission of signals due to the magnetic field generated by the current. This can result in distortion or attenuation of the signal, impacting its quality and strength.

3. Can the inductance of a solenoid on a coaxial cable be controlled?

Yes, the inductance of a solenoid on a coaxial cable can be controlled by changing the number of turns in the coil, the length of the coil, or the distance between the coil and the coaxial cable. These factors can be adjusted to achieve the desired inductance for a specific application.

4. How does the inductance of a solenoid on a coaxial cable vary with frequency?

The inductance of a solenoid on a coaxial cable is directly proportional to the frequency of the electrical current passing through it. As the frequency increases, the inductance also increases. This is due to the changing magnetic field and the skin effect, which causes the current to flow mostly on the surface of the conductors.

5. What are some practical applications of a solenoid on a coaxial cable with controlled inductance?

A solenoid on a coaxial cable with controlled inductance is commonly used in electronic circuits, such as filters and amplifiers, to adjust the impedance and improve signal quality. It is also used in power transmission systems to reduce power loss and regulate voltage. Additionally, it can be found in medical devices, telecommunications equipment, and many other technological applications.
