Inductive proof in complex arithmetic

In summary, Mr. Vodka suggests rewriting the equation for cos(kx) to cos[(n+1)x] and using the geometric series formula.
  • #1
Dr. Seafood

Homework Statement

Prove that for any [itex]n \in \mathbb{N}[/itex] and [itex]x \in \mathbb{R}[/itex], we have

[tex]\sum_{k = 0}^{n} {\cos{(kx)}} = \frac{1}{2}+ \frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2 - 2\cos {x}}[/tex]

Homework Equations

None I can think of.

The Attempt at a Solution

Try induction. The result holds if n = 0. Suppose the result holds for some natural number n. Then we get

[tex]\sum_{k = 0}^{n + 1} {\cos{(kx)}} = \sum_{k = 0}^{n} {\cos{(kx)} + \cos{[(n + 1)x]}} = \frac{1}{2}+ \frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2 - 2\cos {x}} + \cos{[(n + 1)x]}[/tex]

Now I could collect the denominators but it doesn't help (as far as I can see). I'm stuck at this point. Please help me out!

For some perspective ... This is a third year complex analysis course and this is my first assignment. My first year algebra course covered induction and complex numbers, so I can't tell if the purpose of this question is review or if there's a deeper trick to it. The rest of the problems on this assignment are on the topology of the complex plane so this problem is kind of a sore thumb. It seems like it should be "easier" but I'm having a hard time. :(
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  • #2
Have you tried rewriting the LHS using complex notation and then using the good ol' summation formula for a geometric progression?
  • #3
Dr. Seafood said:

Homework Statement

Prove that for any [itex]n \in \mathbb{N}[/itex] and [itex]x \in \mathbb{R}[/itex], we have

[tex]\sum_{k = 1}^{n} {\cos{(kx)}} = \frac{1}{2}+ \frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2 - 2\cos {x}}[/tex]

Homework Equations

None I can think of.

The Attempt at a Solution

Try induction. The result holds if n = 0. Suppose the result holds for some natural number n. Then we get

[tex]\sum_{k = 1}^{n + 1} {\cos{(kx)}} = \sum_{k = 1}^{n} {\cos{(kx)} + \cos{[(n + 1)x]}} = \frac{1}{2}+ \frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2 - 2\cos {x}} + \cos{[(n + 1)x]}[/tex]

Now I could collect the denominators but it doesn't help (as far as I can see). I'm stuck at this point. Please help me out!

For some perspective ... This is a third year complex analysis course and this is my first assignment. My first year algebra course covered induction and complex numbers, so I can't tell if the purpose of this question is review or if there's a deeper trick to it. The rest of the problems on this assignment are on the topology of the complex plane so this problem is kind of a sore thumb. It seems like it should be "easier" but I'm having a hard time. :(
It looks to me like the summations should be from 0 to n, not 1 to n.
  • #4
Sorry sorry sorry I mistyped the question! Certainly summation begins with k = 0.
  • #5
mr. vodka said:
Have you tried rewriting the LHS using complex notation and then using the good ol' summation formula for a geometric progression?

Which complex notation are you talking about? We actually haven't learned much about complex numbers in particular ... It's an analysis class, so the prof defined [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex] as [itex]\mathbb{R}^2[/itex] with "funny multiplication" and then we immediately started talking about Cauchy sequences, topology, holomorphic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, that kind of thing. So I actually don't really know what to expect of this particular problem. It might be a trick question?? ...
  • #6
If you're a third year undergrad, you should know the formula [itex]\cos x = \frac{1}{2} \left( e^{ix} - e^{-ix} \right)[/itex], am I mistaken?
  • #7
Oh yeah! I saw it before in first year but it's been a while since then, lol. That's not really too in-depth but the only stuff I've done with complex numbers was studying inner product spaces, and all we didn't need stuff complex exponential notation to do that.

But yeah I'll try that formula and get back to you, thanks!
  • #8
Dr. Seafood said:
Oh yeah! I saw it before in first year but it's been a while since then, lol. That's not really too in-depth but the only stuff I've done with complex numbers was studying inner product spaces, and all we didn't need stuff complex exponential notation to do that.

But yeah I'll try that formula and get back to you, thanks!

Remembering cos(kx)=Re(exp(ikx)) might come in handy for the geometric series part as well.
  • #9
Dr. Seafood said:

Now I could collect the denominators but it doesn't help (as far as I can see).
It certainly does help.

[itex]\displaystyle \frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2 - 2\cos (x)} + \cos{[(n + 1)x]}[/itex]
[itex]\displaystyle =\frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}}{2(1 - \cos(x))} +\frac{2(1 - \cos(x))\cos{[(n + 1)x]}}{2(1 - \cos(x))}[/itex]

[itex]\displaystyle =\frac{\cos{(nx)} - \cos{[(n+1)x]}+2\cos{[(n+1)x]}-2\cos(x)\cos[(n+1)x] }{2(1 - \cos(x))}[/itex]

[itex]\displaystyle =\frac{\cos{(nx)} +\cos{[(n+1)x]}-2\cos(x)\cos[(n+1)x] }{2(1 - \cos(x))}[/itex]​
It gives you the cos[(n+1)x] term in the numerator. All that you need to show is the the rest of the numerator gives -cos[(n+2)x]. What mr. vodka suggested will easily accomplish that.
  • #10
Actually the formula is [itex]\cos x = \frac{e^{ix} + e^{-ix}}{2}[/itex] but the general idea of using this formula was very helpful! It's a lot easier to show this directly by plugging in that formula and using the geometric sum formula, than to use induction.

Cool problem though! Thanks guys.

FAQ: Inductive proof in complex arithmetic

What is inductive proof in complex arithmetic?

Inductive proof in complex arithmetic is a method of proving a statement to be true for all complex numbers by using mathematical induction. It involves showing that the statement is true for a base case, and then using the principle of mathematical induction to prove that it is also true for the next case, and so on.

How is inductive proof used in complex arithmetic?

Inductive proof is used in complex arithmetic to prove statements involving complex numbers, such as equations or inequalities, to be true for all complex numbers. It is a powerful tool in mathematics and is used to prove many important theorems.

What is the principle of mathematical induction?

The principle of mathematical induction states that if a statement is true for a base case, and then can be shown to be true for the next case assuming it is true for the previous case, then the statement is true for all cases. This is the basis of inductive proof in complex arithmetic.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when using inductive proof in complex arithmetic?

Some common mistakes to avoid when using inductive proof in complex arithmetic include assuming that the statement is true for all cases without proving it, using incorrect or incomplete base cases, and making incorrect assumptions during the proof.

Can inductive proof be used to prove any statement in complex arithmetic?

No, inductive proof can only be used to prove statements that can be written in terms of natural numbers. This means that the statement must involve a finite number of operations, and cannot involve any irrational or transcendental numbers, such as pi or e.

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