Inertia of door vs. braking torque?

In summary: The friction can be adjusted to stop the door from slamming by reducing the amount of torque that is applied.
  • #1
Hi. I'm designing what effectively is a large door on hinges. The door has the following properties

Mass = 336 kg
Width = 1.8m

The door rotates from closed position through 45deg to open position. In order to 'control' or damp the rotation of the door, I'm fitting a 3Nm friction clutch on the hinge axis.

What I'm struggling to calculate is - Is the friction in the friction clutch high enough to effectively control the rotation of the door without it slamming into it's endstops in the open and closed positions?

I know the torque. I can calculate the door's moment of inertia. I can guess at the force that an operator might push the door - 10N? If 10N is reasonable, then the torque exerted is 18Nm. So, the friction clutch will easily be exceeded, which is good because otherwise the operator wouldn't be able to open/close the door.

But where I'm struggling is to understand how the friction will retard the rotation of the door to prevent it slamming into the endstops.

Any help much appreciated. Thanks.
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  • #2
This is a rather heavy door, but you have not stated how it is mounted on its hinges. Is this a normal door with the hinges in-line vertically? Or is it mounted in some other manner?

In any event, 10N doesn't seem like enough force to cause this door to slam even without any friction clutches mounted. If you want to slam a room door, for example, you don't give it a gentle 10 N nudge, you grab the door with your hand and swing your arm across your body.
  • #3
It's essentially a rack of equipment, but to all intents and purposes it's a heavy door.

There are 2 hinges in line vertically.

My concern is that due to the large inertia, once the door starts moving it won't easily stop.
  • #4
Will adding a friction clutch make the door harder to open? You might just encourage the operator to pull harder.

If you know the torque that can be applied and the moment of inertia you can work out how fast an operator could get the door rotating from a standing start.

Torque = moment of inertia * angular acceleration

Perhaps assume he pulls hard and keeps accelerating the door until it reaches say 45 degrees open. Work out how fast it's rotating at that point

Then perhaps assume that at the 45 degree point he stops trying to accelerate the door and allows it to coast towards the end stops. It will decelerate due to the torque from the friction clutch and you can work out how fast it will be going when it hits the end stops (or even if it will hit the end stop).

I'm thinking you might do better to build a shock absorber and damper into the end stops because the forces involved will also depend on the stopping distance.
  • #5
ghobbs said:
I'm fitting a 3Nm friction clutch on the hinge axis.
For this purpose the resistance should be velocity dependent, rather than constant:

FAQ: Inertia of door vs. braking torque?

1. How does the inertia of a door affect its braking torque?

The inertia of a door is directly related to its braking torque. Inertia is the resistance of an object to change its state of motion, and in this case, it refers to the door's resistance to rotate or stop rotating. The greater the inertia, the more force is needed to slow down or stop the door from rotating, resulting in a higher braking torque.

2. Can the inertia of a door be changed?

Yes, the inertia of a door can be changed by altering its mass or distribution of mass. Increasing or decreasing the mass of the door will directly affect its inertia, and changing the distribution of mass can also impact the door's inertia in different ways.

3. How does the speed of a door affect its inertia and braking torque?

The speed of a door has a significant impact on both its inertia and braking torque. As the door rotates faster, its inertia increases, requiring more force to slow down or stop. This results in a higher braking torque needed to counteract the door's rotational motion.

4. How does the surface friction affect the braking torque of a door?

The surface friction between the door and its hinges or track can affect the braking torque. Higher friction will result in a greater resistance to the door's rotational motion, thus increasing the required braking torque to stop the door from rotating.

5. Can the braking torque be calculated based on the inertia of a door?

Yes, the braking torque can be calculated based on the door's inertia. The formula for calculating the braking torque is T = I * α, where T is the braking torque, I is the moment of inertia, and α is the angular acceleration. However, other factors such as friction and speed also play a role in determining the braking torque.

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