Infinite series, power series problem

In summary, at least one-half of the impurity remains no matter how many stages are used in a water purification process.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In a water purification process, one-nth of the impurity is removed in the first stage. In each succeeding stage, the amount of impurity removed is one-nth of that removed in the preceding stage. Show that if n=2, the water can be made a pure as you like, but if n=3, at least one-half of the impurity remains no matter how many stages are used.

Homework Equations

may be relevant, Sn = (ao(1-rn)/(1-r))Sn-rSn = (ao-aor^n)

The Attempt at a Solution

well i figured out the series expansion for bothSUM (1/(n^2 -n)) (sorry i couldn't figure out the text thing)n=2 gives = 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/20 + ...

n=3 gives = 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/20 + 1/36 + ...

I know the sum of n=2 is pretty much 1 and n=3 is pretty much 1/2. My real problem is i can't figure out how to get it into:Sn = (ao(1-rn)/(1-r))so I can differentiate to get the sum. Any help would be appreciated and thanks for helping a noob
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  • #2
Liquidxlax said:
n=2 gives = 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/20 + ...

n=3 gives = 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/20 + 1/36 + ...

Can you explain how you got these sums? They don't model the situation that the problem describes.
  • #3
jgens said:
Can you explain how you got these sums? They don't model the situation that the problem describes.
i got those sums, by finding the equation 1/(n-1) - (1/n) = 1/(n^2 - n)

This is what i did for n=2 n=2 wolfram

n=3 n=3 wolfram
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  • #4
Calculate the removed impurity.
At the first step, 1/n part of the impurity is removed.
In the second and every subsequent step, 1/n times the previously removed quantity is removed.

So the removed amount in k steps is

1/n +1/n^2 +1/n^3 +...1/n^k. What do you get after infinite steps?

  • #5
ehild said:
Calculate the removed impurity.
At the first step, 1/n part of the impurity is removed.
In the second and every subsequent step, 1/n times the previously removed quantity is removed.

So the removed amount in k steps is

1/n +1/n^2 +1/n^3 +...1/n^k. What do you get after infinite steps?


i'm sorry but i messed up my second post, I'm not sure if you were responding to that one, but i made a mistake in my equation.
  • #6
If you follow ehild's lead, you'll solve the problem pretty quickly. I'm not sure what reasoning your using to get your sums, but it's not correct.
  • #7
can someone please just give me a solution, because this is apparently the easiest part of my assignment, and there are 3 questions like this, meanwhile i have completed all the apparent harder ones. If i could see one example of this sort, i should be able to figure it out.
  • #8
It's against PF policy to give complete solutions. We can however, guide you towards a solution.
  • #9
jgens said:
It's against PF policy to give complete solutions. We can however, guide you towards a solution.

okay that is something i did not know.

Well can you tell me why i am wrong, because I'm really lost

all i have to work with for equations are;

Sn = (a(1-rn))/(1-r)

S = lim (n[tex]\rightarrow[/tex][tex]\infty[/tex]) Sn

S = a/(1-r)

for this section, so this is what I'm assuming should help solve this problem.
I'm not sure how to find r or a, and i guess that is my major problem.
  • #10
Use this ...

ehild said:
Calculate the removed impurity.
At the first step, 1/n part of the impurity is removed.
In the second and every subsequent step, 1/n times the previously removed quantity is removed.

So the removed amount in k steps is

1/n +1/n^2 +1/n^3 +...1/n^k. What do you get after infinite steps?

  • #11
jgens said:
Use this ...

1/n^2 + 1/n^3 + 1/n^4 + ... + 1/n^(k-1) = Sn

1/n^3 + 1/n^4 + 1/n^5 + ... + 1/n^k-1 + 1/n^k = rSn

Sn - rSn = 1/n^3 - 1/n^k = a(1 - r^k)

a(1 - r^k) = (1/n^3)(1 - (1/n^k)) no k-3 since k is going to infinity?

Sn(1 - r) = Sn(1- (1/n))Sn = ((1/n^3)(1 - (1/n^k))) / (1 - (1/n))S = lim (k approaches infinity) Sn

S = (1/n^3)/(1 - (1/n))

Is this it? I think i got it
  • #12
Liquidxlax said:
1/n^2 + 1/n^3 + 1/n^4 + ... + 1/n^(k-1) = Sn

What happened to the term 1/n?
  • #13
jgens said:
What happened to the term 1/n?

whoops, but if i add that it should work?

i need n=2 to infinity to ~= 1

and n=3 to infinity to ~=1/2
  • #14
You, if you redo your work including that term, it should work out.
  • #15
jgens said:
You, if you redo your work including that term, it should work out.

okay screw it, i'll try it your way once more, and if i don't get it... then i'll just skip it

Thanks for trying to help me, I can't help I'm border line retarded sometimes
  • #16
I think you mix the "n" in the problem with the "running index" of a sequence. Forget Sn. It is the sum of the first n term of a sequence. You need the sum of infinite terms which is S=a1/(1-r) for a geometric sequence with first term a1 and ratio r.

Consider the removed amount of the impurity. Suppose its original amount is 1 in some unit. In the first step, you remove 1/n of it. In the next step, you remove the n-th part of the previously removed amount, so you remove (1/n)^2. In the third step, you remove (1/n)^3, in the k-th step, the removed amount is (1/n)^k. You continue the process endlessly, and you get the following sequence

1/n, (1/n)^2, (1/n)^3... (1/n)^k...

If n=2, it is 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16...

For n=3: 1/3, 1/9, 1/27, 1/81...

What kind of sequence is it and what is the sum of infinite terms?

This sum is the theoretical amount of impurity you can remove in infinite steps.

  • #17
you know that is what i did exactly and right after my last post i realized that, and got the problem figured out. Thank you very much for the help and not getting mad because i was so stubborn

Related to Infinite series, power series problem

1. What is an infinite series?

An infinite series is a sum of an infinite number of terms. The terms can be numbers, variables, or functions.

2. What is a power series?

A power series is a type of infinite series where the terms are in the form of a variable raised to a power, such as x^2, x^3, etc.

3. How do you determine whether an infinite series converges or diverges?

There are various tests that can be used to determine the convergence or divergence of an infinite series, such as the ratio test, the root test, and the comparison test. These tests involve evaluating the limit of the series as the number of terms approaches infinity.

4. What are some real-world applications of infinite series and power series?

Infinite series and power series are used in many fields, including physics, engineering, and finance. They can be used to model natural phenomena, solve differential equations, and calculate complex financial equations.

5. How can I use power series to approximate functions?

Power series can be used to approximate functions by truncating the series at a certain term. This is known as a Taylor series and can provide a more accurate representation of a function than a polynomial approximation. The more terms that are included, the closer the approximation will be to the actual function.

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