Infinity & Limits: Why Does Energy Not Become Infinite?

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of infinity and limits in quantum mechanics. It is noted that for an infinite well and a harmonic oscillator, the energy levels vary as n2 and n, respectively, with no upper bound. However, it is also mentioned that while there are infinite levels, the energy does not become infinite. The question is raised as to why this is the case, and a possible explanation is given that the energy supply of the universe is finite. The conversation concludes by rephrasing the question and clarifying that every energy level has a finite energy.
  • #1
I'm confused about something from quantum mechanics but it concerns infinity and limits.
For an infinite well the energy levels vary as n2 and for an harmonic oscillator the energy levels vary as n with n taking integer values in both cases with no upper bound.
In both cases there are infinite levels but I have been told the energy does not become infinite in either case.Why does the energy not become infinite ?
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  • #2
'Have been told' isn't a very strong reference ...
Energy levels can exceed any value, as you say: no upper bound. Anything to disallow that ?

Besides the given that the energy supply of the universe is probably finite, I see no limit for this theoretical case.
  • #3
There is an infinite number of integers, but every integer is finite. Same thing.
  • #4
let me re-phrase my question. If the energy varies as n2 or n , does it ever become infinite ?
  • #5
What is "it"?
Every energy level has a finite energy.
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FAQ: Infinity & Limits: Why Does Energy Not Become Infinite?

What is infinity and how does it relate to energy?

Infinity is a mathematical concept that represents something without any limit. In the context of energy, infinity means that there is no upper bound or limit to the amount of energy that can exist.

Why does energy not become infinite?

Energy cannot become infinite because it is subject to the laws of thermodynamics, which state that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another. Additionally, energy is always conserved, meaning it cannot be increased indefinitely.

What are the limits to energy?

The limits to energy are determined by the laws of physics, including thermodynamics, conservation of energy, and the speed of light. These laws set boundaries for the amount and behavior of energy in the universe.

Can energy be created or destroyed?

No, according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another.

How does energy change form and why?

Energy changes form through various processes such as chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, and electromagnetic radiation. These changes occur because energy is constantly seeking equilibrium and will naturally flow from areas of higher concentration to areas of lower concentration.
