Infinite Energy Through Extradimensions?

In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of an extradimensional source of infinite energy and the idea of a multiverse with infinite dimensions. There are no current theories or evidence to support these ideas, and it is difficult to extract energy from these sources. The concept of communicating with other universes is also discussed, but it is purely speculative and not based on empirical evidence. Additionally, the conversation touches on the concept of Hilbert spaces, which is a mathematical concept and not directly related to the idea of a multiverse.
  • #1
is it possible that there could exist a dimension of infinite energy that we could use as a source to accelerate to the speed of light and could biological quantum wormholes provide us with an extradimensional source of infinite energy somewhere. are there any theories on an extradimension of infinite energy for everyone or for each individual atom. so I am still learning and just throwing things out there.

thanks for any answers
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  • #2
is it possible that there could exist a dimension of infinite energy

Possible? Anything is possible unless proved otherwise. However, there is no evidence for any such thing.
  • #3
If the idea of the multiverse is correct then supposedly there are infinite dimensions (or is it?), though each has a finite amount of energy, supposedly.
  • #4
The idea of multiverse has (as far as I know) no connection with the idea of infinite dimensions. Multiverse idea seems to be related to M theory (current upgrade of string theory) which has 11 dimensions (10 space + time).
  • #5
If you're lookling for ideas for a story, something to consider to make it plausible: (Warning: entering fantasy).

My philosophical understanding of the cosmos is that, while there may be all sorts of places for potential energy sources to reside, that doesn't mean they're free for the taking. There tends to be a cost in energy to extract it, often a large fraction of the amount you get. For example, fusion requires a very large input of energy to pass the "hump" where you get more out than you put in.

If there were an alternate dimension with infinite energy, you couldn't just stick a faucet in it and drain it off. You'd need to overcome a huge barrier, using a huge amount of energy.

If that weren't the case, it would be happening naturally and spontaneously all the time.

P.S. I don't know what a biological quantum wormhole is, but it sounds like a poultice and salve would do the trick.
  • #6
well i guess i should have said, "a source so big that it appears to be infinite, and could we be wrong about the amount of energy it takes to excel to "c". could it just be that the energy to get to "c" is so large that it appears to have to take an infinite amount of energy and when i say biological quantum wormholes, i mean a biological source within our bodies that would cause quantum wormholes or do now cause quantum wormholes.
  • #7
You're right, I've misphrased what I was saying. Replace 'dimensions' with universes and that is what I was saying.

M-Theory is the combining of the different string theories (there are 5 and M-theory is the one that is connecting them).

The multiverse is different, though I'm not intelligent enough to given the explanation it's due.
  • #8
Infinite energy is non-existent. There is nothing that is infinite in the physical world; this is because infinity doesn't exist as a number. I may sound like a fool, but when we (physicists) say [tex]x=\infty[/tex], others (mathematicians) frown on us, because what we actually mean is [tex]\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}[/tex].

The multiverse also cannot work because we do not and cannot communicate with another multiverse. The multiverse idea is an interpretation of quantum mechanics, meaning that it has no empirically testable facts. So whatever you interpret QM as, it cannot have an effect on physical measurements.

Quantum wormholes do not generate infinite energy, if the wormhole exists for a shorter and shorter time, then there can be a larger and larger energy difference. To actually get to infinity, you'd have to have a wormhole that exists for zero time, which doesn't make sense. And finally, it is impossible for any massive body to attain the speed c in any inertial reference frame, and impossible for any massless body to change from c in any inertial reference frame.
  • #9
The multiverse also cannot work because we do not and cannot communicate with another multiverse

Define communicate.

As people like Deustch have speculated when a quantum computer is running calculations it is actually doing it in these multiverses (others say Hilbert space). On top of that it's been said that if you were able to build a quantum computer with an appropriate AI you could ask it where it was doing these calculations and if the idea of the multiverse was valid.

Would any of these qualify as 'communicate'

While these ideas are all rather far fetched and difficult to swallow they are not beyond the realms of the laws of quantum mechanics as we know it.

Just thinking.
  • #10
The multiverses aren't separate parts of Hilbert spaces; they are fairly unrelated concepts. The state vector [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex] doesn't have any meaning unless we qualify with the space it inhabits, and that is the Hilbert space. The multiverse idea is saying that whenever a measurement is made, which would require the wavefunction to collapse from [tex]|\psi\rangle[/tex] to [tex]|\psi_1\rangle[/tex] from the possible set [tex]\left{|\psi_i\rangle\right}[/tex] according to the Copenhagen interpretation, instead we say that there are [tex]i[/tex] multiverses, and the one we are in happens to be the one such that [tex]i=1[/tex].

But if you seem to know what Hilbert spaces are, I would tell you that the eigenstates are linearly independent and the qubit is only a superposition. The linear independence assures that what happens in one "multiverse" doesn't affect the other.
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  • #11
The multiverses aren't separate parts of Hilbert spaces

I didn't say that.

Also, relax, you know more than me, I'm willing to admit that without a formal challenge.
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  • #12
Multiverse idea is a concept of science (physics or cosmology), i.e. with the 7 extra dimensions in M theory, there are other physical universes. This has nothing to do with Hilbert space which is a purely mathematical concept, essentially an infinite dimensional generalization of Euclidean space (which can be n dimensional for any integer n).
  • #13
Multiverse acording to the string / M theory information that i have is infinite multidimensional universes surrounded by Branes.

And that these brane covered universes move freely around amoung themselfs. Possibly even touching at times... There is speculation as to what happens at these events.
  • #14
In most versions of multiverse theory, each universe is separated by an event horizon, much like a black hole. This keeps them causally separated from one another.

Related to Infinite Energy Through Extradimensions?

1. What is "Infinite Energy Through Extradimensions"?

"Infinite Energy Through Extradimensions" is a theoretical concept in physics that proposes the existence of additional dimensions beyond the three spatial dimensions (length, width, and height) and one temporal dimension (time) that we experience in our daily lives. It suggests that these extra dimensions may hold the key to unlocking infinite sources of energy.

2. How do these extradimensions contribute to infinite energy?

The idea is that these additional dimensions could contain an infinite amount of energy that we can tap into and harness for practical use. This energy could potentially be accessed by manipulating the properties of these dimensions, such as their size, shape, or curvature.

3. Is there any scientific evidence for the existence of extradimensions?

Currently, there is no concrete evidence for the existence of extradimensions. However, some theories in physics, such as string theory and M-theory, suggest the possibility of multiple dimensions. These theories are still being studied and researched, and further evidence is needed to confirm the existence of extradimensions.

4. What are the potential applications of infinite energy through extradimensions?

If we are able to harness infinite energy through extradimensions, it could have a wide range of applications, including powering entire cities, space travel, and solving the global energy crisis. It could also lead to advancements in technology and scientific understanding.

5. Are there any potential risks or consequences of accessing infinite energy through extradimensions?

As with any new technology, there may be potential risks associated with accessing infinite energy through extradimensions. These could include unintended consequences on the fabric of our universe, potential environmental impacts, and ethical concerns. Further research and careful consideration would be necessary before implementing this concept into practical use.

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