Infinite Square Well, finding Psi(x,t)

In summary, the given solution uses the normalization condition and the formula for finding the coefficients of the energy eigenstates to find the time-dependent wavefunction by writing it as a superposition of energy eigenstates that each evolve in time with their own time factor.
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Homework Statement

A particle in the infinite square well has the initial wave function ## \Psi (x, 0) = Ax(a-x), (0 \le x \le a) ##, for some constant A. Outside the well, of course, ## \Psi = 0 ##.
Find ## \Psi (x,t)

2. Homework Equations :
Equation [1.0]:## \displaystyle c_n = \sqrt{\dfrac{2}{a}} \int_0^a \sin \left( \dfrac{n \pi x}{a}\right) \Psi (x,0)dx ##3. The answer (that is given):
First, determine A by normalising ## \Psi (x,0) ##

## \displaystyle 1 = \int_0^a | \Psi(x,t)|^2 dx##

Therefore ## A = \sqrt{\dfrac{30}{a^5}} ##

The nth coefficient is (Equation [1.0])

## \displaystyle c_n = \sqrt{\dfrac{2}{a}} \int_0^a \sin \left( \dfrac{n \pi x}{a}\right) \sqrt{\dfrac{30}{a^5}}x(a-x)dx ##

... skipped working...

## \displaystyle c_n = \dfrac{4 \sqrt{15}}{(n \pi)^3}[\cos(0) - \cos(n \pi)] ##


## c_n = 0 ## if n is even

## c_n = \dfrac{8 \sqrt{15}}{(n \pi)^3} ## if n is oddThus:

## \displaystyle \Psi (x,t) = \sqrt{\dfrac{30}{a}} \left( \dfrac{2}{a} \right) \sum \limits_{n=1, 3, 5...} \dfrac{1}{n^3} \sin \left( \dfrac{n \pi x}{a} \right) e^{(-in^2 \pi^2 \hbar t) / (2ma^2)} ##
4. The attempt at understanding it:

I get the normalisation part, and I get how they do the nth coefficient (hence I omitted the working) but I don't get why.

I thought all I had to do was normalise the ## \Psi (x,0)## and then add the time dependent factor to it, so shouldn't I get:

## \Psi (x,t) = \sqrt{\dfrac{30}{a^5}} x (a-x) \cdot e^{(-in^2 \pi^2 \hbar t) / (2ma^2)}##

Can someone explain this to me (in simple terms)?
Physics news on
  • #2
Hello, Cogswell.

If you look at your proposed solution, you can see a difficulty. What value of ##n## are you going to use in the time dependent factor?

Only the energy eigenstates ## \sin \left( \dfrac{n \pi x}{a}\right) ## evolve in time according to an exponential factor Exp##(-iE_n t/\hbar)##. Each energy eigenstate has its own time factor. So, the idea is to write the initial wavefunction as a superposition of energy eigenstates and then let each of those eigenstates evolve in time with its own time factor.

FAQ: Infinite Square Well, finding Psi(x,t)

1. What is an infinite square well?

An infinite square well is a theoretical model used in quantum mechanics to describe a particle confined within a certain space. It is represented by a potential energy function that is infinite within the boundaries of the well and zero outside of it.

2. How do you find the wave function (Psi) for a particle in an infinite square well?

The wave function for a particle in an infinite square well can be found by solving the Schrödinger equation for the well, which involves using the boundary conditions and applying the appropriate mathematical techniques. The resulting wave function will depend on the energy level of the particle.

3. What is the importance of the wave function in an infinite square well?

The wave function in an infinite square well represents the probability amplitude of finding a particle within a certain position and time. It is a crucial concept in quantum mechanics as it allows us to make predictions about the behavior of particles at the microscopic level.

4. Can the wave function (Psi) change over time in an infinite square well?

Yes, the wave function can change over time in an infinite square well. This is because the Schrödinger equation contains a time-dependent term, which means that the wave function will evolve as time passes. This allows us to study the dynamics of particles in the well.

5. How does the shape of the infinite square well affect the wave function?

The shape of the infinite square well affects the wave function by determining the allowed energy levels of the particle. A wider well will have a larger energy spacing between levels, while a deeper well will have a smaller energy spacing. This affects the behavior and probabilities of finding the particle within the well.
