Infinite series converging to natural log

In summary, we can prove that the series sum 1/2^(n+1)*n/(n+1), from n=0 to infinity, converges to 1 - log(2) by expressing each term as the difference of two fractions and then using the Taylor series for log(x) about x=1. This allows us to rewrite the series as two simpler series, one of which is a geometrical progression and the other can be represented as an integral. We can also note that the second sum is related to the expansion of log(x-1) for a particular value of x. This problem was originally posed as a Google interview question.
  • #1
Prove that sum 1/2^(n+1)*n/(n+1), from n=0 to infinity, converges to 1 - log(2), where log stands for the natural logarithm.

I know that the Taylor series for log(x) about x=1 is sum (-1)^(n+1)*(x-1)^n/n, but I don't see how these two statements are consistent.

Thanks for any pointers!
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  • #2
The [tex]n(n + 1)[/tex] in the denominator is a clue that you should try expressing each term of the series as the difference of two fractions.
  • #3
sorry, what n(n+1) in the denominator? Also, there was a typo in my original post which I have since corrected--the first sum had terms of the form 2^(n+1)*n/(n+1), and it should have been 1/2^(n+1)*n/(n+1).
  • #4
Ah -- your expression is ambiguously parenthesized and so I read what I expected to see, not what you intended. Do you mean the sum is [tex]\sum_{n\geq 1} \frac1{2^{n+1}} \frac{n}{n + 1}} = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{n}{2^{n+1}(n + 1)}[/tex]? If so, to write it the way you did you should parenthesize: (1/2^(n+1))(n/(n + 1)).
  • #5
yes--that's what I meant. Sorry for not making it more readable.
  • #6
OK, here's a hint: you should, in fact, be thinking about the Taylor series which you wrote above, [tex]\log(1 + u) = \sum_{n\geq 1} \frac{(-1)^{n+1}u^n}{n}[/tex] -- but the correct value of [tex]u[/tex] is not [tex]1[/tex].
  • #7
well, my first thought is express 1 - log(2) = log(e/2)=log( 1+(e-2)/2 ), ie, letting u be (e-2)/2, and then we end up with the = sum { (-1)^(n+1)*((e-2)/2)^n/n } from n=0 to infinity... is this the right track?
  • #8
You have one good idea and one bad idea in there. The bad idea is the one that introduces something that isn't in the series you're trying to mimic; the good idea is the one that introduces something that is in it.
  • #9
zodiak770 said:
yes--that's what I meant. Sorry for not making it more readable.

Divide the series into two fractions:
[tex] S = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac 1 {2^{n+1}} - \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac 1 {2^{n+1}(n+1)} [/tex]
The first series is a geometrical progression, the second can be represented as [tex]\int_0^{1/2}\sum_{n=0}^\infty x^{n} dx[/tex].
  • #10
inline said:
Divide the series into two fractions:
[tex] S = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac 1 {2^{n+1}} - \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac 1 {2^{n+1}(n+1)} [/tex]
The first series is a geometrical progression, the second can be represented as [tex]\int_0^{1/2}\sum_{n=0}^\infty x^{n} dx[/tex].

You might also note that the second sum is a sum you can get out of your expansion of log(x-1) for a particular value of x.

Related to Infinite series converging to natural log

What is an infinite series?

An infinite series is a sum of infinitely many terms. It can be written in the form of ∑ an, where n ranges from 0 to infinity and an represents each term in the series.

What is the natural logarithm (ln)?

The natural logarithm, denoted by ln, is the inverse function of the exponential function ex. It is often used to calculate the time needed for a quantity to grow or decay, and can also be used to solve exponential equations.

How do you calculate the natural logarithm using infinite series?

The natural logarithm can be calculated using the infinite series representation: ln(x) = ∑ (x-1)n/n, where n ranges from 1 to infinity. The more terms are included in the series, the more accurate the approximation of ln(x) will be.

What is the limit of the infinite series for ln(x)?

The limit of the infinite series for ln(x) is ln(x), which means that as the number of terms in the series approaches infinity, the sum of the terms will approach ln(x).

What are some applications of infinite series converging to natural log?

Infinite series converging to natural log have various applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. They can be used to calculate the value of complex functions, evaluate integrals, and solve differential equations. They are also used in the study of population growth, radioactive decay, and other natural phenomena.

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