Inductive effect in carbocations/radicals

  • Thread starter sludger13
  • Start date
In summary, this thesis is true- the carbo stability is due to the inductive effect of partial charges on the neighboring groups.
  • #1
Let's have primary, secondary and terciary carbo radical/cation.

1) The central carbon has lesser shielded nucleus (one electron from a group is missing or both its and groups's electrons are missing). So the nucleus electrostatic force increases.

2) Primary carbo radical/cation attracts electrons from two hydrogens and from one carbon. Also the two hydrogens gets larger effective charge, but this effect on carbon (on its hydrogens) is weaker (btw. why is it weaker?). In primary carbo the hydrogens have the largest effective charge and so that is the reason of its unstablility.

3) Terciary carbo radical/cation attracts electrons from only three carbons, and again the inductive effect on their hydrogens is weaker, so the hydrogens there have the slightest effective charge and so that is the reason of terciary carbo relative stability.

Please tell me whether this thesis is true (if the carbo stability is the reason of the degree of its hydrogens effective charge). I'm interested only in the inductive effect (not in hyperconjugation as the other stabilising factor).
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  • #2
I've never heard of the inductive effect being described by the induction of partial charges on the neighboring groups. It has always been an electron 'push' of R groups or electron pull of electronegative groups (O, F etc).

I'm not exactly sure you're description is correct. Did you actually read this, or something like this, somewhere? I've always considered the physical basis of the inductive effect a bit hand-wavy and have come to just accept that it allows us to develop trends and make quick qualitative predictions without resorting to ab initio QM calculations. It would be extremely impractical for a synthetic organic chemist to spend a vast majority of their time setting up models and running calculations for a multi-step synthesis. Most times it is cheaper and more efficient to just mix some stuff together, reflux overnight and characterize the products after making an educated guess about the electronics, but I digress.

Try posting up where you read such a description of the inductive effect and we can try to examine it together.
  • #3
Yanick said:
Did you actually read this, or something like this, somewhere?
No, I figured it out as I read the only explanations that didn't physically explain the whole thing (the inductive effect doesn't occur on hydrogens, because...).

Yanick said:
I've never heard of the inductive effect being described by the induction of partial charges on the neighboring groups.
The primary result of the inductive effect is a partial charge, as I know.

The partial charges in carbo cation molecules are on the picture below:



From that I guess the positive partial charge in primary ion is the highest (because only one carbon is donating electrons). That causes primary ion unstability.
The positive partial charges in terciary ion are the lowest (because three carbons are donating electrons, so every carbon donates just a little, and their partial charges do not add up). That causes terciary ion stability.

Though I have never found (and probably will not ever find (definitely not from a chemist :frown:)), why the hydrogens do not participate. If so, there must be a reason (why the carbons induct and hydrogens don't, as is shown on the picture). A carbon has higher electronegativity than a hydrogen, so positive partial charges would anyway end up on the hydrogens - that is my thought written above.

Yanick said:
Try posting up where you read such a description of the inductive effect and we can try to examine it together.
If you get over I devised the thought, you can either disprove it or examine the chemguide source...
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  • #4
March Adv Org Chem 2nd Ed (sorry, don't have more recent) pg 20-21:
This polarization effect is actually the sum of two effects. ... This polarization of one bond caused by the polarization of an adjacent bond is called the *inductive effect*. The effect is greatest for adjacent bonds but may also be felt farther away... The other effect operates directly through space or through solvent molecules, and is called the *field effect*. It is often very difficult to separate the two kinds of effect... the field effect depends the geometry of the molecule but the inductive effect depends only on the nature [and connectivity] of the bonds.
<now here we get to the important part (pg 21) >
The evidence overwhelming that field effects are much more important than inductive effects. In most cases the two types of effect are considered together... ← < note! its likely what you are reading is misleading, conflating the two effects and using the term "inductive" to mean both>
<Finally> Functional groups can be classified as electron-withdrawing (-I) or electron-donating (+I) groups RELATIVE TO HYDROGEN. <emphasis mine> this answers your question about hydrogen, its defined as the zero-point. (which makes sense in organic chemistry, less sense in physical/quantum chemistry)
Also note that δ± is meant in the sense of "very small". Meaning 0 ±δ or +1 ±δ are still very close to 0 or +1 respectively, like the δ of calculus, f(x+δ) as δ → 0, So +1 + 3(δ+) is still close to +1. Quantum mechanically speaking, the more ways we can distribute the (unstable) + charge density, the less unstable will be the resulting species.
  • #5
I should've been more clear in my response, it was late and my brain was tired.

I couldn't piece together your description of the hydrogen participation. By that I mean I (mis)understood your post as implying that the hydrogens connected to the alkyl groups neighboring the carbocation play a role in the charge distribution.

abitslow gave a pretty good reply so I'll leave it at that for now.
  • #6
abitslow said:
<Finally> Functional groups can be classified as electron-withdrawing (-I) or electron-donating (+I) groups RELATIVE TO HYDROGEN. <emphasis mine> this answers your question about hydrogen, its defined as the zero-point. (which makes sense in organic chemistry, less sense in physical/quantum chemistry)
Doesn't make a sense. If hydrogen is defined as the zero-point, then all the carbons should have (-δ).
I don't understand how electron "transfer" can be relative to one special atom - electron is transfering from one atom (electron-donating atom (+I)) to another atom (electron-withdrawing atom (-I)).
  • #7
Because it is all a bit hand wavy, like I tried to say above. Maybe you are confused because you are assuming a saturated sp3 carbon has an equivalent electronegativity to a carbocation which is better described as an sp2 carbon. The latter can be considered a bit more electronegative as well as acidic. To convince yourself of this, look up the pKa's of ethane, ethene and ethyne for example which are sp3, sp2 and sp.

Once again I want to reiterate that all of these explanations are pretty hand wavy. Even electronegativity scales are defined in many different ways, the most common being Pauling's scale. These are all empirical rules of thumb developed by chemists to explain trends found through experiment and really were developed because people already knew, for example, that HF become H+ and F-.

Consider acetic acid with a pKa of 4.75. When we replace one hydrogen with a fluorine atom (fluoroacetic acid) the pKa becomes ~2.66, for trifluoroacetic acid the pKa become ~0. This trend is very well explained by the inductive effect. You can do something similar with chloroacetic acid but notice that the effect won't be as large since chlorine is not as electronegative as fluorine. [ref:]

I hope this might clear some things up for you.
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  • #8
Yanick said:
The latter can be considered a bit more electronegative as well as acidic. To convince yourself of this, look up the pKa's of ethane, ethene and ethyne for example which are sp3, sp2 and sp.
This trend seems logic. It results not only in rising acidity of (ethane, ethene, ethyne), but in the largest reactivity of alkane carbons with only one hydrogen (C-C(CH3)H-C) (for example in radical substitution).
You correctly mentioned acidity as the partial positive charge on hydrogens as the least electronegative elements in the molecule. It is sure (+δ) moves to hydrogens also in carbo cation/radical.

Related to Inductive effect in carbocations/radicals

1. What is the inductive effect in carbocations/radicals?

The inductive effect is a phenomenon in which the polarity of a chemical group or atom affects the polarity of neighboring groups or atoms. In the case of carbocations and radicals, the positive or negative charge on the carbon atom can influence the electron density in adjacent carbon atoms, leading to stabilization or destabilization of the molecule.

2. How does the inductive effect influence the stability of carbocations/radicals?

The inductive effect can either stabilize or destabilize carbocations and radicals. If the neighboring group or atom is electron-withdrawing, it can pull electron density away from the positively charged carbon atom, making it more stable. Conversely, if the neighboring group or atom is electron-donating, it can push electron density towards the positively charged carbon atom, making it less stable.

3. What is the difference between the inductive effect in carbocations and radicals?

The inductive effect in carbocations and radicals is similar in that both involve the transfer of electron density from neighboring groups or atoms. However, in carbocations, the neighboring group is typically an electron-withdrawing group, while in radicals, the neighboring group is usually an electron-donating group. This is because radicals are neutral species and require an extra electron for stability.

4. How does the inductive effect affect the reactivity of carbocations/radicals?

The inductive effect can significantly impact the reactivity of carbocations and radicals. Electron-withdrawing groups can stabilize carbocations, making them less reactive, while electron-donating groups can destabilize carbocations, making them more reactive. In the case of radicals, the inductive effect can either enhance or decrease reactivity, depending on the nature of the neighboring group.

5. Can the inductive effect be used to control the regioselectivity of reactions involving carbocations/radicals?

Yes, the inductive effect can be utilized to control the regioselectivity of reactions involving carbocations and radicals. By strategically placing electron-withdrawing or electron-donating groups on a molecule, the stability of different carbocation or radical intermediates can be altered, leading to preferential formation of one product over another. This is commonly seen in organic synthesis, where the inductive effect can be harnessed to selectively produce a desired product.

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